ITT: nicknames for Trump

ITT: nicknames for Trump

>First Orange President
>Cheeto the Clown
>Big Boy Drumpfy

Other urls found in this thread:

Mr. President

funny nicknames?

underage are not allowed on here

he's a ladyboy


Mr. President

Lord and savior

This is names for OP thread now.
I'll start


overgrown oompa loompa


Tinyhands McBonespurs

golf addict

idiot in chief

Donald "A million bucks, 0 Fucks" Trump

The antichrist

tangerine snatchgrabber

Not the backstabbing traitor.

Lord Dampnut (anagram)
Donnie Two Scoops

>incompetent asshole

mr president

Comrade Trump

The President of The United States of America

A winner.


Failure In Chief

Current president of US not that much worse than any other before him.


The man who grabs your mothers pussy while you play call of duty.

The Manchurian candidate

The inspirer of faggots.

Donny the Menace
Tax-evading Trump

The fine poop connoisseur
General chief anus scoundrel the 1st
Doritos muchachos
The pooper inspector
Diarrhea face
Termite face
President Agent Orange
Over cigarette tainted micro dick

Cheeto Benito

this picture makes me angry
The dems deserved to lose since they chosed the only candidate capable of losing against Drumpf. And now everyone has to suffer the consequences

God emperor is the only way to address him you autistic social justice faggot, LGBT community should be burned to the ground, and any BLM supporter put into prison, leave reddit you beta cuck

>Lord Dampnut (anagram)

Schmuck L'orange
Orange is the New Black
Sentient Sponge
Nevermind, Just a Sponge

Underage b&

>The dems deserved to lose since they chosed the only candidate capable of losing against Drumpf. And now everyone has to suffer the consequences

On the upside, now Dems have the chance to win congress back.
Donny will be a lame duck president starting 2019.

>big dum drumpf
>prisoner Cheeto
12 btw

Don't forget that the Republicans chose Trump as their candidate.

>The left can't meme
I've heard this but apparently it's true.

45 ACP A Cool President

Nobody cares you poltard faggot.

This. By not resorting to childish name-calling, we are bringing about a more serious tone in this rational discussion we are having as a nation about the allegations of sexual assault and the Russian conspiracy.

I doubt it. The Democrats message is still "You're a much of idiots for voting Trump, please vote for us!!"

It should be "Hillary rigged the DNC primary, we fixed it and learned our lesson, lets drain the swamp of Trump now."

They can, but they’re the most fucking stale ones that always leech off of something more clever

Are you fucked in the head? He’s the most powerful man on Earth!

True, but anyone else would have lost to Hillary.
Trump was the only one capable of beating her, just like She was the only one capable of losing to him.
Anyone else in either spot, and we'd have a Democrat president, and the GOP knew that, and they were so desperate for a win, they went with Trump, even though they knew it was going to be a total disaster, and now they're secretly in damage control mode. That's why they haven't gotten anything substantial done.

Best Prez eva

>Hillary rigged the DNC primary
Yes, single-handedly. Why would they admit they made a mistake if they don't think they made a mistake?

>I doubt it.

..did you not just see the image? Repubs got massacred in Virginia just a few weeks ago. In a state that is gerrymandered in GOP's favor.

Doesnt matter what the Dem message is, Republicans are set to lose at least the House in 2018. Especially if Repubs elect Roy "lurkin' the mall until the teenies bawl" Moore.

Republicans had no message when they won both chambers of Congress in 2010 either. It was just the fury of Republicans that made them win... Trump is making it easy for Democrats to stay nice and angry for Nov '18 midterms.

I don't know, I'm a hardcore liberal and I'd sooner vote for Totally-a-Human, Picked-a-Shitty-Running-Mate-in-2008 or Not-Another-Bush instead of What Happened.

As someone that voted for Kerry, and then Obama twice... once hillary clearly started cheating during the primary and colluding with the media... I could have never voted for someone with such disregard for people.

I would have even gone with ted fucking cruz.

Pretty much why I didn't vote for her, even though I fucking can't stand Trump. But I didn't vote for him, either.

We need a +/- election system in the US, where we vote for one candidate and then against another, to ensure wildly unpopular candidates like Trump or Clinton never make it into office.

This will also encourage people to take more seriously third party and independent candidates.

>But I didn't vote for him, either.
We just need a hundred million more of us and our country will be unfucked.

Savior of trannies trying to join the military

You guys are idiots.

This is the problem with Democrats. Dems have a "purity" test to candidates. If they don't meet your standards, you dont go out and vote. Meanwhile the majority of Republicans might not actually like Trump but they still went and voted for him because to them, it's still better than a Democrat. By not voting you basically gave Trump the win.

Goddamn I hate you two. You better vote in the midterms you FAGGOTS!!

I like the 1st, 2nd, 3rd voting scheme. So I can give points to my second and third choice as well.
So I would have gone
1. Bernie Sanders (I)
2. Hillary Clinton (D)
3. Trump (R)

The cool thing about this is that the points are distributed, so depending on how the points are allocated,

if someone else voted:
1. Trump
2. Hillary Clinton
3. Bernie Sanders

Hillary would win.

Wishful thinking. Most people, in my experience, know almost nothing about the candidates, and just vote for the person their favorite new station told them to, or they vote the same way their family/friends do, so they can feel like "part of the group" or whatever. Almost nobody, at least of the people I know and have talked to about tit, makes an informed decision about who to vote for, the get all their opinions from Facebook and the MSM, and don't put too much critical think

Bean Crusher - Wall Builder - MAGA

Meant to finish that up with "don't put too much critical thinking into it".

>implying they didn't vote
I voted and I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton.

Uh, what? I am not a Democrat lol I am not part of their party nor would I have a purity test for them.

Having ethics and valuing the integrity of elections isn't or at least shouldn't be a partisan thing.

Blindly voting for one party makes you the idiot. I am not on any party's side.

I had just assumed "critical think" was a stat you could put points to.

The rumor is she was actually awake and part of the gag photo.

Also she's wearing body armor. It literally protects you from bullets and shrapnel. Are Al Franken's hands stronger than bullets?

Also I just realized we will never have a Franken/Stein ticket in 2020.


Mr, President


Mmm mmm MMM. I love liberal tears. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack. I could eat 'em all day, everyday. Keep 'em coming, crybaby, they're delicious. Oh, and by the way... there's 7 more years of this to go. Check 'em. ;)

op is a faggot


President of the United States of America

wasted dubs



Agent Orange

>there's 7 more years of this to go

Oh I'm gonna love reposting the "8 more years" meme when Trump loses hard in 2020. You will not live it down.

Vladimir Putin's best American asset.

that's basically a /thread right thurrrr

You're right, OP's faggotry is globally unrivaled


(head idiot in charge)

Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

the (you) you have been craving.


OP's President
Your President
President of the United States

That's a title or a name of address not a nickname


Putin's personal ball-washer


He might be watching you know


"Listen and Believe", libtard. No acceptions, remember, you piece of shit? I'm enjoying the show immensely. Cry more.

Trump won popular vote excluding illegal ones.
You're gonna be pissy about this the whole term, aren't you?

He didn't break Obama. Obama won twice and is now an elder statesman.

Two more months, and he'll have been prez for a year. Hope that actual evidence gets revealed soon. I'm not holding my breath, though.

Never played it.

Good point.