Can you explain why capitalism is better than socialism? I'm kind of 50/50 on both

Can you explain why capitalism is better than socialism? I'm kind of 50/50 on both.

In a socialist country the lazy get as much as the hard working.

Wouldn't that create more laziness?

People get freebies and hard workers get fucked.

Capitalism creates whealth. Socialism distributes it.

Yes. Which is why I'm strictly against socialism. Because humans are twats.

Context matters as neither is inherently "better" than the other. Each is better for achieving some goals and worse at achieving others, which is why every modern industrialized nation uses a mixed economy. Use the right tool for the right job.

Socialism has failed every time it has been pursued to any great degree. There are some advanced homogeneous societies (those with very small numbers of minorities... non-predominant ethnic or cultural groups) that have mixed economies with some socialist policies mixed with many capitalist features. However, in mixed societies, only capitalism has worked. All socialist nations (those without many capitalist features) have failed.

Why do homogeneous nations tolerate more socialism? Because they all share a common set of values and ethical paradigms. They can agree on what is "fair". In mixed societies, minorities think they are being excluded from a "fair share" of the benefits of socialism because the policies don't conform as well to their priorities or set of ethical understandings and outcomes.

Mixed societies work in capitalism because it is closer to a competitive environment and "you get what you earn". There is still conflict over social rules and some priorities, but there is much less disagreement over "fairness" of the marketplace and success.

Are you mongoloids inbred? Op is probably trolling, Ofcourse capitalism is superior. Fuckin idiots would have no motivation to do anything under socialism

Children starve to death under capitalism. Both pure capitalism and pure socialism are fucking retarded. A mixture of both is the only reasonable system.

Socialism is working great in Europe newfriend.

Power,money can be inherited. That isn't a meritocracy you deserve a decent life. Socialism ftw Automation will one day make us irreverent, rise up with me comrade!

My ideal economic system: mixed

Everyone gets taxed at rates according to their income but can still earn unlimited money if they work hard enough.
Dividends are taxed as income. Otherwise people are literally just living off the hard work of others for free.
School is provided for free to ensure people who want to work hard will have the skills necessary to find work.
Free housing to the homeless, which has been shown to have a net gain in money for the state due to not having to pay for so many homeless hospital visits. (still not amazing homes though, I'd put them into small apartments)
Subsidized public transport to ferry hard workers to and from work since if people can't get to work then they can't work.
Companies can charge whatever they like for things.
Anything for the good of society would be run by the government or at least have a government business as well: utilities companies, drug companies, hospitals, schools, colleges but not universities.
Copyright would be rewritten to be limited to the original creator and upon their death it becomes free to the public.

Nothing works ! Everrrrrr .. if they would rather die then they should better do it And decrease the surplus population .. lol
mankind will fuck each other over each and every way til the end of existence ..
Face facts ur an organism and not a very complex one at that.. the bee has more worth on this planet than ur pathetic ass !! So stop whining about capitalism blah de blah

socialism =/= communism

Nazi's where socialists

Americans don't travel and realise europe is mostly right wing yet socialist

read up, you're being taken for idiots

Look at my post. It works in some nations in Europe with a homogeneous population and mixed with some capitalist features. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, etc. have less than 3% minority. And they have a "mixed" economy with both socialist and capitalist features.Every "all socialist" nation has failed. And nations with large minority pops have difficulties with even "mixed" economies that have socialist and capitalist features.

Correct however socialism is the road to communism. Unless you bankrupt your country and cause civil war before you get there of course.

There are no true socialist countries in Europe bro. Its not intelectually honest to say that.

Imagine a place where there is no money and there is no class and you are free to do whatever you want. I know this could never happen but just try to immagine how it would be. For example I like manual labor, I don't know why but doing stuff by hand gives me happyness, I can't make a living out of this because in order to be "happy" I need to earn more money than what manual labor would provide me with so I am taking a phd, just because I want the money a job that requires a phd will give me. Now, I have a friend, he is very smart, probably smarter than me, he has to work because otherwise he can't afford food while he takes a phd, and he would love to have a phd. Now tell me is it fair that me that hates studying gets to take a phd and my friend who loves studying and is incredibly smart can't do what he want? In the end none of us gets what we want, I'll be stuck with a job I don't want and he will be too, how is that fair? If there was no class and no money we could both be happy, do what we like the most and both have the same dignity as human beings, why a factory worker and a ceo have different dignity? Both or them are necessary to society and none would survive without the other. I think everyone wants to do something, when you think of someone that is "lazy" i bet you that he is because he didn't get the opportunity to do what he truly wants.

You're fucking retarded. Read the whole post.

Guess which is which...

>capitalism vs. socialism

Regulated capitalism is better.
I do not agree with the forceful redistribution of wealth. Similarly I think that's it's only fair that work gets rewarded with an increase in wealth.
Not to mention the fact that these socialist/communist utopias can only work on a global scale (as they would get conquered by capitalistic neighbors otherwise), which means open borders. Something I think is retarded in itself, but even more in a socialist nation as every poor immigrant would lower the economy.

Europe is not socialist. It's capitalism with certain socialist programmes, like "free" healthcare and social security benefits.

>Can you explain why capitalism is better than socialism? I'm kind of 50/50 on both.

Fuck off and die with your faggot porn spam thread.

Jew post faggot porn spam to fuck Sup Forums over.

You must be fun at parties. Plus Amy is really sexy.

I didn't say that. I said those in Europe were "mixed" economies with features of socialism and capitalism as well as highly homogeneous culturally. So they work. But other countries with more diverse cultures cannot implement socialism because they cannot agree on priorities or equity. They minorities always feel left out and rise up to cause disruptions which eventually bring down society and government.

That is EXACTLY why the "communes" of the 1960's are still so successful today! Perhaps you should join one.... if you can find one..... which is unlikely.

same reason dicks are better than pussies

much less mess

Replied to tranny post bc dubs.
Capitalism is parallel to socialist politics.
We cannot do without capitalism in some form, whatever government form there is.
An equilibrated society is neither capitalism-driven (corporativism, state-capitalism and such, e.g. USA) nor socialism-driven (nazifascism, communism, eg. WWII Germany, USSR, China) but has the two things present.