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Illuminati confirmed

Hey Angela, we're all going to wave, okay? Wave with one hand? Like everyone else is doing?

why does she do this?

the same reason why she is letting foreigners into germany.

Angela has really smelly armpits.Others told her not to wave.

It's her trademark

I heard they planted some ceders in their ceremony.

"“The bricks have fallen down,
but we will rebuild with dressed stone;
the fig trees have been felled,
but we will replace them with cedars.”

"But the people have not returned to him who struck them,
nor have they sought the Lord Almighty."

"So the Lord will cut off from Israel both head and tail,
both palm branch and reed in a single day;

the elders and dignitaries are the head,
the prophets who teach lies are the tail."

Who's the funny that put blue clothes to that pig?

70 years later Germans still wont lift their hand to anything higher than a 35 degree angle

Man im not gay but trudeau is the first guy i can call handsome. I never realy saw the diference.

You're joking right? She doesn't actually emulate a cartoon villain as a stylistic choice, right?

there's nine of those fuckers REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>Die Schwänze der Muslime in guten Händen.


angie is afraid of lifting arm due to roman salute taboo

Why is Shitzo in the middle in the current year? Are we not relevant anymore?

Ah, yes. The schemer's steeple.

I don't think so. Schröder our last chancellor who was in a red-green coalition always waved just like a normal human being. It's mainly her trademark.

>Krauts being evil cunts again

Is this a coincidence?

> Merkel looking more and more like Palpatine
>Juncker bored af

that is one of the more ridiculous things i've seen today

Wow Hollande is really a manlet

that thing is real?


host country is always in the middle, idk about the rest

No, some of them are just left handed

It's a /p/ thing. Blue goes at the center of a picture. Green is considered background.

Yes. 2015 was host in Germany, so Merkel gets center. 2016 is in Japan, so Abe gets center.



I should have been more clear, I mean with how they raise their hands or hold themselves, is it related to their political beliefs?

Hail Hydra

Summit for political hacks

Maybe it might be similar to how Hitler used to wave and she's just a PC extremist.

No, Hollande is a leftard

Someone told her that it projects authority.

God I hate Trudeau. Look at his stupid fucking face. My beautiful country is now being represented around the world by that goofy looking cuck fuck. Goddammit.


>mfw Merkel declares the Fourth Reich and starts genociding the Mudslimes

>Juncker on the picture

I hate this guy so much

Fuck off, that's literally the kind of shit they teach in public speakingcourses.

Is that an unedited photo? She looks like a nice person there.

You must be autistic.

>American being dense again

Nothing new, I guess.

Donald T. betrayed his grandfather.

>lul ur just dense :^)
Wow, nice argument you got there.

I miss harper...

So I guess France is more important to Japan than Germany?

I didn't really like him, but we was better than either alternative. It's a shame Harper was memed out like he was literally Satan.