Trump/Sanders Debate

Well, Sup Forums, it looks like a Trump/Sanders debate is in the works. I don't know what to expect from this. I feel like Trump will be his normal self and Sanders will be meek and timid.

Then Sanders gets cuck sympathy and Trump looks like he beat up an ancient communist Santa Claus/Crypt Keeper.

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Came here to make this thread.

>ID: "MFw"
Well, if you insist, Lord Kek.

>debate with someone who has no chance at the nomination

What a waste of time, he has nothing to gain from this

They won't debate. Trump has literally nothing to gain by doing so. His opponent is Hillary; Sanders has already lost.

If Trump "wins" the debate, he gains nothing. If he somehow loses, it hurts him in the general election.

They have both already said they would.

Doesn't he have the potential to pick up some Sanders supporters through this? Seems like a good move to me.
Plus people will notice Hillary refusing to debate Sanders after she made a pledge to, it doesn't look good for her.

Now this is popping up:

I guess this could work in Trumps favor. Don't know why else he'd agree.

Trump: I'll debate Sanders for $10 million for women's health issues

California could very well tilt over to Sanders in this case. Trump is shooting Hillary in the knee for the state when she thought she was safe by refusing to debate Sanders. Like Sanders said, he's going to run it all the way to the convention, and Trump is here to help get him the exposure he needs so he continues to make Hillary's rise contentious.

No, Sanders will be VERY aggressive.

He's only timid in front of a female (protected class). In front of cis white male bourgeoisie scum he will ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK.

Nah he'll donate $10 million to the Clinton Foundation after its opened to an audit

Sanders is a cuck to guerilla leftists. That's how his whole ideology was supposed to function for the Soviet's to weaken the U.S. Useful idiot.

Here's the thing, he will not back down on Trump. He was a cuck to Clinton, but will be very hard and very tough on Trump. Again, this is how the useful idiot leftist operates.

You see, it's the same with Barack Obama the nigger president. He bows to despots and dictators, but stands firm against Republicans and calls them worse names than he does with actual enemies of America. He is also a useful idiot that would've welcomed Soviet soldiers if they were to conquer the States.

You have to go back ->

I agree, but Trump has been making genius moves during his entire campaign. I don't see the point in doing this either now that Hillary is most likely going to be the nominee, it just puts Bernie in the spotlight for longer, and I think Hillary is going to be much easier to beat. But I'm sure Trump sees something he gain from this, otherwise it would just be a waste of time and energy.

We'll see what the madman has up his sleeve. Maybe he'll agree with Sanders on some issues at the debate and pick up some disenfranchised bernouts after Hillary wins? Maybe he thinks Bernie really is easier to beat than Hillary and will throw the debate so Bernie gets some attention and wins the nomination, and destroy him in the general? Who knows.

Trumps plan all along is to win Sanders supporters. They hate Hillary so much that he wants them to come to his side, that's why he always drops subtly little bits of bait for them.

This debate is one of the first chances for Bernie supports to actually see him, and actually be exposed to him. He isn't going to brutally destroy him, he's going to play nice and try to win them over. He's going to be respectful but firm (unless bernie starts flinging shit) and come out on top. Aftwards, once it's Hillary or Trump, there will be a bunch of bernie supporters who have seen him in action and he's already appealed to them slightly. It's his chance for them to see him in actual conversation, not media bias

Trump should switch to using brutal cunning rather than the cunning brutality he used to belittle and annihilate the other GOP candidates.

Sanders needs to be soundly beaten via counterpoint, not beaten with sound. To win over the fence sitter Berniefags Trump will need to up his quality and substance in his rhetoric.

The whole point of this stunt is a jab against hillary. To rile up feelings against hillary. Trump is using Bernie as a do this since hillary went back on her word and didn't want to debate. This plays so well as further painting Hillary as a piece of shit.

Sanders has no chance to win the nomination. He does have a chance to win the California primary. If Sanders wins California it would be a bloodbath. The democrats are pissed off that Sanders asked for this debate.

That's another ulterior motive for the debate. Hillary looks bad for refusing to debate Sanders before California. Maybe if Dems see Sanders debate Trump and realize Hillary didn't step up they'll switch over and get some more votes over on Hillary? She'll still win the nomination I'm sure, but that makes bernouts even more disillusioned when she wins with the whole process and they may end up voting for Trump.

