How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

it... it really.. makes... me think...

Holy shit, I am a #vapemissile now

wow.. really makes you think huh?

not in the least bit surprised

Pall Mall



Why is this old ass meme suddenly getting overused now? You retards are lazy these days. Step up

it really makes my brain process much thoughts one could say it makes me kind of think ...

Nothing. I smoke camels.

like this is a slide thread and you you take your jew ass back to


>calling out the Jews makes me a jew

Hmmm interesting thought process you got going there.

If you truly believe I'm sliding go on and link the thread in here





Makes me feel like getting off Sup Forums.
Thanks OP!

Smoked for 20 years. Can say that cigarettes are indeed the nicotine jew

Malboros taste like shit fucking garbage smell like garbage American cigarettes feel like nuclear waste is going into your lungs


If a fellow leaf has a Dumairier take a pic of it upside down.

wow... really makes me...



>Not Smoking the best cigs

What the fuck, smoking marlboro reds is literally the most pleasurable thing a human being on Earth can do, what is even wrong with you?

Nobody smokes Malboros here but the American tourists and you can smell them a mile away because they have the really cheap cigarette smell on them which is the standard in America.
Bellies or dumos or nothing


haven't smoked in years but I still consider a box of reds to be one of the single sexiest objects in existence


They're not even trying to hide it anymore. Anyone who smokes the carcinogenic Jew is blue pilled. Period.

I dont smoke anymore but Marlboro Reds were fantastic cigarettes. That flavor is so nostalgic now too, so many good memories from high school to my early twenties involved a Marlboro Red. I never understood the appeal of Camel.

>that first pull lit with a zippo

Go bathe in maple syrup faggot

Only kids that want to look cool smoke it

That's not an insult I love maple syrup

>want to look cool

Joke's on you, I'm a shut-in and only smoke them alone in my apartment. They're just objectively the best flavor.

>smoking at all


I am confused. What is wrong with cigarette?

Cool disinfo, user.

Im giving up /thesmokyjew/ today. Can i have some (YOU)'s for support.

the non-smoker's lungs are up there too so what's the fucking difference. both of them are dead now.


sorry bruder. i quit years ago but can still taste it when i think about it.

Good for you, I've been clean for 4 years now it's hard but if you screw up just keep trying and you'll get it done

Your body literally tells you cigarettes are cancer

(you) goes in every field


>not smoking once in a blue moon
>not smoking a cigarette on the balcony during a warm summer night while your summer lies in bed asleep
>not smoking a cigarette with 2 fingers of scotch after a brutal week at work

find something to do with your hands

smoking is like 60% physical addiction

Not Smoking at all is for pussys. Smoking everyday some mallboro pallmal jps or how you write these shit is degenerate. Smoking good Tabak sometimes is redpilled.

why should you? smoking is perfectly healthy

Kek, since when does cancer fill your lungs with tar? Besides, smoking has been scientifically proven to damage your lungs, it's a common fact. There is no actual reason to smoke at all, since you can just get nicotine from nicotine gum without fucking up your health in the process.

1/10 made me reply

Yes, because getting lung cancer is super manly. Smoking anything at all automatically makes you bluepilled. Redpilled people get their nicotine from nicotine gum or nicotine patches.

>nicotine gum

Yeah, and there's no reason to take hot showers ever since you can just wipe your body down with moist moist towelette packets, still gets you water so it's exactly the same.

How does this make you feel?

It makes me feel like I got baited


I thought everyone did this? I have a pack of cigs that take me a few months to smoke to unwind, usually with a coffee in the morning or a drink in the night.

Well played Germany

>Indian tobacco has been traditionally used to effectively suppress common colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia. The smoke from Indian tobacco reduces phlegm, and kills infections in the lungs. It thins mucus, which increases recovery time, and causes many infections to be less symptomatic. When people use it for this purpose, it is often smoked with the herb mullein. Mullein was once used to soothe the coughing associated with tuberculosis, and to cure it. Mullein has no "flavor", and is a very light smoke. Most people feel like they are breathing pure air when smoking mullein. It therefore makes a good base to mix Indian tobacco with. The two tend to work well together to amplify the benefits of each.

