How is that possible?

How is that possible?

Other urls found in this thread:

>pretending to represent someone's interests while disparaging them

>Shitty meme pictures
Not an argument

This has always bugged me, Dems claim to be pro working class, yet shit all over those who make up a great deal of the working class.

If your german cucked mind would think for just one fucking minute you'd find that every factory in the history of forever was funded by some rich person. Take away their money and there's no more factories. Was that hard?

>being this much of a nigger


Well, when you realize that the Democrats are basically the party of contempt toward poor whites, it makes a lot more sense.

Also, there's a reason Trump is the Republican nominee, and not Jeb! Bush.

why do democrats always shit on the working class

>If your german cucked mind would think for just one fucking minute you'd find that every factory in the history of forever was funded by some rich person. Take away their money and there's no more factories. Was that hard?

Are you retarded? Think about what you just wrote.


>why do democrats always shit on the working class

>working class

Biggest welfare queens in the USA are red states faggot.

>Are you retarded? Think about what you just wrote.

do you have an argument?

red states are the biggest welfare queens because most red states are in the south, and the south has 10x the amount of niggers the north does, which is why your stats look all pretty and shit

>>working class

>Biggest welfare queens in the USA are red states faggot.

This guy knows what's up.

White people in those states are just as stupid, poor, and religious. PROVE ME FUCKING WRONG

>straw man

now you're just trolling

Democrats lack self awareness, it's a huge reason more people are going right. Exposing democratic hypocrisy is easy as hell, it's getting the democrats to realize they are hypocrites that's impossible. They just keep justifying it to themselves by believing they are morally superior and calling everyone else racist and sexist.

It's actually pretty funny man

>White people in those states are just as stupid, poor, and religious.

I'd be willing to believe you if you had a good source, my friend

Sure, lets just blame it on the niggers...that may work with you fellow rednecks but not with humans.

>I'm entitled to other people's money by birth

w e w

I'm going to just filter you if you can't provide sources and just keep posting shitty .jpeg infographs

If rednecks aren't shooting oil drums by the crick, they're selling their ebt for heroin money.

>I'm entitled to other people's money by birth

I pay my taxes. I paid into it.

>I'm going to just filter you if you can't provide sources and just keep posting shitty .jpeg infographs

Conservatard BTFO

Look, it's sad enough to be outsmarted and cucked by sub 80 iq illiterate third worlders, but to go crying to "big daddy government" to take care of you shreds whatever morsel of masculinity you had left.

This is still Sup Forums, right?

I'm only upset that I lack the willpower to muster up enough fucks to redpill ignorant leftists. its my fault you guys still keep believing your stupid shit, don't worry though, my motivation comes and goes

it deeply upsets me that you aren't willing to learn and that you just post strawmen and XD POL BTFO

A good business and shareholder environment absolutely leads to jobs. That's not even a question. Look at the unemployment rate in countries with high taxes and regulatory burdens vs the unemployment rate in countries that are business friendly.

Taxation leads to massive deadweight losses. As a society we've agreed that some taxation is appropriate, but the idea that more and more of it will lead to better outcomes is absurd. What happens is that the pie may be more evenly split, but it's also much, much smaller.. There's a reason household income per capita is nearly 25% higher in the US than any other country.

>it's sad enough to be outsmarted and cucked by sub 80 iq illiterate third worlders

Are you talking about Southerners now or what?

Not everyone is a selfish leftist scumbag voting only for his own economic interests.

Real men vote for the interests of the nation.

>Not everyone is a selfish leftist scumbag voting only for his own economic interests.

Yeah we should vote based on the BYBULL

Also there's mountains upon mountains of evidence that a nation's IQ is negatively correlated to govt spending as a % of GDP.

>A good business and shareholder environment absolutely leads to jobs.

The question isn't whether you have a job but whether you can live of of it. And here in socilist Europe nobody has to work two jobs. That wouldn't even be allowed or at least you'd need the permission of your employer.

I'll vote based on what I learned in my PhD-level Econ classes that I took while getting my MBA.

If you don't understand what a deadweight loss is (literally Econ 101) then you should just stop talking forever

leave it to Germany to imply something derogatory about someone with less formal education.

Fuck off.

Itt: Germany tries to feel better about its current state by posting pictures it found on Google by searching "stupid American "

>Not everyone is a selfish leftist scumbag voting only for his own economic interests.
>Real men vote for the interests of the nation.

How much of your GDP is actually generated by porn?

Because ignorant turkeys voting for christmas!

Germany and the rest of Europe, let us stick together and watch the US empire implode with it's own retardation. And laugh merrily when they put this lying corporate oligarch in power.

>Itt: Germany tries to feel better about its current state by posting pictures it found on Google by searching "stupid American "

If you check the filename, you'll see where it comes from, newfag.

Ha! OK Muhammed

>PhD-level Econ classes

You mean the Koch brothers funded propaganda in colleges?

That is some low-grade trolling, user. Here's a consolation (you), for your efforts.

