Can anyone help me ID these?

Can anyone help me ID these?

Those are mushrooms

user is right. I am almost certain they are mushrooms too.

Look like oranges to me

go to /out/, i think they have a mushroom id thread there. failing that i think there's a forum which you can ask for ids, i think it's called shroomery or something like that

That is rick and morty episode 1

Fairly confident those are mushrooms

Don't eat those, fuckwit.

If they bruise blue and have a purple sporeprint they are good to eat. Otherwise you gonna die.

Looks like Mudkipz to me.

I herd u liek

No, ignore this bullshit.

Where did you find them? What were they growing out of? What color are the spores?


Cow Poop.

I do not know the answer to the third.

What state?

Eating one is the only one to be sure user

South Texas

if they don't break blue move on.

Texas, ok. If they bruise blue they are Panaeolus cyanescens and good to go. If not, they are Panaeolus antillarum.

Seriously tho, asking Sup Forums to identify something that might kill you is the dumbest thing you could possibly do. I agree with the user who said to ask /out/

>If they bruise blue they are Panaeolus cyanescens and good to go. If not, they are Panaeolus antillarum.

Interesting. How did you know this?

I live in North Central FL and have 26 acres and cattle and love mycology. :)

I'm an engineer and super noob to mycology. any books you recommend?

two chefs leave wendy's and walk into a bar

Any and all my friend. I would start with books on mushrooms specific to your area/state. Library will have books on wild and edible mushrooms in TX.

To be fair this pic was sent to me by a friend and I do not live in Texas. I work on rockets for a living, not cows :)

Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna po-tate.

I grow pot. Cows are for agricultural tax exemption lol

Thank you for your insight. I wish there was a way to contact you externally without getting raided.

Engineer here. Do you ship? :p

But yea have your friend do more research, take spore prints, and examine spores under a microscope as well. Some mushrooms are so similar that they can only be told apart by examining spore shape under a microscope. Also, he can take them to a mycology department at a university and they will help no questions asked.

I second panaeolus, but I don't know that genus well enough to give you confident advice on species. jet black spores and blue bruises are all that matters in this instance though. Purple-brown spores are only diagnostic of psilocybe, which these are not.

No, sorry I don’t.

Well, good thing I'm definitely not a cop then.

I concur with this fellow user's analysis of the previous user's answer. That these are in fact, mushrooms.

If you really want stuff shipped, you should contact someone in CO. I just got back from there and ounces go for $80-$100 of medical grade now. You can get a unit for $1500-$1600. Or go visit and ship it to yourself. I know a few people who do that.

I wish dude. I also suffer from moderate Crohn's disease and I had some stuff that went in a vape pen that I of course got illegally from a friend that has now moved away and it helped so much. I'm not travelling but man I would love to get some more.

You ever consider growing up a couple of your own? It’s pretty simple, enjoyable, and rewarding. Even two plants under a decent light with some good soil will provide you with a decent amount. Safest way to obtain it imo as well. I guess that doesn’t really satisfy an immediate want/need, but in the long run it’s great.

Nah I don't think I have time. I work in excess of 60 hours a week sometimes.