Hay i'm grump

hay i'm grump

Oneyplays is better

Jerma985 is better

Have a boii

James and Mike Mondays is better

Hey you're a faggot

your youtube channel is weaponized autism

Suzy is actual garbage, and no amount of makeup can hide the fact that she has downs.

Suzy is also a plagiarizing piece of shit who still deserves hatred and censure for the shit she pulled with her etsy business. Fuck her, and fuck you people.

their viewers lately hover between 200k and 400k. around the same amount as back in the jontron era. So either a loyal following is still here after 5 years, or it is all new kids watching.

they're a group of burnout scumbag 20 somethings. I really don't know what you expect.

for them to bow out with a modicum of grace.

They peaked fucking YEARS ago.

>i'll just stop making a lot of money because...i have enough and also have integrity
no, money rules all. i'd abuse my fame and fans until i died

>20 somethings
Try 30

too bad his vids are shite now

Tri-Hearts is better

Thread needs more JonTron

life needs less of him.

Danny is better in practically every way.

Met him once and he is a total chill dude and really nice. I don't think there is any salt in that man.

I didn't care for them until Danny came on board. Jon was fucking annoying as shit.


I like grump games


Arin has some gender issues. I don't think he is gay. He might be closet bi.


Oneyplays is better.

I'm willing to bet this bitch tastes like she's never bathed in her life.

Apparently Arin takes less makeup to make him fuckable than Suzy.


>you will never fuck a goose

I know why all the kids are playing this game these days.