SSRI's are known to reduce sex drive and make orgasm harder. Im on 150 mg Zoloft for depression

SSRI's are known to reduce sex drive and make orgasm harder. Im on 150 mg Zoloft for depression
Took 2 hours for me to fap
Whole fap was pain
How do i deal with this advice/stories? Inb4 superhuman endurance

It goes away eventually. I take close to 800 mg of Effexor and Wellbutrin. Sex drive is high. Fapping without a toy can be tough.


Fuck off ignorant


Get off ssris before it's to late. I've been taking them for like 7 years and now if I miss a dose I have panic attacks. My whole life basically revolves around taking my medicine

I've been on fluvoxamine for about a year now, a little more, but I've been on zoloft and some others I can't remember in the past. With each one, my sex drive tanked, it took forever to cum, and it just didnt feel that great to cum.
Being on fluvoxamine for this long though, I'm starting to notice those effects are wearing away and I'm actually getting back into my old "schedule".
It can be tough at times, but you'll get back to normal eventually- until then, only fap when you really really need to, ease back into things.

no stop being a pussy and face your problems you are fucking with your brains chemistry so you dont feel bad

>if I miss a dose I have panic attacks

check this out

going to love when this new brain scan technology takes out most of these whining bitches from being prescribed meds for something they don't even have.

This is bullshit. I’m on Citalopram and Wellbutrin, and I bust a nut as hard as ever. Sometimes a little harder than typical, actually.

This entire thread and everyone who posts either confirming or refuting OP's post.



theyll still bullshit themselves cause its definitely not them being weak pussies or anything

That's the Wellbutrin. They say when you're on it you're happy, horny and skinny.

Keep playing around with your brain chemistry and you'll be the next "Hero" on Sup Forums.

look at all these idiots with different opinions to mine how do they not realise theyre wrong faggot meds are bad and only for weak minded pussies who cant face and overcome their problems

exactly its disgusting how meds have been normalized

Also leaves you openjoy to possession.

Dumbass im not choosing to be on fucking meds I hate this shit but my parents are making me take meds for depression and psychosis

Fuck bitches for hours

yes my man

They're doing what they think best, but no one knows you like you do. Do you think that hot litthe cloud in the back of your head is a good thing?! Taking that shit is like going to bed with your front door wide open. Something is going to get a hold of you.

ITT: stupid faggots who think you can just 'get over' mental illness

99% of the time you can unless you are part of the 1% with actual brain issues, its a lot of work doable

One, don't post your pic online. It's painful to look at.
Two, consider Wellbutrin. It helps with both adhd and depression, but doesn't have the negative side effects, such as drowsiness or lack of sex drive.
I've been taking it for a few months now, and my life has completely changed. I actually enjoy getting out of bed now. Sex isn't a problem either.

Ill ask my psych about it, also the image isnt me