Girl of my dreams loved me back and now she hates my guts

girl of my dreams loved me back and now she hates my guts

Tell me about it.

what happened

perfect body, memegod, smart, she was fucking perfect and it's a miracle she even wanted to know me

i said something pretty bad and she cut all ties with me and ill do anything to get her back

The fuck did you say?

have u told her that u fucked up and really want her back ive ben through the same

no im afraid she'll just reject me again


you have to try i thought the same and i fixed, also what did u say

im too ashamed to tell anyone but im gonna try to fix it soon but im so fucking afraid she's already moved on from me

This, nigger; what did you say?

Been there user. My best advice is to move on, all the energy you'll waste trying to get her back can be of better use to better yourself. Exercise, lose weight, eat healthy, focus on work, and have a healthy hobby. I lucked out and once I turned myself around she came back after a couple of years but it didn't last, I was clear headed and realized things wouldn't work out. It was fun and I enjoyed the time but if I kept the relationship going we'd just end up ruining each other. It's not the end user, be glad it happened, not that it's over

same dude who fucked up and i wish someone told me this when i fucked up

OP's being a fag, abort.

>a year ago
>girl fancies me
>be cold and distant because of stress from studies
>break her heart several times
>try to make it right
>doesn't want to talk anymore
Literally the only girl that ever loved me and I still found a way to fuck it up.

move... the... fuck... on... no girl is worth any amount of suffering

op here
im sorry Sup Forumsro but just stay healthy and attractive and more girls will come your way

Well shit dude, I find a fucking girl on okcupid and let her fucking play with my autism emotions this fucking girl tells me 3 months later after she is in Spain now she met a fucking sandnigger from India now she says she's in a relationship with a fucking sandnigger now I know she's a fucking mental case...

What race was she?
DUBS says she's an Asian beauty


f e e l s

That was a case in a million. I'm not sure what she saw in me.

Why does she hate your guts?

Can you read?

Had something similar happen in late hs/early college. Shit gets better. After while, you'll be amazed how much you inflate all this shit in your head. You see whats actually wrong with the person, and then you grow from it will spot shitty qualities easier since youll know what to look out for. Common pitfall after this is that people 180 and associate negative shit to any way they remember the person. Thats like disagreeing with something specific because of the person who said it. Have fun