Redpill me about India

Redpill me about India


Indians, i'm asking you. What i should know before going on a trip there in India? What should i visit first? I was thinking about south India.


Well quite interesing place but too many infections and shit. You will surely appreciate their traditions and sites but I dont know any places. Go to the capital my grandma told me it was cool.

>willingly wants to go to india

you're retarded m8...

Don't eat or try to shake someone's hand with your right hand that be for wiping your arse.

there's poo everywhere


beware of feral dogs

don't eat outside if you don't want to die.
Pajeets are shameless and will stare at you with their creepy eyes till you leave.
also this

Visiting south India would be best
But don't go to Tamil Nadu, Tamils are the niggers of India
Go to Kerala, lowest open defecation rate and 100% literacy rate so everyone knows english, its also a very nice place for sightseeing so you'll have fun

>What should I know before going on a trip there in India
Eat with your right hand and shake people's hands with your left hand
Since you're a foreigner, I'd suggest not eating outdoors food and not eating food that looks too spicy, you probably won't be able to handle it

If your trip is limited to only South India then I'd say Kerala would be the only state to go to, I can tell more if you like

You have to get vaccinated for everything before you go to India. Take a bottle of antibiotics with you from the U.S.A., a good doctor will give you these, just tell him/her where you are going. Pack toilet paper, or buy some in "foreigners' markets," because you will find that there isn't TP in most bathrooms. Get over the fear of squatting toilets. Avoid drinking tap water. If you are too white, expect to get ripped off by rick drivers. (Some may fight over you to use their rickshaws, if you try to pick one up in a line.) All that aside, you should have fun. If you start in the south, I guess start in Kerala. I loved the big cities, like Hyderabad and Mumbai. If you visit the Taj, expect for everybody to try to rip you off, because all of Agra is one big tourist trap, but it is worth it to see the Taj up close. Also, get over the smells. Lastly, try to watch as many Bollywood films, learn the music, learn the stars, so you have something to talk about with people. Give us a report back after you return. GL.


Lowest open defecation rate :/


Well since Sup Forums is more obsessed with poo than sightseeing, thought I might as well include that

Fuck the south. Punjab and the Himalayas are way better.

t. user who hasn't been to kerala

Although I agree, Himachal Pradesh is the place to visit, I was actually going to suggest him to go there once he was done visiting Kerala

actually that looks amazing my friend. Oh, i did not know you were supposed to shake hands with your left one alright. I was thinking about coming there in September, how's the weather during that time?

thank you my friend, I'm not sure about it yet, let's say there's a 75% of possibility of going there. Anyway thanks for your helpful recommendations

Fuck Indian tech support.


All the deepest philosophy/religion originated from there.

*shake people's hand with your right hand as well
That was a typo
You don't use your left hand as a gesture at all

Weather is pleasant and it'll be the perfect time to visit Kerala since you'll get to witness the Onam Feestival

Gotta visit the holiest city Varanasi! Its India squared when it comes to spirituality.

I've been to Kerala I'm actually going back in June. It's one of my favorite places I just am more of a mountain person and my family and favorite food in in Punjab.

Alright. What can you tell me about Delhi? Is it worth visiting? If so, what are some places that i must see? I know it's up in the north, i just want to consider all the options here

Nah, honestly i'm not attracted by it.

Oh good to hear that, are you going to stay in a resort of some sort?

I'm more of a mountain person too, but Kerala is great desu and its a must visit that people tend to ignore in favor of over-rated destinations like Delhi

Hmm well there isn't a lot to see in Delhi, except for the Taj Mahal and that's in Agra
If you were to go in some place in northern india, I'd suggest going to Himachal Pradesh.
Going to Rajasthan is a nice idea too

The only reason to go to Delhi would be to take a picture of yourself in front of the Taj Mahal, that's about it

oh man Rajasthan is spectacular! Well, if i get the chance i'll visit that as well. Thanks, my indian friend

Nah my family knows a few people in Kerala and they're letting us stay in their boathouse in exchange for staying in our beachhouse.

No problem!

If you visit Kerala, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan you'd be able to visit 3 biomes (Rainforest, Tundra, Desert)




why did pakistan fight bangladesh?

i thought they were muslim bros

Be sure to bring your own toilet paper.

Bangladesh wanted to be independent from Pakistan, it was earlier a part of Pakistan
Pakistan refused and India stepped in to assist Bangladesh since they didn't have anything to defend themselves with and so it became an India-Pak war instead