Obama's legacy

What would you remember of this guy?

Things I can remember about his presidency:

>good campaign, "Yes, we can!", "the first black president", "a new USA", maybe the most hyped I have ever seen until Trump

>Ridiculous Nobel prize

>Wall Street bailout and the CEOs taking the money to then and he punishing them

>Capture and killing (supposedly) of Osama Bin Ladem

>Obamacare, not all he wants to do but what he could do

>when he cried for the victims of guns

>and he laughing of Trump saying the he had meet with international leaders like miss australia, etc.

For me Obama has been a disappointment compared with what was expected from him. Too much hype a think, maybe it will happen the same with Trump.

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All the hope and promise and change.

And how it's the most transparent administration ever, just as promised.

And the uhmmm uhhh uhmmm the uhhh

That is to sound more deep, more wise.

some nigger

His legacy is he created anew environment where Trump is a viable candidate.

>good campaign
He ran on nearly as infantile a platform as Bernie's. And it actually worked. Speaks volumes of the voter base of this failed state in the making, doesn't it?

If he reveals the existence of ayylmaos like I heard he would, everything will be forgotten.


Ultimately this is how he will be remembered in 30 years.
Literally just a footnote in the history books as the guy who allowed Trump to happen.


That one black president.

Correct. He ducked things up so bad that no one who would be a decent leader even wants the fuckin job.

>Cried for the victims of guns
>Inanimate object

Hillary will continue his living legacy for another two terms.

Killed Osama.

Saved the American automobile and banking industries.

Obamacare lowered the rate of the uninsured below 10% for the first time ever.

Obama's stimulus program helped America recover from Bush's Great Recession.

>Saved the American automobile and banking industries
The only auto company doing well now is the one that ended up declining the bailout offer.

Obama's presidency is the best thing to happen to the U.S.A. It reminded the retards who naively voted for him never to vote for a nigger again.The immense failure that is the Obama Saga has succeeded in giving Trump more support.

Cash for clunkers helped.

The destruction of the middle east and bathrooms.

>cash for clunkers

>What would you remember of this guy?

I'd remember he put over 10k people out of work in my state just for the sake of muh environment.

I pray Clinton doesn't win the election

Remember when he was compared with Lincoln because they come from Illinois?

I remember see in the news comparing the journey of Lincoln in the train from Ilinois to Washigton with Obama's journey.

An later the Nobel Prize of Peace xDDD

So much hype man.

>What would you remember of this guy?
He was a the first nigger president, and a shit one at that.

This is all I will remember him by

Thanks Obongo

Also that line from auto tune the news where the guy in wagner viking garb operatically sings "I THINK THE PRIZE FOR PEACE SHOULD GO TO THE BIGGEST WUSS!"

The last Zionist president of the United States.


I thought it was Dubby who bailed out wall Street?

Yeah, fuck the uninsured, it raised my rates so obamacare can fuck right off

Boy did we get played.

It was. But black people are so fucking retarded. Literally, they belive it happened under Bamas administration

Good faggot.
He did the right thing.


>Obamacare lowered the rate of the uninsured below 10% for the first time ever.
What a soft, fuzzy way to say that Obamacare fucked over the middle class to pay for Paco and Shaniqua's medical bills.

Putting two complete communist unqualified soccer mom pieces of shit on the Supreme Court.

That nigger who never had any influence one the international scene and let based Putin in charge of everything.
That nigger who was trying to make jokes everytime because he has no charisma.
That muslim nigger who did his best to protect IS and won a nobel prize.


Probably that he was the first black president. 100 years from now when his presidency doesn't really matter, that will be what he is remembered for.


He looks great in this video though.

At least you have to give the nigger credit for being a great public speaker and for the presence.

> you didn't build that

What a salty faggot.

There were two bailouts: one by Bush before he left and another even larger "stimulus" by Obama shortly after coming in.

"If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon"

First black president spends his time fanning the flames on racial tensions. Fuckin' classic

Good point I forgot how fucking stupid that was. This is the age of token womyn power

This nigger won the nobel prize for letting terrorist organizations grow strong.

you can't make this shit up

I never remember him campaigning or ever saying "first black president." Which is a contrast to what Clinton is doing with her constant reminders that she could be the first woman president.

What I will remember; best gun salesman ever.

Worlds greatest Terrorist hunter.

He was Marco Rubio before Marco Rubio.

The man who singlehandedly saved gun rights

I didn't mean that he said that, I meant that it was said during the campaign by the press.

