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He wont be for long, HillShill

Any Americans who may explain why Hillary is falling so much?

This video sums it up nicely: youtube.com/watch?v=LibRNYJmZ-I

tl;dw Clinton fell for the Trump meme and is trying to fight him on his turf

I know I'm a fucking leaf but here is the gist of it

Trump has stolen the spotlight, which Hillary had already lost to Bernie within her own party anyway. The only really interesting thing about her is that she is a woman, and also that she has a lot of suspicious shit in her history (some of it recent)

Well my dear Swedecuck, here's the way things work: Prior to Trump rolling out his campaign, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton were the presumptive nominees. Their experience and names made them seemingly shoe-ins, even as large chunks of America were unenthused about the prospect of supporting political dynasties. But then Trump crashed into things.

Trump didn't just tear down Jeb Bush on his characteristics (Evil Mr. Bully Trump), but for the first time was calling out the anti-middle class rhetoric and establishment politics on a national stage where people could hear it... and agree. Trump destroyed Jeb Bush as a result.

Now that Trump has finished shredding his opponents, he's begun to focus in on Clinton.

Turns out Hillary has a lot in common with Jeb, namely that a majority of Americans dislike her, but never knew they could choose differently. The more they learn about her political record, her double talk, her scandals, and her evasiveness the more they instinctively realize she isn't just a bitch, she's untrustworthy and wicked.

It's just a video saying trump voters are stupid

she has shifted her tactics to "vote for me because i'm not Trump" which doesn't really inspire anyone to vote for you

>RCP ignoring the +5 for Trump

Looks like Drumpf hit his ceiling. Kek take that you dumb racists

guess I'm a #CruzMissile now

Down vote for bully


He enjoyed a short unity bump. After June 7, Sanders' campaign is over. Expect a 3-7 point bump for HRC when that happens. Once she's officially the nominee her surrogates can start really going to town on Trump, too. Remember, Obama, Bill, Biden, they're all popular and on her side.

>I'm not voting for him of course
>I'm not a bigot
>But he's gonna win
>And his rhetoric is brilliant
Cuck who deep down wants to be alpha

There's a difference between rhetoric and policies you know?
Just because you like one you don't have to like the other.

He's saying trump voters are just voting by brand image and personality, rather than policy or some other important factor

Isn't he saying that about the other voters as well, which makes it a general problem?

I know Sup Forums is going to sperg about that last part but it's true. Lot of people actually like Obama Biden and Bill. And Obama may be getting an even bigger foreign policy boost than he did in '12 with Bin Laden if a certain city in Northern Iraq is recaptured before November.
If you want to conspiracy theory that last part go ahead.

HIllary has alienated the middle class and college progressive whites and has failed to capitalise on her vagina card amongst women and so is now reliant on neolibs, college-educated good goys and latinos and blacks who don't bother to vote.

>Remember, Obama, Bill, Biden, they're all popular and on her side.

Yeah. They have been since last year and how has that helped her exactly? Obama has been completely dumping on Trump for months as well and he still managed to close the polls with her.

Most Americans don't like Hillary and never have, but for a while she seemed like the only option.