Oh god don't remind me

So it's more of an effort to just crew some gum than to smoke a cigarette? You get way more nicotine per gum than you do from a cigarette. Plus, you don't fuck up your health if you take a shower instead of using towelette packets so your analogy doesn't even make any sense to begin with.

Dude it's fuckin crazy how addiction works like that. Years ago I spent a month binging on oxy's and now still whenever I see a pill bottle I feel this "pull" in my brain to check and see if there's oxy in it.

It's emphysema Sven. Do you even speak Greek?

Also Marlboro packs used to have Illuminati symbols in them

If analogies were one to one correspondences between subject and comparison reference than they wouldn't be analogies, they'd be identities. The point of the hot shower analogy is that nice, hot cigarette smoke is nothing like chewing gum.

>Sweden is the one cuck in the thread
What a twist

Smoking cock infuses your body with male essence, making you red pilled.


Best cigarette
Damn I miss it

Fuck no nigger. I've oscillated between 5 and 30 reds a day.

ban check.

It makes sense.

They are both soon reduced to ashes.

>American throwing ad hominems at people he doesn't agree with because he can't come up with a proper argument
What a twist

How does no smoking make someone a cuck? Do you even know what cuck means or are you just using it because you saw some other Sup Forumsfags use it and wanna look cool like them? If anything, you're the ones getting cucked out of your health and money by the jew-owned cigarette companies fueling your self-destructive addiction.

I only ever bought American Spirit blues. They actually have a nice taste. I bummed Marlboros from friends before and they're pretty shit. AS burn for a lot longer, too.

But I stopped smoking anyway because I realized it has literally zero benefit. People just think you're a fucktard for smoking nowadays.


thats a spicy meme

>The point of the hot shower analogy is that nice, hot cigarette smoke is nothing like chewing gum
Then why not pick up heroin while you're at it? It's much nicer than smoking a cigarette. Health doesn't matter as long as it's nice, right?

Those aren't 27's

>getting this triggered

>Southern Cut

Mah nigga. One of the few non-menthols I could actually enjoy.

Pic related were my personal favorite before quitting.

And what do you smoke Cancuck? Ground up maple leaves?

that people who dont smoke it until it reaches the filter didnt finish the job

I always thought that people willing to give ten bucks to some multinational company rather than two bucks to the natives who've traded the plant for millennia had some alternate agenda, now I see the truth.

I'll give you two bucks if you suck my peener :^)

Yeah it's kinda shit. I was watching some shitty TV show earlier and one of the characters referenced "blow." I only bought like a gram and never even finished it, threw the last bit out, but when she said that I just imagined taking a nice rail to... unwind? Just seems so appealing. Watching Family Guy is pretty shitty because people will light up a cigarette, and I get a really intense craving. Even when people post a bowl, or that stoner guy ripping a big bong, I want to relapse so bad. Addiction is something that can only be learned about through personal experience, never taught.

I'm not gay but I have really been craving a cock in my mouth... no homo. asl?

extremely overated cigarette

Really makes me think.

Hmmm...looks familiar

Dubs of prophecy confirm

meet me at chuck e cheeses in new orleans on general de gaulle ;)

>thinking cigarettes are the same as cigars

Why don't you just tattoo "Carcinogens Welcome" on your chest.


This thread is evidence that JIDF and others successfully infiltrated this board.

Geez, when was the last time you saw a redpill thread?! When I started lurking Sup Forums a couple of years ago, there were always at least ten different daily redpill threads helping the goyim learn about the Jews, the Synagogue of Satan, Zionism, globalists, White genocide, Frankfurt School, cultural Marxism, communism, etc.

Sup Forums has been infiltrated and we're losing...this thread is one more example.

Like you have too much time on your hands.

Start redpill yourself then.


I would but heroin isn't sold at the 711 by my apartment.