Ronald McDonald Trump!!!
He's pulling a Rand Right now...
Ronald McDonald Trump!!!
He's pulling a Rand Right now...
>a burger eating a burger
I am shocked
I get three big marks at once and eat them all
Didn't Trump say that diet coke is for fat people?
And what's with the McD's? Isn't he a little too old to be consuming 10,000 mg of sodium a day?
>pic related
Eww he eats food poor people eat? How uncouth.
>doesn't realize this will get people to talk about trump more when they see Diet Coke
>apple juice
fuck, that guy really is a child.
He's confirming our suspicions. Screencap this. Rand Paul confirmed VP.
Does your boyfriend Steve know about the Marks?
Oh no, Shillary and the Rapist too
>Wolf Blitzer is having S.E. Cupp analyzes a photo of Donald Trump eating McDonalds. Blitzer asks if she noticed the ketchup packets.
trump controls the media
>Diet Coke sitting there full with the cap off
this man is pure meme magic
Imagine being the guy who made that Big Mac for Trump. That's the American dream for burger flippers.
What a true American
Guarantee you will never see Hillary eating a burger
I wonder if the secret service have to watch the guy make the food for the people they are protecting.
McDonald's isn't as unhealthy as buzzfeed and your parents would like you to think.
It's a staple of bodybuilders worldwide.
>eating fries first
>Delicious beef patty
>Diet Coke
>Nutritious meal/10
He's gonna MAGA his colon
>Problematic glasses
Everyday under the sun
I worked at McD's for 3 years and never messed with food, but I would spit in that motherfucker's burger.
is that pepe actually illegal?
There is literally nothing wrong with that
>your father's wife's son
>Ur a faggot
Ur a faggot
what's wrong with apple juice? not everyone drinks that high fructose corn syrup
You better take that back motherfucker
>eating the burger at all
And that's why you will be replaced with a machine, you repulsive human being.
He said he's never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke. He's not lying. He's not thin. This will just get more news talking about him.
kek, it also seems he has utensils wrapped in a napkin.
Trump offending journalists by saying "Pocahontas " over and over during press conference
>coke bottle open but still full
>burger in pristine condition inside the package, when was the last time you opened a big mac package and saw the bun perfectly lying on top of your burger?
>all the ketchup unused
>empty fries pack
dont think he actually ate that stuff
that is the fanciest McDonald's box I have ever seen
Obligatory Trump McDonalds commercial
Donald is a bit fat m8
S.E. Cupp is a liberal hack. always has been
Save it and find out
>celebrating is in quotation marks
This is an edit right? Please tell me it's an edit.
They don't have those boxes in bongland?
they serve them in pages of the koran
>tfw daddy only lets you get the kid's meal
Thank you user, made my day
I hope Trump takes more pictures like this.
You just KNOW he didn't eat any of this plebeian garbage.
>Throw it in the trash. We'll hit up a 5 star steakhouse on the way back.
Haha Angry Birds getting more publicity! What is this dreamland I live in?
>diet coke
What did he meme by this?
because here in america little kids get a juice box of apple juice or a little envelope of chocolate milk with their lunch. apple juice is on the children's menu at mcdonalds here. I have never seen an adult drinking apple juice until now. it's perfectly fine if that's what he likes. It's weird to see these people's food and drink choices.
why not just get a water?
Save it, I dare you. See what happens.
>drive by McD
Donald Trump
>drinking Diet Coke
Donald Trump
>see ad for either
Donald Trump
He just mad Coca~Cola and McDonalds full time free ad agencies. God bless him
damn bill looks so much better here
There isn't a single day where Europeans stop being elitist over the most retarded shit.
Nah, Trump apparently loves McDonald's. He travels a lot, and it's consistently the same food.
Can you hear me?
He looks confused.
He's admitted he's chubby.
>Rand Paul eats McDonalds
>Sup Forums shits on him for eating shit tier fast food
>Trump eats McDonalds
>Sup Forums worships him and his glorious dining preferences
Austin Petersen 2016!
I love daniel so much
>Wolf Blitzer is having S.E. Cupp analyzes a photo of Donald Trump eating McDonalds. Blitzer asks if she noticed the ketchup packets.