If Sanders win more of the total popular vote and Hillary still gets the nomination from superdelegates, it's over. Sanders supporters will HATE HER. At least many of them will, you'll have a few cucks that will vote just because she's running as a Democrat.

It's not you delusional liberal

No sanders ran his mouth like he already does trump made a suggestion

Nothing more then a cry for help form liberals

Was that supposed to coherent?

There are many upsides to Trump debating Sanders.
First, it puts Trump in front of Sanders supporters who only get second hand information about Trump. Some might realise that the "racist sexist homophobe"tag just doesn't fit and will come to support him when Bernie loses the nomination.

It also makes Clinton look weak because she won't debate Sanders, but Trump will, and he doesn't even have to. This is Trumps main strategy to win the election.

If Bernie performs well, that could be just what he needs to win the primary in California, and can gain some ground against Clinton. He won't win the nomination, but the closer he is to her, the more likely Bernouts will be angry at the DNC and will defect to Trump, or Sanders will run as 3rd party and split the Dem vote.

4 dimensional chess.

Reposting because this sensationalism/ 9000th hour of free press is honestly a non-issue. So Trump decides to debate Bernie... Ok, lets take a quick look:

Bernie doesn't debate. If you've ever watched him, you'd know this. He has a staring contest with the floor as he takes as good and rough a fuck as the other candidate can give. Then he clumsily whines about a few things before walking off stage and posting something irrelevant on twitter like you shouldn't have to ask for ketchup packets at McDonnalds.

All Trump has to do is not break Bernie in half like Bane did to Batman in Knightfall. He just softballs with him and goes in with kid gloves. Just enough to put on a show and blow out the commie, but not hard enough to alienate Bernies rabid fanbase. It shows Trump is doing more for women (thanks to the charity donation) than Hillary and her card dropping ever did/will, while further dividing the Democratic party (just take to social media to see them spurging out already). This will net Trump a decent chunk of Bernouts come November after they get a chance to actually see him speak in all probability as we see Clinton now finally taking her deserved lumps in the press as she nears total victory and gets the nomination. It also gives Trump some much needed experience in a 1v1 debate. Sanders is Glass Joe. He's a tutorial.

Trump, Sanders 2016?

There is no way Trump will pick Sanders to be his VP.
My prediction is he will pick a successful politician, not a businessman, celebrity or socialist.

That's disgusting, user. You have a sick, sick mind.

Republicans are enemies of America.

He should pick Yeb! Bush for maximum keks.

>Trump is nice and polite to Comrade Sanders the whole time
>wins the cuck vote

Get out NOW

He isn't wrong. They're just as much to blame for just rolling over and letting Obama get what he wants.

Bernouts will try and burn the stadium down.

Does Bernie's voice piss anybody else off? He has the voice I do when imitating a Jew for a joke. Although, I would say it's probably worse. I really fucking hate that guy. Kek willing, Trump will ruin him.

No no, you have it wrong. The cuck vote want's to see their candidate, Bernie, get annihilated on live TV. Cucked by Trump, right if front of their eyes.

What will Trump say during the inevitable:

"Mr. Trump, do Black Lives Matter?"

Especially if he throws the debate to make sanders look like a better candidate, so when clinton wins the nom, the left wing of the democrat voter base will be disillusioned and less likely to vote for her.

Trump's essentially cucking Hillary and it's amazing

What the fuck did Obama get? From my view, nothing besides saving us from Trump and Co's recession.

"yes, they do. And I'm going to make this country GREAT again; I'm pro-America. Pro-Americans. And when I get elected, we're going to build a wall..."

this is a smart play for both bernie and trump

trump already said that the profits from the debate (expected 10-15 million) will go to a WOMEN'S HEALTH CHARITY, look at him getting those votes

in the debate he'll be very kind and professional to sanders in an effort to seem presidential and maybe woo some sanders supporters

sanders gets the opportunity to try and win california and draw attention away from hillary

Trump will just flatter Bernie to cuck hillary out of potential votes

Explain how Trump was involved with the recession.

I don't see how this can possibly benefit both. Sanders literally can't win the nomination; either he hurts Trump and thereby helps Hillary, or he gets annihilated by Trump, and hurts Hillary. Sanders really has nothing to gain from this, whatsoever. He's delusional if he thinks otherwise.

It makes me cringe when he starts trying to scream stuff and it sounds like he's got stones caught in his throat.

