What does it say about this college aged generation, that they believe socialism to be the best and most "fair" system. I think they're lazy cunts wbu?
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This is what happens when you don't beat your kids and teach the value of money and freedom.
Americans and Europeans have had such an easy existence this past 6 decades that they turned from hardened freedom lover patriots into a bunch of limp wristed faggots.
Conflict breeds men, peace breeds monsters.
It's not socialism.
Basically they want to live in Scandinavia.
>paco talking about raising children correctly
is this the twilight zone
Literally every child psychologist and study shows that beating children has negative effects. 80% of parents in the west admit to spanking their children, which means most millennials were spanked and yet they still turned out to be commie scum. Mexico confirmed to not know shit.
Men pay more taxes, maybe when hot pussy is socialized we'll talk, until then lick my boot sociacunts.
Confirmed feminist faggot.
Gtfo shill nigger
So they want to live in the sort of society that tops all the human development indexes and has the highest reported citizen happiness. Weird.
It's what happens when you get rid of McCarthyism and allow communism to run rampant.
It's metaphorically more like having parents and they haven't been away from their parents for long enough
like what? asking a kid if he wants to get spanked or not?
fucking shill
Communism and Helicopter parenting doesn't make for a pretty combination.
I believe in National Socialism.
Is she aware she made her mouth look like a pussy that I absolutely want to fuck the brains out of?
They are lazy dumb soft self-absorbed cunts. A good war or famine would do them a world of good.
Are you retarded or just jelly?
Mexico has a shitload of problems, but broken families is not among them.
No, conflict only breeds more conflict. If you are raising your children like animals then they will become animals. You can actually try and reason with them, with the obvious authoritarian tone but you gotta reason like they're fucking human beings. That's why our country's so fucked Pedrito. Fucking catholic traditionalists shit on everything. Bet you're provinciano too, scum
and I think the current econonic situation of america has exposed the vileness inherent in capitalism without thousands of ropes to hold it down
when you see that smart and educated people are now rewarded with 50% of what a man who shovels ore earned a few decades ago you get the urge to change the system
No you just breed beyond your means, and can't run a nation for shit.
You have "families" alright. "Families" of rat-like shitskins too stupid to understand how civilization operates.
It's an overall laziness and lack of disciplining of kids. Mostly in well off families. Where the Generation X and Baby Boomers failed was actually instilling a sense of effort and hard work into their children, out of sheer laziness. Unplanned births are a huge factor too. People who push out these kids left and right due to living in a "free roaming fuck away have fun" society clearly don't want to put effort into raising a kid they weren't planning on. These are the parents that put McDonald's and video games infront of their kids and say "well it makes him shut up." Then they grow up to be lazy pussies.
Just curious, how old are you?
>raising your children like animals
only an illiterate chilango would make such obvious leap in logic
back to making my tortillas faggot
who is that boner donor
>having kids
u wot
And if they do, it's 1 kid raised by daycares
are you fucking kidding me? you little baby beaners are running around committing crimes left and right here in the usa
pretending to be "gangsta" etc
breeding like fucking rabbits
letting the public schools and state governments raise little jose
idk who you think you are fooling
>Child is more likely to act out more
>More likely to resent parents
>More likely to wind up in prison
>More likely to struggle academically
>"B-but the jews-"
None of this has anything to do with jews, these are facts.
>understand how civilization operates
>niggers taking over while white population cucks itself into extintion
you sure showed me m8
>here in the usa
common core reading comprehension right here
Well, lets look at their role models and teachers. They aren't learning about Socialism and Marxism from nowhere.
Disciplining children and beating them are two different things. The facts say beatings do no good.
Obvious leap? You hit dogs and condition them through violence. Violence becomes fear. Fear becomes anger and so on. This is basic logic, although you fucking illiterate shits would know nothing about it, and yet brag like you did. Kill self.
Mexico never amounted to anything.
Americans stood on the moon.
At least before we fall, we did /something/.
What did your shit nation do? No wait, I already told you: NOTHING!
