Name a flaw.
Name a flaw
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I've never seen a skinny person drinking diet soda
He's a big guy
>diet coke
>Diet Coke
He's going to die before the election
>diet coke
The fake hair and skin and ugliness. Has lying panderer written across his forehead. He's eating a taco bowle in a tranny washroom while giving interviews about no walls to the NYT. Drinking diet pop like a woman
This is a jab at Venezuela and by extension Bernie Sanders. Venezuelans can't afford burgers and Coca Cola left because Venezuelans have no sugar. Trump truly is a genius.
How much did he get paid for that?
Eating McDonalds.
Just because they share names, doesn't mean they are of the same quality. I would think someone like Trump wouldn't eat crap like this, but then again, campaigning is busy work.
That coke doesnt even look cold. No fries in the box yet burger is complete not one bite. No used napkins.
His meal was prepared by Moonman himself
Nothing wrong with McDonalds. I'm eating it right now. Feels good knowing we share the same taste of good food.
Trump isn't skinny.
He's a big guy.
King of burgers eating a burger, nothing wrong I guess. Well maybe he should be eating Burger King, I guess.
He's clearly not drinking it you cretin. The photograph does not show him drinking Diet Coke or any diet soda does it you absolute moron?
Why not think before you type next time? Idiot.
Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh on you. It isn't your fault. I'll give generously next time I see an autism charity collector in the hope that some of the money finds its way to you to help you, and therefore the level of discourse on this board and Sup Forums as a whole increases.
>Sauce packets
>No sauce on plate or in burger box
Fast food is ubiquitous. If we can get anything from this, it's that even Trump enjoys it and that paints him as more of a "man of the people".
Is that why someone came into the McD I work at yesterday wearing a Trump 2016 hat?
nice try
>not can
Doesn't he know about xenoestrogens?
warm soda is disgusting, this is why I'm now #feelinthebern
The people have spoken and I will be the nominee! McDonalds, a great American firm. Good burgers, yet liberals hate them? A disgrace!
diet soda is still better than regular soda, even though I don't drink either. gotta avoid the intake of unnecessary mono and di saccharides
Here is what i ate yesterday. Big fan of McDonalds gold.
>it's a Trump gets more publicity by taking a picture of him with food episode
It's really mind-boggling. No other politician can do this.
He's a big ol' guy.
He's eating with his hands, doesn't he know that civilized people would look in the napkin for the proper tools like fork & a knife.
American as fuck
have you already forgotten?
Not using "Sody pop"
McDonald's is literally laboratory food made to sterilize your gut and probably cause cancer as a means of population control.
It's as horrible as cigarettes and malt liquor. Essentially, something only niggers would genuinely enjoy.
Go eat some tofu, sip your latte, and put on a dress.
>green fitted cap
>plastic mold passing off as "food"
holy shit, this as close as I've ever gotten to speaking with an actual subhuman! how do you function on a day to day basis? do you give yourself mcflurry enemas? kys
He didn't get the mcchicken burger. That food looks like it would have cooled down a bit on its way to the plane how the fuck did they counter that?
lmao "american cuisine"
How bout you make your own fucking meal, rather than have it made for you as if you are a child.
>I unironically eat McDonald's
>becomes the official Republican nominee for all intents and purposes
>eats a crappy burger
I voted for this man.
1. Burger King
2. Wendy's
3. A&W
4. Hardees / Carl's Jr
5. Braum's
6. Sonic
7. Dairy Queen
8. Whataburger
9. Your mom's burger
10. McDonald's
I wouldnt eat crappy chain restaurant food if i were a billionaire. He seemskind of fake doing it.
You seem pretty triggered
Go to bed, Grandma.
I sure hope the workers who made that meal were paid at least 15 dollars an hour.
>1: Burger King
Fucking shitposter
First post is always best post,
Even as a Trump supporter.
Jesus guys. Come on
>No Jack in the Box.
Shameful display. It's literally the only fast food I eat, if ever.