>He's delusional if he thinks otherwise.
He still thinks he can win the nomination and california is critical to that

it is interesting though, this definitely hurts hillary more than it helps sanders and may sour their future relations... an interesting play

Donald Trump will bring prosperity back to America. We will all be rich again, just like it use to be!

>What a waste of time, he has nothing to gain from this

You disappoint me.

Do you realize what trump is doing? The whole purpose of the debate is to win over Bernie voters who will be jaded after Hillary gets the nomination.

I predict that Trump will point out that he's similar to Bernie when it comes to trade, supporting workers, healthcare, and non-intervention. I can also see him looking at Bernie and saying "Why do you plan to support Hillary after the DNC gave you the shaft? Isn't that a little demeaning to your supporters? Most of them loathe Hillary, so why would you back her?" Bernie then looks like an utter asshole if he says "because you're worse!"

Trump knows what he's doing.

Well considering that I can think of one woman who's going to be having a stroke because of this debate I think donating that much to women's health issues is the least Trump and Sanders can do.

He can think whatever he likes, he's not going to get the 80%~ victor he needs in California just to stay in the game. The primary is over; Hillary won. I can see why liberals like Paul Krugman are absolutely exasperated with Sanders.

I see this as too big of a risk vs reward but I've learnt not to question Trump because he knows what he is doing

"Every life including the lives of African Americans matter. Actually, African Americans have been hit badly under the Obama administration. Obama has done NOTHING for African Americans. Look at real unemployment rates and filter it for African Americans. They don't have jobs because they aren't available, and the majority are lower/middle class. This is thanks in part to Obama's push for open borders and Common Core education which fails to prepare them, or anyone, for the real world. We have to go in a new direction and we have to do it quickly."

the 1% of the 99% of the wall street not paying their fair share!
we must make education free!
superdelegates are unfair and the system is rigged!

trump will also probably directly ask Sanders if he thinks the party is being "unfair"

this is his moment to split the Bernie people from the party.

Right. Trump has the potential to make Bernie lose his spaghetti here if he jabs him in just the right way.

That's pretty good, actually.

>Sanders will be meek and timid
because that's totally happened at the debates so far

Good point. No matter Bernie's answer, Trump wins.
Imagine if Bernie answered "no" and outed himself as a Clinton shill.


All lives matter.

Sanders has always said that he would support the democratic nominee.

If you think this will be breaking news, you're wrong. Try to keep up.

is this the next level in aussie shitposting??

If he was REALLY in support of Clinton, he would have dropped out a while ago. He's really hurting her by staying in the race this long, and he knows it. Sanders is a disgruntled old quack, and Trump can use it to his advantage.

many potential benefits to both sides but this could go badly:
sanders hates trump and his immigration policies, he's also a democrat and supports the party. I see instead of using this as a chance to gang up on clinton and garner some support he will be a party shill(cuck) and go on the offensive against trump. Trump has good ideas but is not coherent with his policies and this could be blown wide open by a coherent politician. I see that he would best clinton but not so sure about sanders. Also sanders previous debates werent directed against his opposition, as he still supports clinton the gloves never came off.

basically its all in sanders court if he uses this to gain support vs clinton or as a party shill trying to take down trump

I don't know, would his supporters follow him blindly if he blatantly stated they should vote for Hillary? Even if he did that, it seems like some of them would still gravitate towards Trump here.

keep dreaming up stories if they make you feel better

clinton didn't drop out against obama, she ended up secretary of state

Let me explain to you what will happen at the debate:

Trump and Sanders are pretty much the same cup of coffee beside some semantics. On most topics they actually agree with each other 100%.

>trump won't attack Bernie on anything beside the "free college"
>bernie won't attack Trump on anything beside the "tax plan"
>both will spend 90% of their time to rant about Crooked Hillary and the rigged primaries of both parties as they can't gain anything from attacking each other.
>nothing else will happen beside the "we agree that we disagree but we want to take care of the same cancer just with a different kind of chemo" shake hands.

Resulting in:
>a media outlet will get sick ratings
>$10M+ raised for a worthy cause
>sanders get's a nice bump in the Cali primary altough it won't make a difference
>trump gets a nice bump for the presidential campaign
>hillary takes a dive across the board as she declined to debate Bernie and the presumptive Rep Nominee decided to debate him even before the actual nomination. (That's a first time ever in the US)

If Hernie does not proclaim Cankles a Lying Demon, Trump will make him admit he is a Cuck.

