ITT : Exhaustingly depressing albums


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The National album

is it even possible to get through the first track without losing the will to live?

by the time the eternal comes in feels like im dead inside

This. Decades is the ultimate blow


I don't understand how this album only gets sparingly mentioned on here. Easily the bleakest album I've heard that doesn't come off as whiny either.

The first track is always the toughest for me.


Smog is pretty underrated as a whole. Dongs of Sevotion, Knock Knock and Wild Love are great albums as well


>"Described by Walker as a “fascist love song”, “Clara” references Benito Mussolini’s mistress Claretta Petacci (or Clara), their long-lasting extramarital affair, and their subsequent execution."

a crow looked at me

It's funny, cuz I actually prefer Julius Caesar, Red Apple Falls and A River Aint Too Much to Love to any of those (though of course they're great too). Just goes to show how consistent yet varied he's been, and we're not even getting into the stuff he's recorded under his own name.

I think this album would be so much better if it was about ten minutes shorter. It's too repetitive to go on for that long


Listening now for interest, I'll say how I liked it once I finish it

Kinda repetitive, meh

Early Swans, Foetus, and Suicide are exhaustingly depressing.

Hell no. If anything it should be longer and noisier.

The first time I heard When I Grow Up I Want to Be Richey Edwards fucked me up.

lmao, it was definitely depressing how exhausting this album was.

Deathconciousness was obviously depressing as well, but it wasn't as hard hitting as the Unnatural World.

try Dongs of Sevotion instead, or Knock Knock. nearly not as depressing but definitely more varied

a very difficult listen for me, got some hard memories attached to it also

Thanks for the rec

This, I used to think that Knife Play was harder than this but a relisten this friday proved me wrong, Knife Play almost seems lighthearted compared to it

I beat my girlfriend over minecraft the ablum



this album is the apex of depressing music

So much this. Heartbreaking album.Yet for some reason it manages to be uplifting.

I love it a lot but it just destroys me. I have to psyche myself up for it, Phil does a really really goo job of putting just how horrific his situation is over.

He playing live where i live and i worry im going to cry or somthing.

Yeah. Such a hard getting through it. I need to pause in between songs to process it

Went and saw him live last week, he played the whole record and some new songs and it was on of the most emotional experiences of my life. Everyone, phil included, was crying and five minutes after he finished the show he walked out and manned his own merch table.

I had a chance to chat with him a little and theres this heartbreaking aura of sadness surrounding the guy that really got to me. Ive been thinking about it all week.

What? Dude was more wacky than depressing

this was the first song that made me cry.


this album is so autistic and boring. Its like listening to someone reading a book and playing simple guitar

I Don't Get It is one of the most depressing songs I've ever heard and I can't even explain why.

Steven Wilson is a god

you will, but everyone else probably will too

> 22 min album
> exhausting

T. YouTube commentor


album of the decade. "haze of interference" is just harrowing shit

I can barely make it through Man With A Helmet, it always makes me think of whenever a family member in my life would abuse me, and it's cathartic, hearing Travis almost break down when he says "all this time passes, I'm just scared that I'm there still."
>It's too lonely in nature

This is a good one, Stoop Lights and Haze of Interference are some of the hardest hitting songs I've ever heard

i just saw him the other night, it was a really intimate performance since it was a small theatre for maybe 100 people at most, just him on guitar
it was really personal and emotional, felt like he was more playing for himself to kind of move on from everything more than performing for people

>sad american man sadly singing sad tune with his sad voice and sad three chords in the sad background
God, I feel exhausted even thinking about .