Been talking to crush a lot lately

>Been talking to crush a lot lately
>She suggests we go out and get dinner
>She cancels the day of
>Suggests we go out another time
>The next week she asks me out again
>Cancels on the day again
>Suggests we go out another time

I really like this thot but wtf do I do about this

Happend to me a year and a half ago.
Kys and blame her, just like what i did.

I already tried that wtf

Then kill her i guess...

The only thing you can possibly do is seduce her mom. Look her up on Facebook and start flirting, middle aged women are all thirsty as shit so you'll probably be able to bang her within the week. (Sooner if you don't mind her kids watching?
Then you record you fucking her mom and send it to her, she'll realize that if she doesn't fuck you, you'll just fuck her mom. And she doesn't want that, so she'll have to fuck you

I'd guess what she does right now is called "testing". She's trying to overstep her bounds till you stop her.
It may have been completely random that she actually had something important to do, but i don't think so.
A second option is that she doesn't want to date at all, but is too much of a pussy to tell you, so she just does this till you're tired of her shit.
If she's actually testing you tell her without insulting or threatening her that you're busy aswell and that she literally wastes your time, have her make up her mind if she wants that date or not.

On it
*aggressively takes notes*

Yeah I suspect its the second thing. If it happens again I will take your advice and let her know that she has to make her mind up. Thanks.

Been going through a similar thing. A girl told me recently that sometimes a girl likes the idea of you wanting them- enough to do this shit over and over wothour really intending to follow through, but still enjoy the attention or general interest you show in her. Its like a free ego boost. People get it from facebook and instagram ‘likes’ and shit like that too. People want to feel wanted.

Yeah that's what all my female friends have told me as well, its actually the most annoying shit. I'll probably just turn it into a 'now or never' situation next time I ask her out/she asks me out so I can just end this bs.

end contact w/her
happened to me 3 months ago, wish I ended contact sooner instead of waiting 3 months

but fuck me, I'm not gonna wait for something that clearly won't happen no matter how hot the grill is

Yeah legit that's the plan from here on, I'm going to stop messaging her completely, its on her now. Thanks for the advice mate.

Stop being a weak beta faggit. Embarrassing

It's not exclusively behaviour by women. I'm male and I have a habit of doing it to girls and idk why. I guess because I don't fully like them that way and just want some sort of approval or some shit.

Yes. This is correct op. She is being a birch. Drop her. For gods sake man have some self respect. She cancelled on you twice already at the last minute. Don’t be uppity about it and confront her because your feelings are hurt. Just 100% ignore her.

Will do

testing your compliance methinks

Yeah no, you can't let he do this type of shit to you. If you're a self-respecting man, put your foot down. Next time she tries to ask you out, you remind her of the times she's asked you out and cancelled. Tell he if it happens again, then you and her are through. You can't let these bitches do these things to you and walk off scott free. Yeah girls like it when you give them attention and 'chase' em, but what they like more is a guy that's assertive and tell them what HE WANTS from them.

I dated this girl who said the one thing she loved from me is how I was always assertive in what I wanted, and that I was no push over. I'd tell her what I want, when I want, with no hesitation. I know she's your crush, and I know it might be hard for you to do this to her Sup Forumsro, but you gotta understand: You can't let this bitch walk all over you and your feelings like that.

Hope this helps

Here is some tits for your troubles

Yeah good points man, next time she asks me out I will definitely remind her and let her know that its now or never. Cheers mate that helped a lot.

2 things
1st:don't do that, just block her
if you subject yourself to her messages after you sending your own imyou will feel like shit
block her
delete all messages you had with her
and call it ended

if she crawls back to you by other forms of communication she clearly wants you and then and then only are allowed to give her the last chance

if no then let go, she clearly isn't into you that much that you should spend your time on no matter how much of a crush you have on her

fuckall with any further messaging, no ladt text, stop it in middle of current conversation you have with her

you'll feell like shit you lost your chance for a month but that shit will heal faster than the scarring of months and months of preppibg for absolutely npthing at all
2nd:nice double dubs

She likes the idea of talking to you through a phone but once it's time to actually be face to face she bitches out. You're her go to on the phone, why would she want to mess that up

I apologise for bad grammar, first paragraph basicly explains why her incoming messages after the end off contact is toxic and should not be tolerated, better alternative is to block her nd delete conversation with her to stop yourself from remebering and possibly traumatising yourself with them

I found that stopping mid convo actually works really well. I tried it a few times and she was desperate to keep the convo going, always bringing up new shit when I ignored her. I'll keep everything you said in mind, thanks mate.

No worries, got it cheers.

cheers and good luck

She had more serious stuff to do, calm down. She agreed to meet another time, which means she likes you, if she didn' bring up another date than you'd be fucked. Google the Brad Pitt rule.

I fucking hate this shit, right with you OP. Girls act like they think your daddy af, flirt and act all cute xx hunny etc
Then they keep cancelling dates and ignore you

Yeah dude it fucks me right off. The worst thing she does (besides always cancelling shit) is when she begins a conversation with me and then immediately ignores my response. Why? Thots man, I'll tell you what.

Just looked it up, pretty helpful.