Are we truly living in the end times?
Are we truly living in the end times?
No we've got two more generations I think.
here, have this
Yes, were fucked.
No! We are living exactly in the times we are supposed to live in and they are full of hope. What started as dank memes on the Internet is quickly becoming weaponized and turns into memetic warfare.
These are the greatest times.
Yes. The US is the Roman Empire 2.0. Once it goes down we will all be fucked
Yes. Technologically, there's nothing more that needs to be invented in order to fulfill everything in the bible regarding end time events. Biochips are a thing; cashless society is almost here; a one world government has been set up; a one world religion is being floated; the Israelis have everything they need to set up their temple; it is now trivial for everyone in the world to see an event that happens in the streets of Jerusalem at the same time; we have had wars and rumors of wars; pestilence; famine; earthquakes in diverse places; the love of men has grown cold; the rise of lawlessness is apparent to all; it's definitely well into the Beginning of Sorrows and headed quite quickly to the Troubles of Jacob.
To the godless, while you mock the bible, it tells you what's happening, and what's going to happen next. At some point this will become apparent to you. Personally.
>To the godless, while you mock the bible, it tells you what's happening, and what's going to happen next.
What happens next? I never read the bible, although I'm Christian. I'm not a very good one unfortunately since I almost never go to mass. Maybe I should start again
Speculation on Trumps roll? He is anti globalism so is he our 7 years of prosperity till it comes crashing down?
I feel like we live in alternate timeline where WW3 was postponed and everything is just countries scrambling to keep fake peace afloat.
I swear this world feels unnatural.
It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here.
We're in Ezekiel 37. Ezekiel 38 has an enormous muslim attack on Israel that fails utterly, leaving the Israelis 7 months of burying the dead, and 7 years of burning their weapons.
Here's a basic timeline for you, from an evangelical Christian point of view:
Ezekiel 38 war
7 year peace treaty with Israel
Moses and Elijah preach from Jerusalem, supernaturally
The world coalesces around a one world government in 10 parts
The world has one emergent religion led by the pope, aka the False Prophet
The two witnesses in Jerusalem raise havoc in the world; they are killed; people celebrate; they rise from the dead.
The leader of the 10 part one world government reveals to the world that he's the Antichrist.
He erects a statue in the Temple in Jerusalem that can move, speak, and kill anyone with the mark of the beast.
The mark of the beast is an ID microchip implant with all of your financial buying power in it. Take it and you go to hell. Take it not and you will be beheaded.
The wrath of God begins to be poured down upon the world.
Billions die.
The oceans die.
Most of the plants die.
The sun goes out.
The stars fall out of the sky.
This is 1260 days plus 1260 days plus 75 days later, when Jesus descends from heaven in glory and the entire world mourns.
Then the city of God descends from where it is now and assumes orbit over the earth, providing light, food, medicine, and water to the earth.
The 1,000 year rule and reign of Jesus on earth begins. The devil and demons are bound; the earth is renewed and refreshed; the people who lived righteously through the Tribulation, plus the elect (12,000 young Jew males of each tribe) enter into the Kingdom Age.
There is no sun, no moon, no stars, only the New Jerusalem.
The world is different. There are no oceans.
Men are different. They live to 800, 900, years again, as they did in the past.
Each man has his own house.
Each man eats food from his own fields.
Each man drinks wine from his own vineyard
Whoa. Is it true that Usa supports israel because your christians want to hurry with end of the world and you need Israel to exist for that?
and......I knew this was coming
You're not the only one. A real happening is on the way, everything else are just events that push us closer to it.
Out of curiosity, is there a timeline up to the present compared to what is said in the Bible?
I think it's probably very loosely interpreted and knitted together, as most prophecies are. But I am curious if such a thing exists.
But if people really believe that the sun is going to "go out" in +/- 10 years, I have to blame common core for that.
It's not false.
I don't think you're seeing the big picture.
God, Who made the sun, is going to put it out.
You're free not to believe the bible.
You're not free to escape the consequences of not believing the bible.
We are living in Kali Yuga
The end of peaceful times I'm afraid
How do you quantify the end of times?
What a load of bullshit. Fucking Christcucks would stop true peaceful world unity for their memelord.
How much jail time does that dude have left? Not all heroes wear capes.
The sun will go out eventually, yes. But before that happens, it's going to expand and engulf the earth.
The City of God could descend all it wants to, but it had better pick a different planet.
Why don't you take an astrophysics class? They're free on edx. You could ask your pastor about it after you're done. Only junior high math is necessary.
