Well guys, Christianity has been taken over by cucks and degenerates, so we need to pick a new official religion of Sup Forums. I nominate Judaism, so we can fuck up the US and Europe, and all move to Israel. Or we could create one.
Religion of Sup Forums
I vote for Judaism! Based af and same enemies as us!
We need to convert to Sikhism
Can we choose Agnosticism? Then we don't have to give a fuck.
But I acknowledge and respect Egyptian polytheists
So you people were only religious for political religions?
Agnosticism is blue pulled as fuck
>lol I don't know guys haha
Fucking stupid, that's what it is
Plus they are overwhelmingly liberal
what planet do you live on
Cuckholicism may be cucked but Eastern Orthodoxy is still strong
I was born Christian, have been for a long time, but it's blue pulled as fuck, plus Jesus was a cuck.
They vote overwhelmingly liberal and even though most religions are chucked, they hate all of them
>im so smart I don't believe in religious values silly theists
Meanwhile their gods are Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, but they say they don't believe in anything
>Christianity has been taken over by cucks and degenerates
Matthew 7:13
""Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."
Ancient Egyptian religion.
>Im going to stop believing in God because of the actions of man
Thats not how it works.
I don't think they vote liberal because of atheism mate
> Christianity has been taken over by cucks
Catholicism is the cult of Cybele, mother of gods = asian paganism ≠ Christianity.
I`m personally orthodox christian, i respect zoroastrianism and old (genuine) slavic paganism. Neopaganism is degenerate cult for autists.
I also want to know more about hindu and shinto.
Sikhism is degenerate, but worth to study.
Buddhists are the most two-faced, but relatively peaceful.
I despise mudslime, neoherbews (jews), heretics, satanists and their cults (except maybe alawites, because of current politics).
No, just do what I do. Stay Christian, when some weak beta lefty tries to tell you "well Jesus woulda excepted us gayzz and trannies" then you say "No Jesus woulda burned you in Hell, and he's going to" then redpill them with actual bible verses that condemn their sick behavior
>All these jew approval.
YES Sup Forums
Holy Christ, no.
Bro Heathenry has been invaded by the lefty cucks since the 70s. The modern day heathen is either
-a hipster
-a spic
or all of the above. You see the most edgy shit among heathen circles, stay out of them
>not following Kek
No one has explored the creation of a new religion yet
Atheists are just scientists-wannabees and materialists. Very degenerate.
Yes they do it exactly because of atheism/materialism ideology.
Their dieties are actually social progressivists like lenin, stalin, hitler, salot sar and mao. Today we know their fruits and we dont want these people to rule over us. But the scheme is the same.
> old empirically checked ways of my fathers are so not current
> lets make cool new ways
> murdering every educated man, killing your own diseased people, killing people for thinking wrong, working for anglo and jew, faggotry, etc.
This guy gets it.
>Sending leftists and degenerates to eternal torture and torment in hellfire
>a cuck
chooooose one merchant
Jesus was all about loving everyone, and he never told gays to burn in hell, so he was a cuck
top kek. You said you were born christian, but you don't know shit about Christianity like most.
Jesus didn't accept any degenerates. He was merciful to them. Told them to change their ways and they'd be forgiven. If they don't change their ways, then they'll be roasted forever when they die.
Christianity is the only religion with eternal punishment for degenerates. Even in Islam, Jahannam (Hell) isn't eternal for most people. And if you're a Muslim and the most degenerate, you'll still make it to heaven after being punished in hell according to the Quran and Hadith.
The more tribal the better.
It's the only cure for the global universalists.
I don't think heathen beliefs are that bad, but I've yet to meet a single redpilled heathen. Every single one reminds me of the pic of that obese tranny who is a communist
Heathenry here too. I only know one who is liberal/nu-male, but he's got brain damage from a car accident. It's one of the old religions of Europe, no need for anything else.