To all saying Trump has nothing to gain, go & read Scott Adams blog.

The 2008 primaries were also incredibly close, right up until the very end. Sanders has been dead in the water for months.

It's too late for him to support her. He should have dropped out weeks ago; he's already dug way too deep. If he turned face now, it'll just come across as completely disingenuous. Which is why he'll keep fighting right up until the end, even after he loses California.

What are the chances that Trump actually wins?
Every mainstream news source & journalism site slanders him, hating him is popular on EVERY social media site and he doesn't bother damage controlling any of it.
Are the majority of these vocal opinions just kids or what?

Actually, the 2008 primary died a few months before the end too. Obama had a smaller lead, but there were smaller and less states that had to go in the final months

Obama supporter in 08 btw

They both should start shitting on Hillary and Biden. Both Hillary and Biden are their enemies and opponents. Bernie will get shafted by both, and Trump need to start assuming it will either be Hillary or Biden.

>If he turned face now, it'll just come across as completely disingenuous

pls just stop dreaming up stories, for your own sake


Did you even read what I said? To repeat: the 2008 primaries were very, very close, right up until the end. That is, when Hillary submitted, like a good partisan democrat.

You're delusional, dude. Sanders supporters HATE Hillary, probably even more than any Trump-supporting republican. The longer the primaries go on, the more they'll hate her.

Time for a capitalist to obliterate a socialist.

>the 2008 primaries were very, very close, right up until the end
And like I said, no they weren't. Hillary was basically done in March since only around 400 delegates were at stake after that period of time.

This is genius for Trump. Sanders staying in the race to the convention or running third party is very bad for Hillary. Sanders will screw over the Democratic party (which he has no loyalty towards anyway) in order to satisfy his ego and go "all the way" which Trump is only encouraging with this debate thing.

Sanders was already going to be hard to rein in by the establishment, but seeing Trump actually win the nomination makes Sanders jealous. How can Sanders fall in line with the establishment and retain his dignity when his entire identity is the "fierce independent"? Trump is inviting him to keep fighting and Sanders will go with it in spite of good sense.

it doesn't matter, he's literally said he would support hillary if she were the nominee.. from the very start.

there is nothing disingenuous as you claim that there is.

If Sanders submits after California, you'll be right. But I doubt it. He's going to drag this thing on right to the very end, at the democratic convention.


And he should stay till the convention
Trump and Sanders just double-dicked Clinton. I love it.

Yes, I'm sure that's correct. He'll take it to the democratic convention, lose, and submit to Hillary.

But it will be too late. He's done enough damage; many, many of his supporters will never vote for Hillary. They won't vote for Trump either, but that's irrelevant. If he submitted now, he could minimize the damage. But he won't, because he's a sad, disgruntled quack.

You cant just donate money to people who need money to prove to the people that you want to help people who need money. BIGOT!

Trump will say how Bernie is being treated unfairly.
Hello agree with him on things like being anti tpp and how the middle class is being devastated etc.
Trump will try to highlight the common ground in order to get the Bernie votes. Trump knows Bernie is finished anyway. It's a great plan. Everything to gain and nothing to lose.

exactly. people are saying that this will hurt trump but this will only unite trump and sanders supporters further than they have already become in the past few weeks to ensure an anti-establishment presidency.
yes you can, faggot.

I don't think it'll hurt Trump (or help him, it'll be neutral imo).

But man, I bet it'll make Debbie Watery-Shits think real hard about siding with a borderline-unelectable candidate.

Trump will win!!!

because the liberals might actually watch the debate this time instead of reading misquotes from tumblr

So are you just anti-Democratic establishment, or what?

Trump destroys Sanders and the concept of socialism among millennials is forever destroyed.

You could make an identical one with Trump, just change it to tax cuts

I bet you think that's a legit point, that there is actually similarity between money directly involved in politics and fiscal policies.


Honestly just anti-establishment in general

Had a feeling Obama was a puppet just like the rest, but at least he had a soul unlike Hillary
This is the pinnacle of political illiteracy.

saving this for a pasta.

Bernie is as far from Donald as possible in both a political and a moral standpoint

Your precious communist candidate is going to be annihilated, and his supporters will never vote for Hillary. Regardless of what happens, no matter how you look at it, Sanders is a godsend to Trump.