I think the socialism fad is the direct result of our globalist government allowing American corporations to outsource much of our labor to foreign countries and opening our boarders to low wage migrant workers.
I don't think it's laziness so much as it's desperation. Millennials need to understand that they're getting Jood into slavery.
OK, there in Mexico. Your country is a fuckign shithole. Taking advice on how to be a good parent and run a country from a Mexican is like taking dieting advice from an obese person.
Fellas, fellas.
Please. You're /both/ sub-human shitskins.
so let me get this straight the minute you jump the border you change drastically?
why do you come here and be pieces of shit then?
how can i believe that you have great families over in mexishit?
At least they'll be credited with BUILDing WALL by the time this is all said and done
It says their divorced dads paid for everything for them, while also never seeing them.
It says their parents tried to make their lives better than their own lives were, and they succeeded, but then this inadvertently made life too fucking easy, which gave the kids the luxury of sitting around in the abstract all day via cartoons or playing vidya or talking about celebs instead of having to face reality, and so by the time they get to college even the most retarded, ass backwards theories are immediately believed because they have big words in them.
I don't know why everyone dogs the young generation like they're supposed to know better. They weren't raised to know any better. Their parents are the fuck ups. The ones who this board fetishizes for their good traditional values. Those fucking retards made these retards.
Since cost of living has risen and its almost impossible to raise a family on one paycheck, this generation of kids has been raised babysitters and daycares. Most of these childcare providers are in the 18-24 range and its pretty much exclusively female. Now think of this age group of women, you probably know someone this age. Do you think they should be caring for children? I don't.
I'll try to do better user. I'll try to do better. I'm so fucking lazy.
But I haven't jerked off for four days if that means anything.
Most young people are completely OK with the concept of a nanny state, in fact they believe that the state should act as a supreme balancing mechanism for any hardship in life.
They're forever disappointed in government not out of mistrust of power, but because the state doesn't have enough power.
because you stupid fuckers keep giving them free money and reward them for breeding like rabbits
It all comes from this idea pumped into them that first-world white people are the saviors of the world. Like some christian idea that we have committed so many sins against the world that it's our mission to atone for them. The nanny state is an implementation of that.
hahhahahah well, our fucking leftists mane
they'll destroy the country and the right will have to pick up the pieces all over again
Millenials think socialism is Denmark.
That they are more black, hispanic and female than ever before.
>no maternity leave
>shadow banks ruined lives of millions of people because they were not supervised
>shitty labor code
>people are indebted for most of their life and still get worthless degrees that won't secure them jobs
>people are robbed by insurance companies that increase their costs just to pay more dividends
>still has 100% GDP which is fucking mind blowing considering that there's even no subsidized health care
The USA is a social darwinistic country that empowers only those who are strong and rich. Revolving doors between regulators and Wall Street is a great example of this
No wonder that people desperately are seeking a solution
I'm sure all the muzzies there are very happy
The solution to it is not more bread and circuses. The policies of LBJ failed. 50 years of ever-increasing welfare has not ended poverty, but only made it worse.
Social Darwinism is good. Also, the reason other countries' health care costs are lower is because we pay for all the medical costs for research. It's not that expensive unless you're poor, in which case we let social darwinism do its job.
The solution to poverty is to let the genetic inferiors who are bound to become poor due to their inherent stupidity and poor character die off.
>I think they're lazy cunts
Yep, that about sums it up.
Yeah, they want to live in places that thrive on private business and low corporate tax rates, without which, the utopia wouldn't exist.
Too bad something like human development matters very little in the modern world where short term economic growth is everything.
Even if it comes at the expense of the environment and human rights.
If we are lucky the growth will come to an halt and crash the economy, maybe after that we can figure out a much more sustainable system.
>we pay for all the medical costs for research
You honestly think those firms are spending their funds on research, do you?
They're spending money on nearly identical drugs and just give it a different name, they won't make a long term investment in a drug that would be cause breakthrough
So in short - you're fucked in the ass and you believe the fairy tale they sell you that "well user, you're doing this because we do research". Well if you think that giving different names to almost identical drugs is an innovation, then clearly you're naive