Another great piece by the mastermind himself.
Great points and arguments.
/stefbot/ general
Not an argument
I just watched his "Never Trump Always Fails" video. Holy fuck the caller in that video was infuriating. The kid just wouldn't admit he was an idiot.
>Stefan giving tribute to Gord Downie
ill give it a listen
I like his face at the beginning.
Also not an argument.
Would have thought you stormfags would be all over this
Its about jooos
This is not an argument either
Not an argument Ola.
>enjoy listening to stefan, believe he uses logic and facts to prove a point
>very good arguments, enjoy the 'not an argument' meme
>think his rantings on spanking are a bit weird
>watch his joe rogan interview
>realise he is an absolute fucking crazy nutjob cult leader
>realise there are entire documentaries about his cult
>realise that someone from my hometown ran away from their family under his influencee
what the FUCK!
not an argument
>go to the video
>no counter arguments
>go to the comment section
>no arguments found
>read your post
>still no argument
It's not even a meme at this point, it's a great tool to BTFO JIDF shills and redditors.
At last a short episode, with only a single caller who is not a woman, was well spoken, only had an unrelevant amount of accent and most importantly could stay on the point.
Overall great episode, I rate it 8.5/10.
Argumentum ad non-argumentum
Nem egy érv.
gets me everytime
Hahaha love it. Whoever made this needs to send it to him.
>Whoever made this
Are you trolling, blind or really that new?
Save Sauber instead of Stefoposting this much, Mountain Jew.
>Whoever made this
Hi, I hope you enjoy this particular board on the forum of Sup Forums and will learn many interesting things from other posters and even make some great friendships over the internet.
Micheal ;-)
It's also a tool to make yourself come across as a moron by overusing it when it's not even correct
The leader is an atheist and anarchist and instills a lot of fear in the listener about the government and other institutions. He has predicted imminent economic and political collapse.
Molyneux preaches that bad parenting is the cause of all of societies' problems. Through verbal manipulation within the podcasts, as well as one-on-one conversations with listeners, he frames his listener's childhoods as prisons and the parents as manipulative, sadistic guards.
He claims to have the ultimate key to happiness. His solution is called a "defoo", which includes removing all friends and family who don't conform to the new worldview of mass parental corruption. This action is expected of listeners who truly value freedom and integrity, although Molyneux now publicly states it is only recommended under the supervision of a therapist and in the most extreme circumstances.
Levels of membership with special access to high level content for highest paying members Philosopher Kings (over $500).
Molyneux's wife was recently found guilty of professional misconduct for her Ask A Therapist podcasts on Freedomain Radio. A press report of her discipline hearing:
-There is little direct physical contact with the leader, but listening to the podcasts, which are very exciting for many new members takes years.
-There are more than 2,000 podcasts, plus books and videos full of information to get through. Members listen for hours every day.
-The association of members is not directly controlled, but most members who become deeply involved drastically change their behavior.
-The leader and followers are certain that everyone in the world is repressing child abuse and needs to face it. If friends and family are not on board with this theory, they should not be associated with.
-Molyneux argues that if someone supports the government, he or she is okay with the listener being killed or imprisoned for disagreeing.
-Listeners are also encouraged to bring their problems to the leader during a weekly Sunday morning call-in show.
-There is a high-level of social pressure to agree with the group.
-Members are praised for their bravery and intelligence when they defoo, and are ex-communicated when critical of the group.
-Deception: He lies about his critics, framing them all as child-abusing internet trolls.
-There was also a recent controversy with his therapist wife, who at one point hosted a series of FDR podcasts, called "Ask A Therapist". One day, all of the podcasts including her were removed and any inquiries on the forum were removed without answer. A couple years later, it came out that she was found guilty of misconduct by the Canadian Board of Psychologists for the type of advice she gave in the podcasts. Molyneux still refuses to mention it.
-It was reported that his neighbors found out about freedomain radio and after one of them found a video of their child on his website, warned all the other neighbors not to associate with him. He has since moved, but hasn't mentioned any of this to his listeners.
-All critics of his work are dismissed.
-Compartmentalizing of Info: There are various levels of information gained based on donation status. There is also a secret inner-circle, called "Friends of FDR", which is only granted to members Molyneux "trusts".
-Extensive use of cult-generated podcasts, books and videos.
The great philosopher stefan memeux (no arguments be upon him)
-There is a lot of heavy indoctrination in the first 200 podcasts or so.
-A lot of manipulative, black and white thinking is present.
-He suggests you either love your family and have nothing but good thoughts about them, or you feel immense obligation, hatred and/or boredom around them.
-He frames collective childhoods as all bad, the government as all bad, and religion as all bad.
-Us vs. Them thinking is ever-present, which leads to many members isolating themselves.
-Lots of loaded language and catch-phrases, like "everyone knows everything about everyone" and "against me" and "the gun in the room".
-He also heavily demonizes parents and the government.
-Although the group claims science and reason as its highest ideals, they are extremely closed to criticism.
