Top celebrities supporting clinton

Do you vote for the candidate your favorite hollywood star endorses Sup Forums ?

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Wow so many stars supporting Hillary

Anne, STFU you big bird looking bitch.

Because people in the arts & entertainment industry are generally more left-wing leaning.

There are so many liberal hollywood stars that if you cared that much about their political views you could barely watch any movies.

I'm a liberal and I like Mel Gibson and Clint Eastwood. Making your voting decisions on either side based on celebrities is dumb.

Hillary is actually the best choice for America, no sane, rational American wants to have some billionaire who profits from the practices he condemns while acting out a WWE tier script show at any public presentation.

Trumpfags need to come to terms with reality

Goddamn you cunts are going hard posting here

Why are spics the most butt hurt posters?

Actually even though I don't like Hillary she is the reason I'm voting for her over Trump. In Citizens United it was a 5-4 split based on ideological lines. If we ever want campaign finance reform we will have to overturn that decision and it looks like only the liberal judges are willing to interpret the constitution in a way that will keep money out of politics.

My favorite Hollywood star is Clint Eastwood

Shills are out full force today.

*this is the reason

I wanted to recognize those quints but your post is just so gay...


>not wanting a mormon master race president to run your country

Nope, you can literally look it up. I don't know how you can bitch about money in politics and then want to appoint supreme court justices who will interpret the law in a way that will make campaign finance reform impossible

Oh no, now you wont get paid!

Fuck head, Hillary is a lobbyists/Wall Street whore. Are you fucking daft?

I completely agree, BUT Hilary is supposed to be better?

A Goldman Sachs financed Bilderberg shill?

Trump is transparent in his agenda. Shillary isnt.

Not you too Tom Hanks

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

The fact remains that she would appoint justices to the SCOTUS that would make it easier for campaign finance reform and Trump would not. You can scream Wall Street whore all you want but it doesn't change the fact that the reason congress can't pass campaign finance reform legislation is because of conservative judges on the SCOTUS.

Alpha males support Trump. Lily-livered pussies vote for Hillary.

Kek implying Hollywood actors have a will of their own. Their whole lives are dictated by the jews.

Wrong. A real Alpha male doesnt give a fuck, because it doesnt affect him personally or economically.

That being said, voting for a woman is 100% beta cuck behaviour of the first kind.

>shilling this hard

"we should build the wall and make the hook nosed kikes pay for it"

>no true scotsman

Actually reverses that get

As if we need that "lie" to smear her pathetic campaign and crooked career as a politician. Fuck off, Britbong. American politics are above your nancy-bangs.

Again, scream "Shill!" if it makes you feel better, but deep down you know my argument is right. You know that I am right and as a result are experiencing a terrible existential angst. You hate Hillary and the corruption and special interest groups she represents but at the same time you know that a Trump presidency would make it impossible to get the necessary reforms in order to get money out of politics.

So you scream shill, as a defense mechanism, as a way to avoid reality. I understand, but just know that this won't make you happier.

Waste of quints

I vote opposite of Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general. It's a fantastic rule of thumb.

Why do the political opinions of celebrities hold so much weight in the media? Granted they may be extremely talented in their own particular field of work but unless they have political experience, their opinion hold no more weight than that of a regular person. This is quite a serious problem because some people would be inclined to give their vote to a particular politician, simply because some person who they happen to see frequently on their screens gave their meme opinion on a political candidate.

How would a Trump presidency make that impossible, goy?

she sacrificed herself and takenth a cut jew dick, hillary gave her daughter to a jew

They don't, it just generates a lot of buzz because a celebrity taking a stance on politics is controversial and gets people talking, so the media just covers that. it's not like media executives decide to make everyone care about the opinions of celebrities

The Jewish media at it again


He wants to appoint conservative justice sto the supreme court. Look at citizens united, the closest we ever got to campaign finance reform. It was struck down 5-4 along ideological lines with the conservatives winning. We need liberal supreme court justices if we want campaign finance reform. this is necessary to kick out the lobbyists and special interest groups from influencing the political process

Just because the other option will force you to pay for a wall

quints of queerness

An actor will sincerely and convincingly say anything you pay them to say. It's their job. Not the best person to trust.

Their agents likely told them to. Honestly though, celebs should just stay out of politics unless they are running

I'll give you one more reply so you can make an even 0.5 shekels off this thread.

Campaign finance reform isn't anyone's main priority in this election. Trump has already made a bold statement against it by funding his own campaign. He will reform it, but that's not his main priority. Hillary, the lying whore who takes money from lobbyists and wallstreet isn't going to reform shit but her bank account. How do you think she has made it this long in politics, you stupid piece of human garbage? Fuck off.

They are called 'actors' for a reason you know. They know liberalism is bullcrap, which is why they have a family, a gated community and guns

Her eyes are misaligned.

tis the season

so most of the kings and politicians who manage to do great things and brave things with confidence are not aplhas because it doesnt fit yout narrative about aplha male carring only about himself? you sound sad my friend. but i get it, what else you are left after your prezident green'd you.

Hollywood stars are really some of those most entitled, ignorant cunts.

