B-but trumps not racist!!

>b-but trumps not racist!!

Ok if trumps not racist then why is every media story always related to his racism? Are Trumpets so delusional to think that there is some un-tinfoiled propaganda secretly pushing an agenda that's one giant lie? If so where's your proof?

Case closed. Trump is a racist.

Where's your proof that he is racist?


Dude didn't you read what he said? He said the case is closed.

I asked my question first retard

>liberal controlled media loves the word racist
>Can easily twist strong border control to hating mexicans

Not hard to figure out. The jews have done this for years

Trump supporters are just racist white people or rednecks or coloured people who are whitewashed, that's LITERALLY the three types of voters that trump has, and there all shit stains in society.

so, your evidence for the assertion that Trump is racist, is the fact that people are saying he is racist?

that's hearsay. what evidence are these people using to claim that Trump is racist?

>Ok if trumps not racist then why is every media story always related to his racism? Are Trumpets so delusional to think that there is some un-tinfoiled propaganda secretly pushing an agenda that's one giant lie
Because sensationalism draws attention from the masses, accuracy and truth doesn't. The people who write these articles care about getting as many as clicks as possible, not about conveying credible information. You ask for proof yet you have none showing Trump's alleged racism you delusional cuck

>if trumps not racist then why is every media story always related to his racism?
Does the media have to have the correct information to publish a story?

burden of proof is on the person who presents an argument. you presented the argument that trump was racist when you said
>Case closed. Trump is a racist.

How do you know that Canatard. Most Trump supporters are old conservatives that want to see America ran as a business instead of a nation.

I just got banned for saying Aryan in a twitch chat. It was a drawing stream and they were describing a guys features and I said he has an aryan phenotype and I was banned. Said they won't tolerate that kind of talk and cursing.

fucking liberals man.

>why is every media story always related to his racism?

Seriously, where do all these matrix idiots come from? Reddit?
Please drink bleach if your "reality" is the shit that the media creates to control you.

Your views have been tainted by the Liberal intelligentsia. That doesnt make you my enemy. It makes you a useful idiot of my enemy.

Ok enough of this burden of proof meme. If you can't tell Trump is a racist just by the way he talks and interacts with minorities then you should probably stop being interested in politics because you literally have no idea what you're talking about if you can't distinguish between racist and non-racist phrasing and body language.

>Racist body language

thinking this may be b8

>b-but Trump's a racist
>this is super bad, you guys, white people are supposed to submit to non-whites
>or it's racism
>didn't you hear me?
>I said the magic word!
>why isn't the magic word working?!?!?!?!?

Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. The ride's just starting.


>May be

>media makes him racist not what he says

It's pretty simple. liberals call the other side racist, then they win the votes because no one wants to vote for racists.

If Trump ever made any racist statement it would have been found and spammed by the media.

But Bernie can say white people cant be poor and thats ok.


He may be, but he will be the next president and there is literally nothing that you can do about it leftie scum

>it's real in my mind
cool story brah

He is a nationalist not a racist. The media is filled with Social Justice Faggots who don't know the difference between race and culture. He says that Islam is toxic and the media says that he hates brown people. He doesn't hate brown people but rather cultures that threaten America.
