Where do you find a good girl? A Sup Forums-aproved girl

Where do you find a good girl? A Sup Forums-aproved girl.

Young, pretty, conservative (or libertarian), looking to have kids, not a roastie, etc

What attracts a nice girl?

Virtue? Sucess? Pretty/well gromed? Buffed up? Educated? Out-going? All of that and/or what else?

Drop the pretty part and you'll find shitton of them

Classical liberal
Italian or Irish
gentle and sweet
Hates feminist trannies and muslims
Moderate political views

Keep lusting after narcissist twits that spend half their day posting selfies, I'm sure you'll eventually find what you're looking for.

This. You have to drop your standards on looks.

but ugly women are all feminists to make up for the ugliness.

Just in Portugal I guess? You're country seems to be doing damn fine socially

Years of search and nothing... when I think I found, she is commie or faggot support... sometimes I doubt if the stereotype about Huezil is true or not...

Yes something on these lines. Where to look?

Salty and NOT

The first value of women is looks I'm sorry.

>74% divorce
>communist party left bloc and socialist party is the government

No it isn't. It's shit.



this has become urban myth

Sure money attracts everyone. But what else? Specific to those "good" girls.

Never drop your standards.

This, the red pilled women aren't the one you notice

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If she's young and happy and not completely fucked up in the face, she'll look really pretty.

I mean, she won't be a blonde bimbo, but a blonde bimbo isn't wife material.

Also, virgins. Virgins are the best wife material.

Not being a degenerate man whore, man child, neet, or autist. You can meet girls like the one you want at churches, conservative groups at colleges, etc.

Look for a girl with interests or something that keeps her busy and away from easy and fast life - for instance medical student or something.

Different location. I'm from bumfuck Kentucky. Girls like that are the majority here.

Yeah but he want I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that he's looking for one who isn't diabetic and morbidly obese by age 12.

If you are semi-decent in terms of culture and wealth, look for typical "higher ups" hobbies.

A friend of mine is getting married to a girl he met playing volleyball (he enlisted for that, the guy doesn't really like sports). You could try some musical or dance activities too. Golf is a possibility but you need to be a bit more loaded. Horse girls can be perfect waifus but be careful because half of them are crazy. Church can help too. First because you should go to church anyway but if you are lazy it's still the best matrimoy agency around.

For a favelado like you maybe