>Bowing to leaders of Saudi Arabia
>Cash for Clunkers
>Pass ObamaCare to see what's in it
>If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon
>Spent more tax dollars on vacations than anyone else
>Raised the debt more than all other presidents combined
>Imported more immigrants than any others solely for the purpose of increasing Democrat voting

He literally dindu nuffin.

Are there any BritBongs that have an opinion on Obama's comments on the Brexit?

Pretty much this. 'Grobama will always be nothing but a nigger to me. I'd rather by a white pleb loser shitposting on a Saudi Arabian pork chop board than an upitty chimp looking nigger with loads of money and power.

That Trayvon story is sad.

I just see this and made me feel very sad. It made me feel.


Trayvon is a nigger, a savage groid that attacked someone and got killed. Fuck him n fuck you




You mean "was" because he is dead.

Pull troops out of Iraq to soon created ISIS

He was the first president I voted for and his first term.

He was so disappointing that by the reelection I was so disenfranchised I didn't even vote. This guy was such a liar and didn't follow through on what he promised at all.


Russian diplomats snubbing Obama's handshake

First president with a tranny wife.

LBJ beat him to that by 50 years. Carter did his part too.

It's obviously the republicans fault that Trump got this far. No need to thank Obama for this one.

The man who made racism great again

Vote nigger, get nigger.

If you stop at 4:06 it seems like a fairly accurate portrayal, even though it exaggerates Zimzams closeness when following him.
Everything after that is ridiculous though
And fucking niggers, that video could have been half as long and still made their point. Niggers have no idea of time management because they have nothing to do with their time

Good speeches.

Pushed through like 2/3 of the health care reform the USA needed.

Had the means to close a torture camp (or move its inmates to the USA for a fair trial), but did it years too late (if at all). Same for some other promises of moral relevance, like stopping surveillance and other excesses in the national security apparatus of the USA.

Ridiculous Nobel peace prize.

OT, but do you guys think of Obama (b. 1961) more as a tail-end Boomer or an early Gen Xer?

>Baby boomers are people born during the demographic post–World War II baby boom approximately between the years 1946 and 1964. This includes people who are between 52 and 70 years old in 2016.

>Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western Post–World War II baby boom. Most demographers and commentators use birth dates ranging from the early 1960s to the early 1980s.

>Jon Miller at the Longitudinal Study of American Youth at the University of Michigan wrote that "Generation X refers to adults born between 1961 and 1981" and it "includes 84 million people" in the U.S.[15][16]

>Good speeches
What? His speeches and speaking style are irritating as hell. Maybe if you're a leftist and lap up all his appeals.

> Video of Obama introducing people TO a diplomat, presumably in some US government building
Ehm, yea.

obamers not so bad. i want to see if he makes a memoir that shows how he was manipulated by all of the political interests around him.

he has become jaded it seems, like everyone is with politics.


he fucked up foreign policy is the main thing to take away from his presidency. world stability was destroyed, power vacuum in iraq due to leaving and he led government coups in libya and egypt that further destabilized the region. iran has much more power now than ever, and nuclear states in the region are less stable and therefore more likely to sell nukes. radical islam has gained power not lost it.

much of this has to do with playing nice with identity politics which obama knows is inseparable from the current and future democratic party.

First handsome president in America

Baby boomer. Complete piece of shit baby boomer.

BTW, Obama is a complete piece of shit.

Worst president in US history. By all metrics used to guage a US president, he made america worse.

Pathological liar.

Obamacare failed on an astronomical level.

Said a lot of really dumb things, like Trayvon looking like the son he never had and that shit about rich people just being lucky, nothing you do is earned its all luck.

In all honesty he was a huge step backwards in every way. The left loves to have people like him in office and positions of power because any and all criticism can be dismissed with "racist" or "mysoginist".

I can't wait for the day he goes back to being irrelevant outside of liberal news outlets interviewing him every week about how he thinks Trump is doing.

First nigger president, was given a Nobel PEACE prize for being the first nigger president. In a surprising based move, he made a mockery of that cuck award by continuing to bomb 90% of the land mass of North Africa for his entire presidency.

Didn't follow through with anything, despite 2 years of Democrat majority house. Lame duck president but what did we expect from a half-jew half-nigger?

>Obamacare failed on an astronomical level.