-In a personal email with the leader, he told me he hasn't read any critical sites in years, yet knows that they are filled with hatred, toxic and disturbing content (not true).
-They absolutely claim to have the only answer to life's problems and are very elitist and condescending to other view points.
Emotional control occurs while listening to the podcasts and watching his YouTube videos.
-He constantly shows animosity towards the government, religions, families and friends, while playing the empathetic hero.
-He sympathizes when his listeners call in with problems and inevitably traces the issues back to the parents.
-Any doubts members had were blamed on their traumatic histories.
-We all supposedly had Stockholm syndrome and were manipulated into loving our abusive families, which explained when a member would want to return or felt guilt over cutting off contact.
-Stefan Molyneux never seems to take responsibility for a conflict or problem.
-He ignores ex-member testimonies posted on critical sites, even testimonies from inner-circle members.
-Guilty feelings or anything that could cause doubt were blamed on the member. I talked myself out of feeling guilty and homesick hundreds of times over almost 4 years.
-There is quite a lot of guilt used to persuade members to defoo and to donate. If they truly cared about children and the future, they would make personal sacrifices.
-There was a recent controversy where Molyneux posted a sad face on his Facebook page over a $2 donation, which many took as ungrateful. He then went on a diatribe on his Sunday call-in show about how tortured everyone who criticized him must be and how much sympathy he has for all their awful childhoods.
>stuttering nu-male repeats "stefan is dangerous" for the 6th time after still not providing any arguments
Yup, which is not the case when it comes to my post. There's also no "overusing" when it's simply facts to state. Also your opinion on this "tool" is highly irrelevant as you do not seem to understand the purpose of it.
-There is massive fear among FDR members. I was very afraid of everyone in the outside world, causing me to lose my job.
-Fear of economic and social collapse is fostered.
-There is also serious fear of rejection, especially for those who've isolated themselves otherwise.
-There is also fear of our own "false self", which might cause us to act out and cause harm to ourselves and others.
-There is a euphoric happiness that many people experience when experiencing the ideas of FDR for the first time.
-There is a sense of leaving a lot of old baggage behind, but there is also a lot of depression and other problems amongst these same members.
-I am aware of at least one suicide and one attempted suicide within the group.
-He creates a dependency on the group by stressing that leaving will result in a kind of soul death. By leaving or not joining or committing further, you're killing your true self and any chances of happiness and healthy relationships.
-People who leave are either completely ignored or deemed lost causes. In any case, it is never the group's fault that a member leaves.
Why woman support socialism?
Because Socialism sounds amazing when you don't bother to do an in-depth analysis of it... and the videos over 30 minutes long
What the FUCK
seems like every time in the last week or so I start watching a Daily Molymeme video, there's already a thread about it on Sup Forums by a SWISS FLAG
what is this??
Oh lord wtf. Benny G strikes again!
I've never seen one but this cartoon made me want to watch a Molyneux video
Where to start? Does he actually have any good ones?
>Do you come from a jewish background?
>uh no.
>ok. wew.
go link me to the archives, because this is the first time I've started one.
nice sources, especially in the presence of facts and arguments. you won't smear my thread any furter, action has been taken.
>Because Socialism sounds amazing when you don't bother to do an in-depth analysis of it.
And that's more or less what he's doing in the video when it comes to women, so where's the problem?
>We don't need any government
>We need to protect our national borders from immigrants
>so where's the problem
He tries to give an in-depth "Philosophical" argument but his argument has no credibility and is filled with nothing but assumptions when the thesis statement sums up the point better than he did the entire video and also explains why people in general may support socialism
over 30 minutes was not needed
>We don't need any government
>how do we fund roads
He says he's ok with a small goverment.
Borders can be protected without goverments.
And even if, currently we have very big goverments and they fail to do so. So what's your point again?
No, those are not assumptions my man.
Simple observations, but apparently the media propaganda machine fucked up your head so much you can't tell apart from black and white anymore.
It might not be very in-depth on a philosophical level, but it is still correct and makes it easy to understand for the average joe.
His 3 part videos on r/K stategy, I think it's called "Gene Wars".
His videos on IQ.
His the "Truth About..." series.
Check out his organized playlists on his Youtube channel.
If you're masochistic and/or never want to turn blue pill regarding women, check out this video:
He may seem like an "asshole", unempathic towards the guy, but that is only because he knows well he's an ultimate beta and will defend her till the end so he has to talk with the woman for her to reveal her true self.
information through empirical observations are assumptions
Most of modern day science is an assumption even man made climate change
All humans are k-type. We have a very long gestation period (9 months) and only have one child per birth. R-types have large litters and have short gestation periods. When talking about the difference between r/k you're talking about different species. Memeux is just retarded. Not only that, but the r/k theory is not even considered valid in modern ecological models.
It's a model for understanding cultural and psychological discrepancy within the species. It's a heuristic, you fucking moron. Why do I have to explain this shit to you? Do you argue against generalities by saying that you know an exception, too?
What does Sup Forums think of based Bill Whittle?
