Alright Sup Forums. what're we going to do about this cuck trying to destroy our net neutrality...

Alright Sup Forums. what're we going to do about this cuck trying to destroy our net neutrality. This affects us all and if it passes it will spread outside the U.S. Ideas to stop it?

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You wont even notice it happening. They will implement it so slowly in the name of security. You wont even notice till its too late.

Besides petition and hope it gets denied not much else to do. But i know there will be places like Sup Forums to share and post porn. Other companies are annoyed by this as well. I dont see it lasting, atleast not in this early day and age of internet.

>it will spread outside the U.S.
I hear this every single thread but nobody has ever managed to give me an explanation as to why

You dont get how other companies see the potential financial gain? Whats it like lacking common sense?

Wouldn't this whole NN talk make them realize the potential gains and make companies all over the world start fighting against NN in other countries?
Why do they suddenly realize this when america does it?

If this passes they can basically double charge you for using the internet. A price for the actual high speed service and then "channels" that you can buy.

Unless you have free internet they will do this. Double the money. The bonus for that CEO would be fucking huge.

What if one company to be more competetive to others will just not do it and everybody will move to them? Then every other company will follow to be competetive.

Or they can just leave it how it is and let the free market of the internet do its thing. Its a money grab.


There's a bunch of countries with out it

COMCAST will add little fees each hear. $5 here... $10 there... by 2020 you'll be paying double for less than what you have now. But that's what freedom is all about according to the FCC... the freedom for 3 or 4 corporations to fuck you in the ass until you stop twitching.

VZ (during Pai's executive legal consultant days) basically lured the FCC (probably through payoffs) to make a rule that the owners of wire/infrastructure pay only the average to maintain/upkeep/expand based on the costs of the year 2000. That means the whales watched the small companies pay up to 75% more in cost to upkeep/maintain/expand lines during the last 15 years. In many rural areas, you're required to keep these lines working because it is the only option, therefore making if fall under a utility guideline (phone lines)

If you're wondering why there are almost no line-runners/piggybacking smaller companies, even in cell phones (metro, cricket, etc were all bought by the line owners) this is because of Pai and VZ and the FCC.

Fucking just read his history. It is littered with the bodies of startups and small companies. There's a reason Uverse offers DTV when you want to cancel. Its because Pai and the big companies strangled all the other smaller startups out, now with less options than 15 years ago for net/tv/cell plans they cry about not making money and charge an arm and a leg while the ceos and shareholders literally buy nfl teams. Fucking 100$/mo for internet and cabletv package deal where I live, and it is the only option available and goes out constantly. It was never like this. Ten years ago it was half the cost with many small providers. Thank people like Pai for literally fucking the country.

Go back to Redit. Trump is doing this for us to MAGA I hope they ban dissenters like you queers.

>I like to get fucked in the ass


yep, try instead


Because in the end, everyone else is America's bitch.

Would you rather test shit in your homeland and blow up in your face or see how another group handles it and benefit from that?

ill give you a shiny star for participation.

This literally killed competition. I remember reading about this and thinking "yep, no way in hell would someone be dumb enough to enter a market that toxic." But, you know, google did. But they have google money. There are no small companies left in my area, either.

No fact. Trump is good he wouldn't do something bad. Private companies should beable to help us if they want


They are going to keep the internet how it is right now and they are going to install gigabit lines. Once those go down the new deal will be gigabit internet but you have to abide by the new channel listings bullshit and we get to sell it to you.

Fuck are going on about? Tell me one reason trump would be behing something he knew would be bad on his first term? Those internet package memes are just memes they never will hapen.

I mean, we are talking about Trump here

Emoluments clause. Read it. For those of you that run big companies, trump is great and will make capitalism greater. Bigly. For the other 99%, he is worse than all the cancers

Fuck you snowflakes

Internet package memes?

What are you, a russian or a bot?

Found the frog


get of my b/ libtards. I voted trump because he WILL MAGA. He knows how the system works and plays it to his vantage. Your stupid for not understanding that he just does 3d chess.

Neither. And if Russians did something we'd know by now. Putin even told trump he didn't. No investigation said he did. Intelligence community say it never hapen. What more you SNOWFLAKS need?

>trump dicksucker
>doesn't know basic grammar
>spouts maga every 0.5 sentences
This is bait but you actually got me triggered
Btw trump supporters != trump dick jumpers

>if Russians did something we'd know by now
There have been arrest warrants issued what fucking planet are you on

All these retards saying its a problem for everyone, not just America. You know what america got and that didnt carry over to my country?

-A retarded President
-School shootings every week
-Retarded Feminists
-Fat and dumb People
-Banned Kinder Suprise

Don't act so high and mighty just because you weren't born in a shithole.

>Banned Kinder Suprise
This is by far the worst of all of them

So then stop acting high an mighty because you think america is some kinda god state that everyone has to follow. Wtf do you mean that unironically? that's pure hypocrisy


Post yfw you're not an americuck


They're not as good as America


I usually say this ironically but I legit wish that faggot got all the cancer in the world

The internet lacks the people needed to expose the corruption of ajit pai. His crimes need to be exposed.


Guess you never got sarcasm in your country either.

99/100 won't
Get me to that 1%

why not do what you did last time.
cry like a bitch


But, we have them now.. I just saw some at the gas station. Trump obviously got those kinder eggs back on the shelf. Woo Trump, MAGA.