>Complete piece of shit baby boomer.
That's kind of an oxymoron

>crediting a recently elected president for years of assiduous intelligence work done by his predecessors in the Oval Office and CIA that only by chance came to fruition during his presidency
>Assuming that industries that are failing should be saved even though the free market has explained they don't want them
>Assuming that an arbitrary number for a capricious goal is a reasonable threshold for confirming the effectiveness of a presidency. Also assuming that the uninsured percentage is a goal within itself and shouldn't be left up to consumer chance on what risk they want to take on their health.
>ignoring that Bush's tactics were exactly the same as Obama's at the start of the Great Recession

>Maybe if you're a leftist and lap up all his appeals.
No, he is just a good speaker.

Also, I am left (social democrat), but I usually don't see what in particular I'd like in his speeches. The content usually seems very center right (market liberal, mostly) to me. with a touch of USA only nationalism when it comes to topics that weren't really only domestic.

every one of your pro obama points are just in his talking points and in your head that haven't crossed into reality. Stopping surveillance? are you absolutely mad? no president before has allowed more infringements into privacy than obama. he wants to imprison assange and snowden for life. look at bradley manning. look at the fickle and arbitrary "terrorism" list that obama can change at any time, imprisoning anyone who contacts them or gives them "intelligence" or "material support."
also the "sunset" of the patriot act was a stunt. it was stated that the law would take a while to become effective and that all current investigations will continue. with this banner, you can say that investigating for terrorists is OK.

obama has been a cryptic president. he had no foreign policy objective, and has clamped down on internal security while fostering divisive gender and racial politics.

it must be nice to be swiss and not experience obama becoming not the "most transparent" president but the most secretive that spys and distrusts its people while always trying to violently divide and use them for gain.

>not knowing trump loves israel


Not all Jews are Zionist.

Mobile poster detected

> Stopping surveillance? are you absolutely mad?
It wasn't a positive point.

By "but did it years too late (if at all)" I literally meant that even if he did close Guantanamo bay (and ordered all other perhaps unknown detainment and torture sites closed) or put a brake on all the other security apparatus excesses, it is really extremely late.

Since he is not the dictator of the USA and things take time, he probably can't even pressure Congress into really fixing the respective laws and cleaning up the whole related immoral mess anymore at this point...

Failed to stop ISIS in its birth.
Didn't stop Merkel from ruining Europe.
Stirred Ukraine into rebellion only to abandon it right after.
Let liberals in colleges reign unopposed.
Failed to improve healthcare.

A good combination of both, really. Dems were the assholes shitting on everything, the GOP were the pussies doing nothing to stop them, it's time we throw a dick (Trump) into the mix to fuck both the assholes AND the pussies

literally nothing positive. worst 8 years of my life thanks to this nigger.

The guy who doubled the national debt

While its debatable how much of this is directly his fault, all I'll ever be able to remember about the Obama era is an army of fat, ugly dykes with blue hair and cat eye glasses marching to destroy everything that is white and male.

I can't wait for it to be over.

He did pretty good on a lot of things.

But, then he started and funded ISIS......

doesn't know how to treat people with sicere, real respect

Here's where i don't act outraged anymore. It's another situation asking for real nuanced discussion and i'm glad we'll talk about it if you want.
He didn't close gitmo and closing it wouldn't do anything. I agree with you on the principle of it all but, whether it's closed or not, military related incarceration will always be different from domestic, especially in times of war. Public spotlight will better the regulations of these detentions, as they already have.

I don't know what you mean by cleaning up the mess but again it sounds like any other talking point you hear from any side. Accountability basically doesn't exist, especially when it comes to these "cleaning up the system" talking points. It's all a matter of public opinion and not even policy. It's just an image.

>All the hope and promise and change.
>And how it's the most transparent administration ever, just as promised.

Besides this the biggest fault with Obama is that what he did could have been done by anyone. He played it safe and ended up doing nothing noteworthy.

Now America wants real change, and it's coming down to the people to actually do something about it.

Are you retarded?

Everyone has absolutely HATED Obamacare
Like holy crap that made even my center left friends dislike Obama

His speeches are good at emotional manipulation I'll give you that
Remember when he cried?

I love Obama because he's done a lot of shit with his executive power
This means Trump will have plenty of precedents at his disposal

>dat back arch

>Now America wants real change, and it's coming down to the people to actually do something about it.

This stupid bullshit line is used every fucking year.

He didn't play it safe
What are you talking about?
He's just the same president we've had since Reagan

Are you stupid or do you not know how different this election has been?

I am stupid.