How do I sort my life out and get a good life, if my life is completely fucked and shit?

How do I sort my life out and get a good life, if my life is completely fucked and shit?
I mean, what steps should I take, where do I begin?

clean your room fag

Try jamming a 10 inch knife into your left eye socket.

first suck dicks in a public place

Go to a gay bar for this faggotry

Start by just getting up everyday, taking a shower, putting on clothes that you'd be ready to go out in public in. Clean up your living area, do laundry, dishes, take out garbage. Stay on top of these things. Try to do some exercises to keep your energy and mood up. Start looking for work. Temp agencies are a decent way to find employment of some kind, without having to apply at shitloads of places with little to no results. Rinse and repeat.

become my bf

Stop posting on Sup Forums

If you have to ask that question here, you have a long ways to go my friend.

Get the fuck off Sup Forums forever. And stop watching porn so much. And get off your computer.

Do you really think if any of us here knew that, we would still be here?

educate yourself
ask more questions
try harder

read 200 pages per day, everyday. fill yourself with with as much knowledge as you can, it doesnt come easy, its a cumulative process and its hard work. Its also never too late to begin,some is better than none,plus getting started is the hardest part.
The internet is a wonderdul tool of self-improvement and enpowerment, learn about what interests you, find a way to make money from it.

Explain your life and why it's shit

How old are you and where are you?

This. Sorry mate, but it's true.

is that pickle rick xD

>fill yourself with with as much knowledge as you can
this is a fruitless endevour, I have spent a big part of my life reading to educate myself and unless the topic benefits oneself, like religion/philosophy or for a trade or career then the accumulate knowledge is just a waste of time and memory, especially if it is just there to inflate the ego.
No point in remembering the recurring numbers of pi unless one is to become a mathematician, for example

clean everything around you.
get a diet planned to help you get healthier
groom your self and find some youtuber to tell you about style, if you are clueless.

get a stable decent paying job.
take night school to get better jobs further on
get a career job
make money

optional is getting a girlfriend for social life and interactions,
and/or a dog to motivate exercise

2 years tops with motivation and dedication

32 U.K
living in a city on my own, have no friends here, became skitzo while here in my mid 20's, which made me lose "myself" and lose my motivation in life
Jobless, friendless, no motivations or aspirations, sex life is kill, probably will have to pay for it now.
I have no motivation or opportunities to socialize and going back to my home town where my lifelong friends are is not an option.

On top of the negative skitzo shit I have to deal with, apathy, insomnia ect My health is declining and I am going to lose my home at some point as it is being sold.

Although now if I was able to get a job I would be on a bit more money than I am currently, it will have to be a shit tier soul crushing menial job, which i wont be able to hold down anyway.

im not who you are corrosponding with. im new.
But watch Walter Mitty (The secret life of walter mitty) and bail on everything. go traveling.
what do you have to lose?

>and bail on everything. go travelling.
I did that in my 20's but I think you misunderstand what having no motivation is like.
Just put it this way, i can easily spend a month with staying in my bed only leaving to release myself, cook processed food, answer the door to the pizza guy and occasionally shower.

On top of that, at my age there is no bail outs in life, I don't have mommy or daddy who will carry my ass and cook and do my washing for me while I lay about. Even if I had the motivation and finances to skip off round the world, all I will be walking into is homelessness and poverty.
Things which i don't want to experience again.

is actually my true advice, but if you cant even do that. then i cant help you.
Never dealt with anything so severe. only weebs wanting attention with suicide posts.

See if you can find some faith.
I know it sounds kinda lame, but there are people from all walks of life in christian communities.
good hearted people that wants to help.

Wish you the best.
gonna go to sleep, wake up and realize i don't have it as bad.

Get a departament with people already in there
Sell shit like an old xbox or your colection of mexican old pesos
Get the fuckin Job that will ruin your non existence social life but you will learn lot of shit and you will have more oportunitys in your life
also money!
Then like 4 weeks latá when you be comformable with your shitty job go to...
I dont have friend neither, soooo lets continue palbudbuddy, Think of someone who you admire and imagine he or she lookin at you when you are doing things, that always work.
And most importantly
Play pokemon every day
When you wake up
youre grabbing your phone
you wanna catch 'em all
you wanna play Pokemon
All day long, all day long

Yeah well that post of two are solid advice and I actually copied the text in a text file from the posts for future reference.

I'm not a suicidal attention seeker, i have had my periods of heavy depression and wanting to an hero, now I don't experience those type of emotions or feelings any more, i'm incapable to experience them now apparently, as I am full skitzo.
Still my inevitable mortality and leaving this shit tier planet is never far from my mind.

As for faith, it's irony that in a way my faith is a contributing factor to loosing my marbles. I was a heavily devoted buddhist practitioner, practising tantra when i became mental.
Unfortunately my faith has slowly died after becoming mental, where now i'm at the point of being a "normal" person with the only base desires, i.e entertainment, fun and sex being my main drive in life.
One thing I know is that we can't make ourself spiritual, it comes and goes.
Though I would like to go back to having my head in the clouds I doubt i could force the mentality upon myself.

yeah and starting with cleaning, diet and exercise is always a great way to refresh ones life which helps starting a new routine.


start a personal relationship with Jesus, and thank me later


>read 200 pages every day
>I read an article that a lot of CEOs read a ton of books so what could go wrong
Plenty of genius people with dead end jobs/lives out there.
Also who the fuck has the time for that.

Where do you live OP?

If you want advice on how to move forward, you will first need to tell me where you are. I might know a good next move if you actually explain your situation.


>drop everything and travel
>what do you have to lose
Prolonging your homelessness until you're in a completely different country is infinitely worst advice than "dont be homeless" or "have you tried not doing that?"

"Fruitless endeavour"

Yeah, learning about something you enjoy is fruitless. Your argument is utter garbage.

Clean your room

Fuck off Jordan