Hillary Email - C05797927

Here is an excerpt of an email from James Rubin to Hillary Clinton in September of 2012:

>Hope your travels have been less brutal than they look. I know it has been a while since we spoke of this, but I still think it would be good for you to have an informal setting to talk to some influential new York city writers and opinionators. So, I would propose to host a smallish dinner when your calendar permits in the coming weeks with the following people who I know well enough to trust some level of discretion for an off the record dinner that would allow you to provide an account of some of the highs and even some lows of policy making on Libya, china, Iran, the Arab spring and the Israel Palestinian issue. They are: Eleanor Randolph and carol Giacomo from the New York times editorial board, Richard Cohen of Washington post, David Remnick and Rick Hertzberg from the New Yorker, Leon Wieseltier and Frank Foer from the New Republic, Tina Brown from Newsweek, my wife from CNN and ABC, and maybe one or two others like Tom Brokaw. The point is not to create news stories, but to ensure when these people deliver their inevitable assessments of your term as Secretary they have an appreciation of some of the difficulties and complexities.

tl;dr - members of the liberal press met with HRC in secret to coordinate on a narrative.

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He made Hillary his bitch. That whore will take anyones money. Of course Trump will speak good of her after that.

No fucking shit, Sanders supporters have been saying this for literally months.

Yeah but here's an actual email where they are setting it up.

Fuk u fuk boy

I know, but it's kinda like watching the Star Wars prequels. I know I'm supposed to be like "so THATS how it happened!" but mostly I'm just pissed


When the veil parts and the vision is cleared, You see things for what they are.

At that point, you stand up and fight for what you believe in or you hide in shame for being fooled.

Isn't it more than a little concerning? I mean if members of another industry met in secret with a government official to keep everybody unaccountable, people would freak out.

Sorry OP, for some bizarre reason Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about Hillary's emails. I give this thread 50 replies before 404.

Damn, you burnt him real good. How will we ever recover.

Thanks, leaf.

Be intellectually honest for one, single, solitary second, and tell me you think republicans dont do the same thing.

Just once, be an adult, and admit all politicians do this.


>Leon Wieseltier



At least he has an honest Jew's name.

Weasels are cute though

They're sneaky little fuckers though.

They're basically Jews in animal form.

That's not funny.

Sup Forums was right again.

Noone asked the rodent. Bump with another Shillary mail.

those are just New York names