Is he redpilled?
enjoy your copypasta
No, r/k selection theory was a model for ecological populations in the wild. Memeux just try to (fallaciously) apply it to humans.
Why do you ask this in every SINGLE thread?
I give up, you're not going to understand. I should be working on my doctoral thesis anyway.
anyone posting rare Mollies?
Why do people keep calling some random Yotuber a cult leader? Why are they so afraid of this man?
>information through empirical observations are assumptions
This is some common core type bullshit. Especially when it's about the past.
His observations are often on facts.
By your argument, everything is an assumptions and nothing wrong or right.
You just cried over the video being not philosophical in depth enough, so how can it be if everything has to be based on facts and studies?
Wow, we have a Reddit SJW in this thread? Naice..naice!
>r/K stategy
Already know about that from the "triggering the raw amygdala" thing by
or was it .org, who cares
>His videos on IQ.
>His the "Truth About..." series.
probably gonna check out these then
thanks man
Yet it works, even with human populations. The theory accurately describes the difference between the hypersexual subhuman and the highly selective aristocrat.
they come from reddit or just watch thunderfaggot
I feel like one part is stupid redditors or sheeps in general that watch his videos without questioning the content, just following what he says. It doesn't apply to everyone and every situation. The other ones (the videos) are just JIDF shills paid to defame him.
>Yet it works, even with human populations. The theory accurately describes the difference between the hypersexual subhuman and the highly selective aristocrat.
>His observations are often on facts.
>Observations of facts
So it's an objective observation and not an empirical one?
Things that can be statically measured or determined are facts my Neutral friend.
>It's a heuristic
>I should be working on my doctoral thesis anyway.
I like his stuff. I really do. Subscribed to both of his channels.
honestly, why didn't somebody like this exist in my life when I truly needed a voice of reason back when I was 21 and knew nothing about politics or women?
seriously now. it's fucking depressing.
Empirical observations can be a fact, because you can measure those statically as well.
For a significant study, you do not need 100% of the things in question.
And last, in order to make a statement or conclusion, you have to switch from objectively to partial.
There is no partiality in objectivity unless it is about the consequences of an event
empirical observations can only become fact when you can consistently prove or determine what causes them
not go back to eating haggis or cheese or whatever you Swiss people eat
>highly selective aristocrat
>that flag
you're not Mike
It is exactly like the theory suggests in all welfare states, which means everything except the far East at this point. The dumb fucks make a shitload of kids that all grow up to do just that. The smart fucks make one or two, and ensure that they dont end up like the dumb fucks.
It is a flawed system, but that's the way she goes.
Pretty bad, I'd like to think that the guy just didn't know how to respond at the end and dropped the call instead of just being cut off.
>There is no partiality in objectivity unless it is about the consequences of an event
That's literally what I just wrote. In order to name the consequences, you need to go partial
>empirical observations can only become fact when you can consistently prove or determine what causes them
Exactly what I wrote again, you ever heard the term a significant study and how it counts as objective perspective and fact?
>le ad hominem because bootyblasted
Leave the arguing to the big guys, redditor.
That's right, he's Mikész Feyérpasztákygyor
steffie throwing a tantrum as usual
I skip all his call videos. the only good ones are some of his "the truth about x" and similar videos where he presents actual facts with sources
because its probably bill himself
When will Molly officially tackle the JQ?
Donald Trump will bring prosperity back to America. We will all be rich again, just like it use to be!
19:50, Stef is an absolute banter merchant.
Give dude a break, there has to be a first time. Welcome our brother to the wonders of Ben.
I remember seeing the html version of it. You should try to find it and make a more clean edit.
Ad hominem; not an argument.
nice meme, stef
I almost missed it!
Sup Forums you suck ; my replies are always ignored.
even this jobless bald man that hates women and makes videos for free on youtube managed to get a wife
what is your excuse, /r9k/?
>Sup Forums you suck ; my replies are always ignored.
Not an argument.
He had a job when he got married. He is also alpha enough to trigger people so hard they believe he is a cult leader.
Is Mollynew still ancap/pure anarchist?
he is a cult leader though
>posting rare
Rare was the day we didn't hear a merry tune whistling from Stefo's service pit.
Prove it
Who gives a fuck if there is a "cult" around him?
I was raised in a cult much MUCH more extreme than you are describing and I and all of my siblings turned out OK.
In fact I think when the host society is the way it is now, an actual cult may be needed and well justified.
I've actually given some thought about making one of my own.
But believe me, what you're describing can't really be termed or called a cult at all. This stuff is very vanilla.
good luck angula.
Stefan is a hollow man with only logic and arguments running trough him. He lost his soul and humanity which makes him a nutjob.
Yeah, a first time to LURK MOAR. gtfo
Pillage and rape then? Capctha is STOP ???
No, he says he is an anarchist, and is struggling with the NAP which is why he can't submit to a state. I respect his purity, but he isn't clear whether he is a minarchist or an anarchist.
>states reorganize land ownership forcing former peasants into cities
>glut of labor drives wages to nothing
If it was a free market to start with the wages wouldn't have been forced so low. State control always causes misery.