What do you think about Argentina?

what do you think about Argentina?

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proudest amerindian nation

Why do you say that?

Non white shithole

and dat guy?

shitty country

shut up uruguay.

Pure iberian conquistador

at least there's not black people here

give me back my clay m8

Chile es el mejor país del mundo, porque está al lado de el paraiso

>mfw watching starship troopers
why did Sup Forums tell me argentinians aren't white when they're clearly aryan supermen?

what clay?

I like Uruguay more

why? D: uruguay=provincia rebelde.


lol, i didn't say we are white i just said "what do YOU think about arg"
fact:i'm not white but im argentinian.

Please tell me you have no migrant ancestors

my grandma is Paraguayan, but she's white, my dad is kinda black i think

that's me

>what do you think about Argentina?



you guys are weird

yes, we are. c:but we are very friendly

The Germany of South América

Argentina Über Alles


So argenrina never white right?

0:47 Is that Frondizi?

well, that complicate argentina is white, but whiticity (if that word exist) has been downing fast

can you post some thicc rochas?



muertos de hambre


I'm going to visit soon



go back to haiti

Something with helicopters

Also, our queen