Why isn't there a thread about the events going on right now in France ?
For those who don't know, our ""socialist" governement decided now would be a great time to push a law catering to big bosses and big companies and to fuck the workers over. Of course the unions hated that shit and now they're blocking everything. Gas station are running dry, and there protest going on everyday. Shit's getting crazy.
Pic related, empty gas station in France right now.
are trains working? I have to go to Nice tomorrow
How are the politicians reacting to this?
Prelude to the second French Revolution, oh please oh God.
Your unions need to be broken, they are too strong.
there isnt any
most of those workers are blacks, arabs and other immigrants
your country is considered now a mixed country
You should be fine.
If anyone is coming to Paris in June, you should know that the public transportation company (RATP) is going on an unlimited strike starting from the 2nd of june
.Fuck yeah man, I know too many small company who got fucked in the ass because unionized worker always wanted more, and they couldn't fire them.
enjoy your continued decline as your last remaining businesses run away. at least you will all be equally miserable. but don't worry, as your native population continues to die out, achmed and mohammed will replace them and no doubt bring the riches of sharia to the new caliphate.
thank you. Revolution 2.0 when?
why aren't everyone talking about this? Literally nothing on news sites.
>Why isn't there a thread about the events going on right now in France ?
Because you frogs won't explain, won't create threads, won't won't post links AND NOBODY SPEAKS FUCKING FRENCH REEEEEEEEEEE
how do the refineries work in france? They import crude from saudi arabia or something? Or do they have wells of their own?
you are fine, only some of the scheduled train rides were cancelled
I live in Nice
>...decided now would be a great time to push a law catering to big bosses and big companies and to fuck the workers over.
Wasn't that decided with mass immigration?
All French Nuclear plants reportedly shutting down now for protest
Lol nobody will invest in France. You are on strike all the time, when do you work?
That's France in a nutshell.
Which area if I may ask? I used to live in Rue Verdi
The Uruguayan is making sense.
6% of working population is in union, 2.5 have a card registration meaning they are active in the union (i guess, just saw a bit of a summary tonight on the news) but the union is very present in administation and some key industry so thats how they can freeze everything
What do you want explained ? Unions in France are massive collection of entitled cunts, and they strike whenever they are in danger. Which is what they're doing right now. Since neither the gov't or the unions want to back up, we're stuck.
Look : the minister that made the law almost getting lynched by a mob in a tv show youtube.com
I'm GTFOing of this country as soon as I can.
Go france viva france. We cunts in the u.k put up with anything, fluoride and the mmr have made us into docile little sheep. The rich get richer and if the poor complain they dump thousands of foreigners, we are now a country of foodbanks and szero hour contracts. Our union leaders are corrupt and very rich.
Go france burn the rich, hang the bastards
the legislation for labor has changed, it has become easier to fire people, which was practically impossible before. the syndicates have rallied up against this new law and they're going on strike.
some of the refineries were blocked, thus limiting the production of oil by a little bit. however this caused a panic and people now are hoarding oil. this mroning I saw some guy with 2 tanks. the problem is the national railway along with the bus company is going on strike tomorrow, idk how people without oil is going to make it
Small companies have unions in France? Only large companies have unions here and they are mostly political organizations that look out for the Democrat party.
Looks like Geert will also have to build a wall on the southern border.
fuck unions, seriously. Bus drivers here go on strike like every month.
near nicetoile
You strike and protest every day though.
>near nice toilet
makes sense
total just said that they're reconsidering investments in France and that they're going to reduce their activities in the country
You guys are faggot.
>we'll actually have to work 35 hours now'
>fuck if we don't work out employee will fire us
Ma vai a lavorare terrone del nord
as long as i can watch football i don't care
Bump, based ribbits
Unemployment is over 20% thanks to huge regulations
>For those who don't know, our ""socialist" governement decided now would be a great time to push a law catering to big bosses and big companies and to fuck the workers over. Of course the unions hated that shit and now they're blocking everything.
Extremely dishonest "information". You think our gov isn't socialist enough? Go to North Korea, you'll find what you are looking for, it's called communism.
That law in its original form was actually a step in the right direction to make it easier for unemployed persons to get hired, but no, extreme leftards had to bitch about it until all of its content was removed. Now whether the law passes or not will make no difference. Why do you care?
The only union going apeshit over this is the CGT, because they feel their power is declining and want to show they are still relevant by making the government bend over some useless law.
Under rated post
ah I might see you around then. I always end up shopping with my family at Nicetoile. Small world
Yeah I noticed, a big chunk of them look like some kind of mudbloods. France is very close to being like Brazil demographically.
nice étoile
du bou ch age
eternal weedman
Correct me if I am wrong but I have read that this law is the same like germanys twenty-ten agenda which fucked over german workers.
Your system is over-regulated as fuck. You could hardly even call it a market based economy. Reform is badly needed. Hollande sucks, but the labour law will be a step towards making France great again.
Socialist cuck
no gas? how will you get rid of the chimps?
odds are we have already seen each other
When are the french going to lose their heads and pull out the guillotine again? All this peaceful protesting is giving me blue balls.
Thanks. The fire rises bbc.com
and so do UKIP numbers, I guess.
>No guys I swear the law was meant to get people hired more and easier
>no 20% unemployment isn't that high.
