Why doesn't anybody like me. am i ugly?

why doesn't anybody like me. am i ugly?

What the fuck is wrong with my face?

Why do people on /soc/ call me ugly, why am I always fucking lowest rated by all the raters while everyone else is deemed good enough in rate threads? Why am I a pathetic virgin? Please help me, I'm so miserable

I used to think I looked normal, decent even. I swear

Why the fuck doesnt anybody like me

/soc/ made me suicidal

The Internet has completely fucking destroyed my pride, my self worth, my confidence, my manhood, my life...



All that's left now is to suck dick in alleways for $4 a blow.


Here’s a solid idea:
Unplug your Ethernet cable.
Spend a week or so in the real world.
Or stay online and get emotionally destroyed and driven to killing your self.
You’re the dictator of your own fate, cunt.

i've seen worse looking people who are happily married.

boy or girl ?

Doesn't matter. A mouth is a mouth, and an ass is an ass.

I agree,
What the hell are you OP?

you look like a filthy jew that's why
I hope you do kill yourself so the world is not cursed with your hideous face

Hair long, thicc eyebrows, and a nose with more waves than the fucing ocean

yep. tits, a vagina, not fat, no stds? then they aren't an incel unless by choice or ignorance.

just gonna leave this here...

Whats your kik

Join the military.

If you don't gain any self confidence, you'll at least be able to make money or go somewhere , possibly even pick up skills if you apply yourself.

OP, do not kill yourself. You have brighter days ahead. We all mature at different rates, and half of these people here are fat neckneard fucks who are gonna bully you. Ditch Sup Forums and do whatever makes you happy, youf self worth shouldn't come from others. It should stem from inside you

>my manhood
... you're a guy?

Read the full post you troglodyte.

I'd throttle you hard ;)

Get a haircut, braces, job and fucking work out and you will be fine.


I ve seen you before in /fa



well shit, missed that. tbh if OP is a guy he's got it easier. bulk up a bit to get in shape but otherwise if OP can manager to have a car and an apartment that he pays for himself his face doesn't mean all that much to a lot of women.