>i get paid several million dollars for acting in front of a camera
>my career relies ENTIRELY on sucking the cock of old jews--metaphorically or literally--and if I say one thing to upset them I'll get blackballed out of Hollywood faster than you can say Mel Gibson (if I'm really unlucky they'll drive me out to the desert, murder me and replace me with a reptilian look-a-like)
>I also live in exclusively rich, gated communities that have WALLS and ARMED SECURITY which protects me from having to deal with niggers, beaners, white trash and any other undesirables who might cause me to question my condescending ivory tower champagne socialist libtardism

> Do you vote for the candidate your favorite hollywood star endorses Sup Forums ?

>unless they are running
phew... that was close

Hillary isn't going to reform it, the liberal supreme court justices she appoints will.

How will Trump reform it if the supreme court issued a ruling saying corporations have a right to donate money to a presidential campaign?

Also just because people take money from Wall Street and other donors doesn't mean they want to. Most congressmen spend thier time fundraising, it would be a lot less work for thme if they didn't have to meet with lobbyists and host fund raising dinners so much. Nobody in office is for campaign finance reform because if they stick their neck out and fail then they won't get any more money while their opponents do.

So you're still wrong. Sorry :/

>Ibn Alfliq Al-Amriki

not suprised

>Tom Hanks


I think you're either a shill or a retard making wild speculations that has no idea how it really works. Good day to you, Tony Shlomobergshekelstein.

What did I say that was wild speculation? Look up the Citizens United Case, literally a 5-4 split along ideological lines. How do you propose we get campaign finance reform with a conservative supreme court?


>Ben 'The Islamist Apologist' Affleck
>Steven SpielBERG
>literaly TV dyke
>Leo 'Stop Global Warming but keep my privvate Jet Running' Dicaprio
>muh stronk empowered black womyn literally black lives matter whore
they can all burn in hell honestly

u forgot tom hanks bro

>muh Hillary nominated liberal supreme court justices will start campaign finance reform
>Trump's conservative justices won't
>Oy vey!

They're terrified of losing the free rides on Air Force One if Trump wins, which he will

Quints confirmed
I am now a #cruzmissle

Liberal supreme court justices supported CU and conservatives did not. What is hard to understand about that? Do you not see the link between ideology and the types of rulings that they will issue?

Circumstantial at best. Trump's nominees could too, and you have no reason to think they won't other than your retarded ass kike speculation.

This thread reeks of subversion

Not left, just liberals and libertarians.

No there is a clear link between Judicial activism (Liberals) and keeping money out of politics and another link between textualism (conservatives) and interpreting the constitution strictly as possible in a way that won't allow for campaign finance reform.

If 50 democrats voted for a bill and 50 republicans voted against it, you can clearly see the link between party/ideology and whether or not they voted for the bill. You can expect democrats to support and republicans not to support it. Likewise since the 5 conservatives voted against CU and the 4 liberals voted for it you can clearly see the link between ideology and the type of ruling they will pass.

Name a supreme court justice that is conservative and has spoken out against money in politics.


Trump's positions boil down to making america great again. Hildog is a policy wonk with decades of actual government experience. And you can bet your sweet bippy banks would be backing a Republican too if he were taking their money. Trump already has the interests of the rich in his heart, he doesn't need to be bought to fuck over the middle class, he is already going to do it if elected

Those justices will also fuck with 2A so fuck them

Et tu, Tom?

Yes, left.


Those justices will only allow congress to legislate more regulations, the justices themselves will not pass any gun control regulation. The liberal justices are necessary for campaign finance reform, but they will not take away your guns. Republicans are going to hold onto congress anyway.

If financing in campaign elections was important to you, then why would you not support the canidate who financed himself? Trump Mcaffee and Bernie are like the only ones who did that.

Your point is moot, it's like saying I want Hillary because she will "make college free because many liberals support that measure too!"

"Left" and "right" no longer mean anything.

In Europe the right and left are retailers of the same wholesaler : Brussels commission.

Fucking idiot.

>If financing in campaign elections was important to you, then why would you not support the canidate who financed himself? Trump Mcaffee and Bernie are like the only ones who did that.

You have a point with Bernie, although he's going to lose, but Trump is going to appoint conservative supreme court justices.

After Hillary is elected president she won't care about preserving the money in politics shit. She's going to retire after completing her respective terms. There's no reason to think she'd try to stop it.

And by allowing those regulations they're fucking with 2A so again, fuck them

No. I also object to all these bleached anus douches telling me how I should pay more in taxes and live in a fucking favela with illegals while they have all their money hidden and live in gated communities.

You get paid millions to PLAY PRETEND.

Yes I mad. Fucking limo liberals are the worst. I can at least respect the fact that poor hippies etc. have lived their lives and reached these conclusions.

Nice argument dumbass. Vote no to Brexit and leaves the UK to be fucked by the EU.

What the fuck are you blabbering on about, nigger?

Nope i heard Chuck Norris endorsed Trump

>that pose

>bruce willis
>sylvester stallone
>clint eastwood
>mike tyson
>alex trebek
>chris pratt
>james woods
>chuck norris
All republican.