You're free to mock God now, and you are free to mock God's family now.
You will not always enjoy such freedom, and you will be repaid, to your face.
God is not mocked.
No. Everyone thinks that.
I'm mocking by suggesting you learn more about the universe that your God created?
Is science viewed with disdain in your philosophy? Again I am genuinely curious, yet you meet honest suggestions with flat-out threats.
I think I understand. You're a Muslim trying to make Christians look like intolerant and uneducated. I'm nothing myself so have no position.
Take an astrophysics course. Seriously. The math really isn't that hard and I have a feeling you didn't quite make it through Calc III, so the advanced stuff will have to wait.
Unity of what? Unity of the governors over the governed? Because that's about it.
For the whole world? No.
For the United States? Definitely.
-Society is a thin veneer
-Tensions are high
-People are armed and angry
-People distrust the government, media, friends, family, and strangers
-No morals and degeneracy is rampant
-Nobody knows how to survive on their own
-Overpopulated cities
-The list goes on and on and on...
All it takes is one major emergency and everything collapses. Recovery will be at least 10-20 yrs after the initial collapse. Look at what happened during Hurricane Katrina for proofs.
The government/military is not big enough to contain all of the United States and it will be the bloodiest conflict ever recorded.
This will happen within our lifetimes, but could happen at any point.
Stop being autistic and at least try to take a few minutes to decipher the metaphor. What can cause the sun to "go out" that is fully achievable in nature and by science?
The sun can be put out by atomic ash clouds as well as by super nova.
I don't have the link, but an ICE agent commited suicide with a note reading about how there's gonna be another economic collapse, the US gov will take away all firearms, and freely allow in illegal immigrants
That was debunked. The only source of the story was a prepper-run website that sold survival gear and was trying to cash in on the fear.
Yes, for some reason almost everyone in the USA thinks about the apocalypse every 7 seconds. Something in this lands is telling us to prepare for bad times. I don't know about the rest of the world, but prepping is a must in the states.
>The sun goes out.
>The stars fall out of the sky.
No. This is the tribulation, it happens before the rapture.
I don't believe in god for a second but I do believe that everything that we're going through right now has happened over and over again all through-out history since the dawn of time and that the bible is a collection of some of the lessons that humanity has learned up until that point. Religious scriptures are just folklore and stories passed from father to son. The stories that held the best values and taught the best lessons were stories that were spread around the most and some of them survived long enough to make it in to scripture.
If you study all the different religions I think you'll come to the same conclusion as me. All religions hold the same theme and teach the same universal truths.
People who deny that god was created by man and that the bible was written by man seriously underestimate what humans are capable of
we've got about 50 years before the universes memory buffer overflows and the intern hits the reset button.
Can't wait for the reign of China and India. They don't give a fuck about anything. They'll genocide whoever they want whenever they want. After America falls the world's going to be a glorious blood bath.
It's not hard to imagine an economic crisis. Canada is in recession, commodities are low and housing is about to tank again.
I'm not one to freely believe in theories like the Shemitah, but it's getting harder for ignore them when they've been coming true.
The Swede knows.
>the US gov will take away all firearms
That is a near impossibility. The people here have more guns and munitions combined than literally every military put together. It would be the bloodiest civil war in history (likely ever) with the most guns ever used in any war (likely ever). When people say this I really don't think they know what it entails.
If you did follow most religion then you would see that they are very similar. Especially the birth of man, from dirt we are made in the image of God. To me this is enough prove for some god to exist.
And uh... Who exactly do you think they'll go after?
The bible is godtier literature, no one can deny that, but some parts are just complete bullshit. I think those parts were most likely a bunch of shitposts from a bunch of Jewish shills from biblical times
It's kind of funny considering I know countless people who just feel like they were born at the wrong time in history and loathe the fact that we were born after everything has taken place.
>We're the generations that get to watch it all fall, reset, and rebuild.
I hope so
No. We are living in the most peaceful, safe, and mobile time period ever. It will only continue to improve. Technology has only just begun. Quantum computing on a large scale will happen in our lifetime and be greater than the beginning of the internet age.
Why would God create this entire universe, give humans the ability to create technology to travel through it, and end everyone before hand?
I think humanity will populate the entire galaxy through breakthroughs in theoretical physics. Perhaps billions of years in the future the events of the Bible will come to fruition.
Arabs and they'll exploit niggers. I meant to include Russia along with India and China which will keep whitey safe.