I love this election so much. Thank you so much for this Burgers.
This desu. McDonalds making you fat is just a forced meme. Calories in that burger and fries is probably 1100 or so, which is fine if you eat two meals a day. Meanwhile an entree at almost any restaurant is 2k+
The day that Donald Trump forced the MSN to fat shame him and the SJW's came to his aid. Could you imagine?
He is so based it litterally hurts
>t. Communications degree
this was before his veganism that made him frail.
Shit. Now I need to go to Mcdonalds for dinner.
Any suggestions on what to get?
He must have an amazing digestive system then.
I was on a 12 hour road trip once and in order to make good time, we stopped at like 3 McDonald's for every meal, and it completely fucked my shit up (literally) for the next week.
Never eating that trash again.
>burger in pristine condition inside the package, when was the last time you opened a big mac package and saw the bun perfectly lying on top of your burger?
I guess my McDonalds drones aren't that shitty because it's always looked like that, all 3 times I've had one
Wow man, you took it out of the box? This thread isn't even worth it
this is what big macs look like in america. even retards get it right. the thing they mess up is the actual order.
>McDonalds for dinner
well clearly you should get all day breakfast
Burgers actually improve the health of true americans
>3 years at McDs
>against Trump
it adds up
a mcgangbang and two egg mcmuffins
I'm starting to suspect that Trump has autist levels of recall, or organizes all of his actions compulsively.
He dug up this thin person tweet, then published a picture with Diet Coke. Fucking knowing full well people will talk about it.
I didn't want to believe this "Trump is a 4-D chess playing genius" shit but it's becoming more and more obvious the way things play out.
And this shit won't even hurt him! No one can use it against him because he's not THIN.
14 big macs and 44large fries, 44 cokes
>juice box
Jesus christ.
>road trip McD's
That's never a good idea. A worse idea is having a KFC Double Down before sitting on a bus for 10 hours. I've never felt closer to death.
If you notice, he hasn't actually eaten anything in the photograph.
The coke is opened but unsipped.
The burger is opened and unbitten.
The fries you can't really see, but I'm assuming those are uneaten as well.
I think he just wanted to pose with the box of fries with the words "IT'S LAUNCHTIME" written on the front. After reaching the delegate total, he's basically going to launch himself right into the Oval Office.
Get the McKinnley Mac.
they don't have mcgriddles for all day breakfast so its pretty much pointless.
Literally everyone drinks Diet Coke, I'm upset that this ignorance displays a lack of judgment. I'd say the typical Diet Coke drinker is a thin middle-aged woman.
A big Mac. I am vegetarian now but those were my favorite when I was young, even if I couldn't eat it all.
>now i have to start drinking diet coke again cuz the don does
What is a McKinnley Mac?
>Can't eat a whole big mac
For shame
FUCKING SAME WTF!!!!! Whats the motherfucking point?! Also dat captcha
what is that? a mac that shoots you in the back?
It's an Alaskan thing, basically big mac with quarter lb meat
That sounds pretty good
I like juice myself, why the fuck not?
This is like political correctness but for food.
If one drinks cola, he's a fucking Amerifat, if they take a juice they're manchildren.
Water? They or something wtf?
Damn if you do damned if you don't.
I was a petite little girl.
poor* >or something?
I remember reading something about how his speaking patterns have meticulously tracked layers to them. Like, he'll start an anecdote, sidetrack into something else, sidetrack from that sidetrack, make an interjection, then drop an anecdote in the middle of that interjection - then he'll complete every single one of those thoughts in perfect opposite order.
story time!
>go to city in north of portugal
>building houses for charity
>friends and I go out after work
>everyone decides mcdonalds
>some hate it because muh trendy health
>one single friend refuses to eat with us
>calls it "mcpoison"
>we all go back to the dorms after dinner
>suddenly friend is sick
>projectile vomit everywhere
>food poisoning from eating at a local restaurant
>dorms are uninhabitable
>we still had to sleep there
Yeah before they get cold, whereas the burger is insulated in a box and/or paper. Burger science