The law in its current form has been so toned down it's going to change absolutely NOTHING. The only reason the gov wants to pass it at all costs is to not lose face in front of the extreme left. They want to show they are still the ones in power.
ban companies from laying people off or firing them
prepping for TTIP
Easier to import one raw commodity rather than a gillion distillate products
Is it nice?
their entire economy is based on London banker fraud
socialists don't know what that means
The Immigrants maintain that the European people has lost faith in our culture.
Do you believe with me and us in the final victory of European culture against Islam.
The Immigrants maintain that the Europeans have lost the way that we do not have the measures for total war.
That we can't total war, that we have already surrendered.
Before us lies Europe.
In us marches Europe.
And behind us Europe follows.
The muslims maintain that we have lost faith in ourselves.
I ask you: Do you trust in yourself.
Beyond Europe and in the whole world.
The international corruption will be recognised as a demonic threat upon democracy.
The national socialists will ensure this.
The invaders say we cannot fight back, that we are broken and weak.
It is not for Ideas that we live!
Not for theories.
Not for fantasy party programs!
No, We live and fight for the European people.
For the preservation of our existence!
Through our own LABOR!
Through our own INDUSTRY!
Through our own DETERMINATION!
Through our own DARING!
Through our own PERSEVERENCE!
We cannot budge, we cannot rest, never tire, never lose courage, never despair!
One day our patience will run dry!
THIS GENERATION.. It is the bearer of Europes future and destiny, Europes prosperity or demise
and our enemies, they already cry out today: Europe has fallen!
Yet Europe can give but one answer: EUROPE WILL LIVE! And hence Europe will win!
Our European brothers and sisters, stand with us; HAIL VICTORY!
Is Sup Forums suddenly defending the big unions and socialists?
i'm interested what the front national is saying about the riots
U retard m9?
So if I understand this correctly, this new law is making it so that workers can be more easily fired?
It is because the french have a very bloated understanding of unions are it is making the economy stagnant as less ability for companies to hire/fire workers and be generally competitive?
And the entitled workers don't want this change to happen because it means they might have to actually work and produce to get a paycheck instead of being protected by laws that make it very difficult to fire them?
So this is basically a shift from a more socialist type of capitalism to a more agile, free market type of capitalism where smaller companies have a better chance to compete against larger corporation because they dont have to promise such large amounts of certainty to new hires?
Why is this bad again? Is this just people throwing a hissy fit over the sugar being cut back?
a lot of 4cnanners and redditors are 20-something unemployed NEETS who believe "the system" whatever that is, is fucking them over, which fits nicely with socialist rhetoric
Yes, come to Spain
>So if I understand this correctly, this new law is making it so that workers can be more easily fired?
from the way it sounds, yes. France has a huge load of ridiculous regulations. Some of which involve things like a company can't lay off workers if the business goes under because if the employees are under contract, by no means can a company ever lay them off until the contract completes
Which cultural norm came first, drinking shit tons of wine or throwing shit tons of empty wine bottles?
You're right on the money
Why dont you guys just leave the euro and let currency get back your competitiveness? Everybody wins.
Let me correct both of you. In germany the same kind of law happened already a decade ago and the result is "1 euro jobs" (1 euro a hour, yes) and people not getting fully paid the minimum wage
Basically, yes. The unions are powerful, but they aren't the source issue, it's government regulation
But the anger can spill over into migrant issues! What would Rahm say?
I thought there wasn't a minimum wage in germany
but todays socialist are just doing what the big unions tell them t o do... which is: fucking over the worker
somewhere i heard that literally 0actual factory/etc workers are in the french socialist party.... they all started voting Le Pen
>allowing workers to work overtime
You frogs are fucked.
there is..
so what is your opinion on the current regulation in France and this rioting regarding new law being proposed?
>I'm GTFOing of this country as soon as I can.
You are correct about the unions they stop people investing in France
and you should be hung!
I'll be in Europe in June, and France from like june 4th to like late June probably.
What can I personally do to try and make the happening happen?
Last time an American tried they just stopped a potentially race war starting terrorist attack.
Well i am only basing this off of my knowledge of that one german law which is quite similar and everyone agrees basically that it was a very bad idea, fucking over the common worker. The difference is that the germans didnt riot (they never do) but the french have the balls to do it.
U wot?
kan ons n bydra maak?
Surely if you're a "socialist" government and you're in conflict with your unions then you're not a socialist government right?
Wat doe jij in egypte man
Besig om n KONING te wees
What's your definition of "worker"? An individual dependent on state protection?
checked yet again
so then I guess my question would be has German economy/GDP/medium wage/standard of living generally increased or decreased since that similar law was passed in Germany?
From my understanding of the current state of the economy in France, it is not doing very well and this is just one of many measures being looked at by the state to try and reinvigorate foreign and internal investment in French economy
Oh, you silly French and your liberté nonsense.
put up a banner with mohammed sucking weewee in the center of paris
I promise I'm not a CIA Agent
Op reis ofzo? Hou het veiligheid user!
Sup Forums has never been a libertarian board
The best option is no happening should happen. People should be mad, the law will either get adopted or not, but things will calm down if there's no big happening. However, there are presidential elections in 2017. And people are getting real tired of the unions and left/right bullshit. They will vote en masse for the FN and Marine Le Pen, and whatever cunt she will face in the second turn, she will crush them, because people in the left won't vote for the PS or the Republicains.
That's my view of how it should happen.
Jy ook broer