I am at a "safe space party" Sup Forums I can't stop cringing what do I do
I am at a "safe space party" Sup Forums I can't stop cringing what do I do
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Why did you go there you fucking fag
Yell allahu akbar and call the people who react racist
cuz hes friendless and all he has is pol
>describes me also tbqh
Leave ya mouthbreather.
But before you do hijack the speaker system and play something obscenely offencive.
Also, prove it.
>openly admitting to projection
Or go full misogyny mode and claim that it's OK because you are Muslim.
Start screeching like a raptor and throw shit about, then record it.
How do you even end up at a place like this?
Also, post more pics pls
Trigger them by snapping your fingers very loudly.
hit on that girl with the fat ass in pink shorts
Yeah, why did you go? Did you know it be like that? Did your GF make you? Is it for a qt3.14 grill? WHY?
Just leave, fool.
Why don't you kill yourself right now in front of them?
You would traumatize them for years.
Document everything for possible meme mining.
Holy fuck I might know that blonde guy! More pics OP HOLY FUCK
looks like a baby shower
My gf wanted to go, I was bored
Get a sharpie and write trump 2016 MAGA
Is that her?
Are they her friends?
also, nice dubs
Dude more pics I need confirmation
Holy fuck he's on my kikebook
Is blondie in the middle a boy or a girl? It seems like a twink wearing a dress.
Kek, that shit looks like your typical closed juvenile mental ward of any hospital I ever worked at.
What did you do op? Tell us your story.
Why are you dating someone who would want to go to a "safe space party"? And I really hope that thing in the photo isn't your """gf""".
>what do I do
Whip out your dick and tell them to check your privilege.
God no
It's a beta cuck so naturally they looks feminine
Also pic related is the guy who I think is the blonde (old af pic)
I'd do her. But then again I'm a degenerate.
OP more pics of that blonde or at least find out his name or something
Maybe he didn't know till he got there
Cus she's hot and does what I want
Everyone is dancing cept this guy they're chomping out now cus of some song by marine the diamonds or something
I'll be there in a minute OP... and I brought some friends, too!
Hope we didn't miss out on anything. :)
Tell them you don't feel safe sharing the room with them and they need to leave
more on pink shorts girl pls
What's up
I think this guy is desperate to see if his bf is at a safe space party without him
>Cus she's hot and does what I want
So you wanted to go to a Safe Space Party?
>"The invitation was not for you."
>"Too late. We coming."
Who is the blonde!!?!?!?!?!
I might know the person
Just felt like indulging her, plus it's good keks
I hope a nigger poisons your dog or kills you
>implying you aren't a nigger
>Cus she's hot and does what I want
Then tell her to stop hanging out with SJWs. Jeez, I will never understand people who voluntarily put up with this shit. Is there at least some booze at this "party" so you can drink the cringe away?
Lose it. Freak out on them, calling them all the names in the book.
Then, when they finally compose themselves to a point where they can react, act like you just had a schizophrenic episode. Start sobbing. Cry. If you don't know any of them, it should easily be believable. Then, when they are all done coddling you because they were too ableist, tell them they are all a bunch of gullible left wing fucks.
OP, please this faggot is a bern bot I know. If he's actually in this event itd ruin his status in his home state. Just ask his or it's name
>implying these pictures are yours
He's probably the autist that they invited out of sympathy
>Is there at least some booze
Are you trying to offend our dune hopping friends, shitlord?? It's a safe space party.
I'm 100% white, also niggers are scared of dogs here, the niggers here are cucks compared to the niggers in the usa
Fair enough, you talking to anyone?
Yell nigger as loud as you can
Poop on floor, claim it's because you're animalkin
Yeah those "cucks" kill you beta fags and you just take it like the self loathsome bitches you are. Wanna read an article of a South African white girl who thought white privileged allowed her to survive a rape encounter?
Just dancing with my gf occasionally
The fuck is that?
yell Nigger
Break that flower thing off that girls head, proceed to enjoy shit storm, tell her this is now an unsafespace
make me lol
>ask to borrow someones phone to make a call as your phones battery is dead
>go outside
>download hitler speech mp3
>set as ringtone
What the fuck is a safespace party?
Start chanting "TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP"
This also
Do a timestampt one. Then i will give you a title. My dad once spoke with a hohenzoller. So you know m8...
I have no idea. I'm so glad I graduated from university back in 2011 when these things didn't exist.
I'd fuck him
Play this through the speakers: youtube.com
Its hilarious isnt it. I was walking behind some mother with her young child walking her dog the other day and it was quiet the whole time and then some black muzzies walked by and the dog went barking mad.
I'm going back to university later this year. I'm 30. Hold me, Sup Forums, I'm afraid
OP is this ur place
They're some kind of parties held at unis then? What is the party like OP, a lot of drinking?
Also call 911
Well, talk to some people ask them what triggers them - when it seems you can get away with it without making them or the GF angry
You are dating a girl that unironically wants to attend a safespace party and she forced you to fucking go. I'll give it a week before you're cucked if she hasn't already done it.
I don't think Yuro universities are as bad as the US ones regarding SJW fuckery. I can't believe some of the crazy shit I hear from there.
Back when I attended Indiana University, there were no safespace parties--they were just regular parties.
>not wearing a "make america great again" shirt or hat to it.
"I thought this was a safe space" when they all gang up
that's a very large school. they probably happened and you just didn't know about it.
Apparently students doing law at oxford dont study certain violent things because it triggers them.
>dress pants
>dress shirt
the look of a champion
>Sjw party
>Not talking about Trump to trigger
Op don't be a faggot. Blast Moonman through the speakers and post webm
Probably like 70% of women are like that right now, it's the 'in' thing find me some women who aren't like that right now.
This guy keeps orbiting my gf and I that's her arm in the pic
I didn't see all of these SJW dykes with pink/green hair back then. I don't even think it was a thing when I was in school.
Then again, I was a business major.
I go to school in the adirondacks and most of the women don't give a shit about social justice or any of that. they just want to do their school shit, talk about people who aren't around and get fucked.
CS major, I don't see any either. (Tech majors are too hard for women)
what school is this again?
But I still dont get it you fucking weird mericucks.
Is it like a party you get invited to as in someone will ask you: "hey user will you come to the safespace party on thursday?" "We sit around and create a safe space for each other" something like that?
If so, that is some weird shit man.
what years were you there? i'm pretty sure this started this decade.
Your girls got some natty triceps. Whats her regimen?
What is everyone talking about. What's the purpose of this meeting of retards?
2008 - 2011