>tfw you'll never know what it's like to have rochefort cheese on your brioche toasted bun and farm raised meat
please continue deluding yourself into thinking that fastfood burgers aren't all cancer-ridden lab food
>not BK
I'm now a #cruzmissle
I haven't eaten fast food in years. I just think you guys are sissies for shitting on Trump because he bought some fast food. One bigmac isn't going to kill him, you retards. Go eat some gluten free bullshit, you hipsters.
>not a five guy's burger
my faith is the god emperor is being tested..
John never stood a chance, he was born (((Stein))).
It's more of a regional thing to say pop. Pretty common in Indiana.
>grilling the bun
What is this.
>tfw you'll never know what it's like to have rochefort cheese on your brioche toasted bun and farm raised meat
How long is your beard, numale?
Where the fuck is FIVE GUYS?
Sad part is that the food was probably prepared by the minorities he disparages.
Has nobody said it yet?
"McDonalds makes the fastest food! I love American people!"
Fuck I forgot that it's illegal in america to not eat your daily burger ration.
one puff on a joint isn't going to kill you either, is it?
you're low-level IQ subhuman, who doesn't realize that trump probably threw out that food was after that photo-op and bleached his entire plane from any fungus-resistant remnants of his cancer meal on a plate.
enjoy your fast food castration, you faggot.
How large is your gut, Cletus?
we get it, you vape
>implying you guys don't stuff your fat faces with them too
Do you even have any cuisine that wasn't stolen from us? You're like Canada tier as far as that's concerned.
>Whataburger that low
>No Five Guys
>Burger King #1
>diet coke
Muh nigga
Diet coke is God tier all you plebs need to step it up and enjoy a real beverage
My Mexican friend, I know you probably can't afford McDonalds but as we all know in the States: you have to eat the fries first. Cold fries are worthless. A lukewarm burger is fine, especially from McDonalds.
Didn't check these.
You unironically posted this sentence:
>tfw you'll never know what it's like to have rochefort cheese on your brioche toasted bun and farm raised meat
You are so hipster it fucking hurts. Go put a dress on, you big girl.
don't you have an episode of degrassi to jack off to?
And it's still valid to this day. MAGA
At least he's self aware.
Size 32.
most people who drink diet coke just do it for the caffeine injection and to avoid bubble guts
Right here yank.
Gotta offset that McDonald's with Diet Coke.
> 1000+ calories in the drinks alone
The diabetes will take your legs - you know that, right?
Your cuckold palate probably wouldn't be able to appreciate the taste of meat that wasn't nuked by Juanita and Jerome, so it really makes sense that you're reaching for straws and crying "h-h-hipster..!"
ya k
That's a fudge cookie. Top kek. I'm pretty sure every Anglo nation has those.
Never seen a skinny person with a diet coke.
Can't just be normal and generally call them all coke.
I mean, that burger you ate sounds tasty but you're bragging about it like it's something to be proud of while shitting on someone for daring to be an "uncultured swine" that would eat fast food.
You sound intolerable and the type of person someone would punch in the face after one too many drinks.
Damnit now I want some McDonald's.
Burger King is literally the worst of the major fast food places.
lolz that none of these posters realise hes just quoting one of the comments on the insta post
actually most people call them soda....
i grew up calling them pop, then soda, and now I'm back in pop country but I still call it soda cause I'm not retarded.
You're an absolute idiot that just latched on to a comment because it probably struck a chord on the chortling you do at a value menu banquet that you have for dinner with your family at McDonald's. I was replying to a mouthbreather, probably an inbred cousin of yours, that was posting his leprechaun New York Yankees New Era fitted cap with his breakfast meals from McDonald's using Instagram filters. Wow! What an incredible breadth of sophistication that should be lauded for its bravery on anonymous board. Yeah, you're a faggot and you'd probably suck my dick if you saw my rocquefort cheese come from my uncut dick.
You probably drink battery acid Steel Reserve and consider yourself to be a true hick, too.
lol @ anyone not seeing this as a way for trump to pump up his "he's just like us" image and then ask his cook to prepare him some human tartare on the side of his sharper image seak. well done.
Jesus Christ. I don't even have to say anything. I can smell your mouth fedora from here.
I can smell the dick in your mouth from here.
It's got the angry birds on the fry carton and everything. He's fully aware of our memes.