Is Anita Sarkesian Right?Is female objectifying a mass unofficial gaming development policy?

Sorry Sup Forums but after i watched her videos about i became a little shocked.This is due to the fact that she kinda of convinced me that the gaming industry promotes nonoficially woman objectifiing as sexual objects.
Here i stand at crossroads.She says that you can't gain empathy towards the female character because you are too focused on her but.Is it true?Personally i haven't found many female characters (except Tomb Raider-2011) that i could have feelings for..and i think her but and breasts were exposed.So it infirms Anita's theory.

What do you think Sup Forums ?Is it really an agenda of the gaming producers to present women in such a way or they do it unintentionally because the most of the game buyers are men and we like to see ass and boobs?
Demand->Offer or Hidden Agenda?

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Who is this semon Druid?


Everything she says is either cherry picked out of context or straight up lie. Shame on you for believing it even for a second.

No you dumb cunt.

You feminist cunts need to go back to SRS and fempire, and kill yourselves.

People making games to tell a story will tell a story with the characters they have written.

People making games for money will do what they're told the public want.
If these sell well, they'll continue to do it.
If they don't, they won't.

>not posting the Naruto edit

Perhaps the worst bait I have ever seen around here.

You're right about a lot of modern games , and historically especially fighting games are just softcore porn and they were always shit. But if you consider princess peach, and the lack of female leads to be "objectifying women" you're an idiot.

oh fug looks like im a /cruzmissile/ now :DDD

It is within her own self interest to create these boogeymen. She is doing it for money and her own career.

>princess peach
You sir really pinpointed my unstructure idea.I too believe modern games are softcore porn.But as someone said earlier this is not something caused by mysoginistic attitudes of game developers but due to the unbalanced male gamer base that wants to see boobs.
I figured she is a dumb bitch that wants easy money but i like sometimes to play the devil's advocate and try to prove right the underdog just for the sake of proving.

You guys hate her because she's Armenian.

Fuck off Turk shills.

The only time she'll be RIGHT is when her mouth is RIGHT on my cock. GYAHAGAHAHAHAHAH


Because there are not enough female game devs.
The reason why there are not enough female game devs isn't because the game industry is sexist, its because fewer women are going into collage for or self teaching themselves professions that are needed for game development, such as programing.

So I feel like Anita is a hypocrite because she has a masters in some pointless humanities field with a minor in communications living off of her rich boyfriend. She barely understands anything she really talks about, as evident by her review of that one music video made by Kane West where she demonstrated she doesn't know shit about black culture.

The woman I respect the most outside of my family is one of the math professors that I had at my collage, she has PhDs in both math and law, used to work at IBM, and is not a raving insane feminist. The fact of the matter is that the fields of programing isn't sexist, women have been a part of its early stages, its that popular culture sent women away from math based professions into other ones. Women used to be 'calculators', and were the first ones to be hired to teach employees how to use computers when they were first implemented at corporations.

I also hate how she bashed Bayonetta for being too sexy when the character designer was female and she was designed to be basically the most empowering female character in a videogame ever, I mean come the fuck on, she has GUN STILETTOS FOR CHRISTS SAKE. Of course when you point out that the character designer was a female to her she says that she just had 'internal muhsoggyknees'.

Fuck this dumb cunt.

Watch thunderf00t
She's brainwashing you
She says she "triple checks" things and still gets facts wrong

She's right with some things tbf.

Watched her videos a while back, agreed with a lot of it, but she grasps at straws a lot.

From personal experience, I saw some of the BS she complains about in WoW when I played back in the day. Plate bras when men are fully clad? It's unjustified and stupid. Women do play games more now, makes sense that they're angry at pointless shit like that, because it is.

Problem is when they go full Feminazi and want it all banned. Like Dead or Alive Xtreme didn't release in the west because of "cultural differences".

For those that don't know, it's basically just a fan service game that is more or less softcore porn. Nobody expects women to like that, but it has a niche market.

There are games for everyone these days. Everything has its place.

Women can frolic about in fan service games because that's the point of the game, but there's no point in needlessly adding all that sexualization into a high fantasy game where it has no place being.

If people were just logical about it rather than chimping out, there could be a compromise.

Also movie directors aren't racist, movie produces are somewhat, but not really, all they care about is cash money.

Black people don't really watch 'good' movies, they usually watch black culture movies. So if a black producer makes a 'good' movie about black culture that is a two hour long film bashing white people, then white people won't go watch it, black people also won't watch it because they are going to go see ride along 3.

Minority directors for both movies and videogames focus on their identity rather than focusing on making a good movie/game, so they are less relate able for anyone outside that minority, key word here is minority.

My feeling is that the best way to end sexism and racism in our culture is to shut up about racism and sexism in our culture and just wait for time to heal the wounds. Have a woman director make a good film about something other than her period, have a black director make a good film about something other than racism, soon there will be more people watching these films because they are good, leading to more films directed by black directors and women directors.

Thanks guys i guess i'm dumb to fall for this shit,yet when you see the video first time it kinda of gets some points right.

This pretty much is like the Holocaust.The jews continue repeating about muh shoah eventually saturating all possible audiences and most possibly even giving some youths Nazi Ideas.
You are indeed right ...we should just let it be.

>that the gaming industry promotes nonoficially woman objectifiing as sexual objects
Same happens to men. They are all handsome and masculine, beautifully animated and voiced by the greatest voice actors. Either that or they're made to be ugly and unlikeable.

>She says that you can't gain empathy towards the female character because you are too focused on her but.Is it true?
Surely it isn't. She's projecting her own lack of empathy onto others. Hardly ever do I see a video game female that I don't respect more than their looks. Exception might be Bayonetta whom I don't even like and was created by a woman.

>an agenda of the gaming producers to present women in such a way or they do it unintentionally because the most of the game buyers are men and we like to see ass and boobs?
People don't like uglies. News at 11. All in all this is really just some retarded cultural marxism: if I can't be pretty, no-one should be. It's easier to take everyone else down than to git gud.

This should answer your question:

What we should do is gas her and her friends to stop this nonsense from fucking our games up. How dare these kikes try to force their views upon the artists that commit brush to canvas and bring us their vision.

>Is Anita Sarkesian Right?Is female objectifying a mass unofficial gaming development policy?

I don't know, but who really gives a fuck?