Posting from "where is waldo"
Could have been a lot worse
Posting from "where is waldo"
Could have been a lot worse
Other urls found in this thread:
>when is ramadan
>Idaho knows
>potato jokes incoming
>is Bernie Sanders vegan?
Wait... is Bernie vegan or not?
>is Bernie Sanders vegan
How to open a there some new technique I should be aware of? Googling now
>do penguins have knees
Lol Iowa.
>Who won the Civil War
>how to make meth
how many beers in a keg master race reporting in.
answer: 5 and a half racks!! which is 165 beers!
>Why does everyone hate Florida?
We're the strongest race in the world.
I live in California and this is the most accurate depiction of our state ever
please kill me and free me from this Hell
>when is ramadan
USA confirmed cucks.
I'm probably responsible for that one
>Is Obama Muslims
The least surprising thing there.
>not porn
Fake as fuck
>Hawaii: What is the meaning of life?
That honestly doesn't surprise me. There's a fuck-ton of Somalis, Ethiopians, Indians, Bengali, Nepalese, and Pakistani people in the Washington, DC/Northern VA area.
>How to make meth
>Wyoming: what is Wyoming?
Fuck washington. We all know Bernie can win
How autistic do you have to be to think this is real?
Given that I live near DC and have actually interacted with said people, not very? Then again, I don't expect you to understand civil relations between foreigners, Nigel.
CT deciding which team to root for. Yankees or Red Sox.
And as somebody who lives here, 90% of them are the types of "Muslims" you'd find in Bosnia or some shit. I.E. Drink, barely attend Mosque, and know basically nothing about their religion.
Just don't draw Muhammad or they'll still go apeshit. I guess they need to prove to themselves that they're Muslim somehow.
Kansas teaches you how to cook in school.
>When is Cinco de Mayo?
West Virginians confirmed for subSaharan IQ.
>is funner a word?
Fuck this state
I really want Google to make the answer to that "Cinco de Mayo" just to confuse them further.
These are funny as hell, but it feels fake.
t. Bjorn-Akhbar Muhummad
Are you stoned or mentally retarded?
Not fake. Google it
>is ted cruz the zodiac killer
Where is the internet masterrace reporting in!
Where is the internet Sup Forums?
fucking BASED Montana
>who won the civil war
My sides
Yeah, this one makes no sense. Maybe a lot of stay-at-home mothers?
>is joe flacco elite
Sup Forums would have a field day with this
>is weed bad for you?
I need to leave Jersey. Holy shit this is terrible.
Who DID invent pizza?
Y'all can't decide whether to be Cuban, Redneck, or shit in your Senility Plus Diapers&tmark;
>stoned or mentally retarded?
as though there's any net difference.
>is Joe Flacco Elite
Jesus christ, an Sup Forums meme made it on there
>how to open a jar
I'm fine with this
"Is Obama muslim"
Holy shit why is Oklahoma allowed to be a state? I hate this fucking place
What a time to be alive
>State of Emergency over Trannies shitting.
I miss Sup Forums when it was in its heyday, enjoy this screencap from when moot wasn't a cuck
>New York
>Is Mercury in retrograde?
I'm glad we're asking something intelligent, but still, what?
I had to double check to make sure that was wyoming
He has a strict paleo diet
>Is Bernie Sanders vegan?
>What is Wyoming?
He isn't thin
You don't know the half of it. The government here made sure that 100% of state revenue came from natural gas and oil. When oil prices dropped, our economy basically crashed. They've made extreme cuts to education THREE times in the past few months. Fucking incompetent idiots are trying to save their asses by throwing tyrannies under the bus. Fuck I hate my state
Probably got suspicious looking at D.C.
>When is Ramadan?
Isnt wrestlemania always the same time of the year anyway?
Joe Flacco is absolutely elite
>when is cinco de mayo
>who killed tupac
Fucking of course
There is something wrong, I think they need help.
>When is Wrestlemania
WWE making a comeback.
>Where is my phone?
>don't even have a smartphone
>New Mexico
>home state
>i am disappoint
god damn we are really years behind the rest of the country
"What does O.P.P. mean?"
Illinois confirmed for ultimate cucks.
I actually Googled my state's question. The new X-Files was shit sadly.
Why IS Virginia for lovers? too
>Why are my nipples so sore?
Damnit I love Georgia.
>Where is the internet
If it wasn't we'd have restarted the civil war already.
>T. Guy from NOVA.
>is Bernie Sanders vegan
>Do penguins have knees?
Iowa asking the important questions.
You sure are bud. You and every white girl who goes to FSU who claim they are part Seminole are top kek. The heat has fried Floridians brains
I don't think you can be vegan when you're old
Run it under hot water
do they?
I'm surprised Chicago isn't saying is Arrieta elite
Or for me, Chris Sale
What the fuck IS OPP?
>why are my nipples so sore
Yeah I think this is fake
My mom used to hit the lid with a spoon
Based Connecticut confirmed swing state
papa johns
Seriously, take a butter knife and whack the edges of the lid a few times, then open it. It works miracles.
>When is X-Files
Well that could have been worse.
Poor Florida. Dawh :(
>googling a question that only matters to believers of astrology
t. Gayturd cuck