Calling doctor fags of Sup Forums

Calling doctor fags of Sup Forums
I have a cyst growing on the back of my ear.
It is tender to the touch, but not painful.
When I touch it I can tell it's filled with puss.
It has probably doubled in size within the past 8 hrs.
What the fuck is happening to me guys.
Really need some help here

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It's a boil. You could try to open with a needle or blade and then squeeze it. If it doesn't pop put a band aid over it and try again the next day.


>Get yourself a needle
>find that pus-ball
>find the thinnest skin membrane you can and...
>pierce that shit
>remove needle


It's growing really fast.
Should I be worried?
Going to the doctor tmrrw just to be safe

It's probably the size of a dime. At least a quarter inch "tall"


nice numbers
wash your hands then pinch that shit right now


Quads god here. Help a bro out

What's the worst thing it could possibly be?



Not doctor fag but supposedly certain types of cysts will just keep coming back / refilling if you don't get the cyst base removed by a doctor. Just saying from experience.

an eggsack full of both worms and deadly spiders
gotta pinch it extra hard

You look like nathan fielder op. are we gonna be on your show?

Jesus I loved this.

If spiders come out of my ear, am I technically a mother?

It's probably the cyst of "coolness" overload

This is correct.
Body forms a sac around the pus.
Keeps refilling if you dont remove the sac.

Lots of fun if youre into daily popping.
Not so fun of it gets worse.

Do you know what the doctor will do when I go see him?
Do they ever just pop cysts for you?


Hopefully I used the term cyst correctly.
It's a puss filled lump.
Is it a result of bacteria?
Why tf is it growing so fast?


Go see a doctor you spastic.


I had one on my lower back. doc numbed me open it open, removal the little sack. and stitched me up.

also there are tons of cyst removal vids on youtube. kinda gross but hey.

I've had that happen, its a bitch. Put a warm, wet wash cloth on it for several hours, it'll probably just pop.

The sad truth is, if you go to a doctor, he will tell you to fuck off. Its gross and it happens. Get back to him in a week, that sorta shit. So you might as well understand it. Its a zit.