Oh Klaus you credulous Kraut.
If socialist Europe works so well, why are they trying to eliminate cash? Why does the Italian government rant about how every Italian uses cash to bypass the tax scheme? People work off the books all the time in Europe, and it's the socialism that forces them to do so.


Is that really the best you got?

Ive, been on Sup Forums longer than you've been sucking sand nigger dick. So, a long time

How is that possible?

>we stand for the working class
>is actually an upper middle class college student
>proceeds to make fun of the working class
never change democrats

Our rednecks are smarter than your intellectuals.

Do I need more? You won't have countries soon.


Neither of those rifles are worth fucking $3000

The Koch brothers demonstrably don't have any political power, though. Between the rebellion of 2010, and now Trump, it's clear they've completely lost control.

They're even talking about funding Hillary's campaign over Trump. He was literally their last choice - they were even rooting for Cruz at the end, and they fucking hated Cruz.


US median household GDP / capita is nearly 30% higher than Germany

US child poverty rate and overall poverty rate is lower than Germany

US unemployment rate is lower than Germany

Literally the only reason that Germany's economy is half decent is because they enacted the US-style Hartz reforms in the mid 2000s

Our economic system is better than yours. Deal with it fuckhead

>makes shitty claim with no evidence or sauce


Yes, because building hotels and golf courses across America is ruining the lives of Republicans... Congratulations on naming the Jew.

Can we talk about how retarded that rifle looks? It has a foregrip with a scope. Where exactly is the magazine?

Whatever you say, Cletus!

Don't worry when Trump becomes president and Russia joins us as allies when your country starts the next world war just like the rest we are going to turn your shitty country into ash.

Damn this might be one of the first times I've seen Sup Forums BTFO on their own board.

Albeit, I only visit this place when I want a laugh.

>US child poverty rate and overall poverty rate is lower than Germany

If that is true you probably achieved it by simply lowering the poverty line. We know how you Americans operate.

It's like that mouth breather Palin demanding to take endangered species of the endangered species list so that they aren't endangered anymore.

You're run by a family that literally suffered from inbreeding..

I think the mag is under the foregrip..?
Or it could be that shitty blob under the receiver.

ONLY IN AMERICA will you find a bunch of faggot leftist claiming that the workers of the country who benefit from civilization, own property, and don't want to be robbed blind are a bunch of broke hillbillies who are too stupid to understand their own interests.


Kinda like you're welcoming our tax refugees, you filthy leeches.

Daily reminder


Perhaps most of them worked hard for every thing they have and are self aware.

This leads them to believe you shouldn't take what someone worked hard for, whether they are rich or poor.

Maybe the cold war instilled a sense of hatred in all things communistic.

Maybe your a faggot and should go suck a tanned Germans dick.


And that says exactly what about wealth distribution?

How about some median income?

If you had guns you could shoot the Arab dogs raping your women, baka.

Facebook posts are always a credible source of information, at least for idiots.


>trusting strangers will use your money better than you will

>imply the government doesn't just waste tax dollars on whatever meme is trending. (Ex. Trillions of dollars wasted in Afghanistan)

Return to your cuckshed


The massive amount of guns must be the reason why you have so little violent crime over there.

oh please do enlighten us


Holy fuck, it's a picture of some guys >being silly while they say they're stupid. How will we ever recover?

Also that doesn't apply to me, I'm voting for trump.

>posts a violent nigger
>implies guns are the reason for crime

That still isn't the median income, you mongoloid.

>>implies guns are the reason for crime

I am just pointing out that those guns are doing a great job keeping crime rates low.

How can people possibly vote for someone who wont promise money sex food shelter clothing and sex? What kickbacks do they receive?

>some people prefer job opportunities and growth to gibs and government dependence


Scroll down to the Luxembourg study one you poorfag. That one shows both mean and median and, what do you know, the US is still ahead by a mile. It's almost like low regulations and taxes create high paying jobs that contribute to the economy. I know that's not what you were taught in your Marxism 101 class, but try to learn now

>I'm a lying corporate cuck.

Try harder, Donald.

Per capita though.


>Only in America will you find a bunch of moon cricket jiggaboos too lazy to work and demand that white people pay for their way in life because their own kind sold them into slavery 200 years ago

YAa ya Deus Vult Deus Vult ...Crusader king 2.0

They're coincidentally the states with the highest concentrations of blacks

If he's a former marine he would have free health insurance for the rest of his life and the service would pay for college, no?

OP is unfamiliar with the concept of freedom.

Rednecks live fuller lives and require less to be happy.

>It's almost like low regulations and taxes create high paying jobs that contribute to the economy.

A yeah, that army of minimum wagers in your country is a proof of that.

>Believing people like that actually vote, or do anything productive

Coming from the south, they are THE reason people vote republican, too much welfare trash

>OP is unfamiliar with the concept of freedom.
>Rednecks live fuller lives and require less to be happy.

That must be the reason why people in the Scandinavian nations always score highest when asked about how happy they are with their living conditions.

>Racism towards a socioeconomic and cultural class of people you don't like
How surprising of a liberal.