I’m 18, I dropped out of college a little over a month ago, I haven’t been able to get a job in that time...

I’m 18, I dropped out of college a little over a month ago, I haven’t been able to get a job in that time, my parents are sick of me being so lazy, I used to smoke weed but am being forced to stop, I’m so low on money, I’m lonely, I’m fat as fuck, I lost my sister and my grandpa earlier this year, and the list goes on. Should I just kill myself?

Yes. U should definitely kill urself
I hate fat ppl btw:)

Join the Army.

Why not rob a bank instead? then if the cops get you do it. If they don't then you got like 8 grand

No, you should not.

where the pic from OP?

somewhere between Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico.

This, can't be any worse than your current situation.

I'll just say OP. 6 of the 8 things you mentioned are completely within your control. Life isn't easy, no one will do it for you.

You gotta make that shit happen

stay hard, try to ignore that shit

How can you drop college after being there for two months? I'm assuming you live off campus, at home, and take "general studies" because you had no more specific goal than attending 13th Grade. You can't go to school without a goal.

U don’t even realize how lucky you are. I mean i live in RUSSIA. I’m not able to afford university here cuz it costs a fortune.I hate myself , it’s a fucking curse. Why i was born here? I’m fucking jealous. And u know what? Weed is strongly banned here. I can spend the rest of my life in the fucking jail for just smoking a pot .

I attended an actual college that has a 35.4% acceptance rate and is one of the best schools in the country for what it has. I had scholarships and I was studying civil engineering. I lived on campus and moved to that town on my own.

You cannot leave behind your parents. Be there for them before u decide considering these things. as gay as i am, suicide is not the answer. Cowards way out. Who wants to die that way?

Fuck off Vladimir

is that you in the pic?

Yes, why?

If thats true, you fucked up hard. At the very least, you should have hung in the dorm til they kicked you out, and found a job from there. It would've taken a semester, at least, to get placed on academic probation. And the grants and scholarships would've put about 2K in your pocket. For someone in a math based curriculum, you sure suck at numbers.

My name is Boris u fat fuck

Withdrawing mid year doesn’t allow for refunds bro. At least where I went.

Just wondering. It brought a smile to my face which was needed haha

nah OP you're young as fuck.

only people 30+ should kill themselves in "oh shit im a total loser" situations imo.

20s is about figuring out how to live.

also suicide is for pussies.

Make today the start. Get into fitness and diet, invest in your self. If you want to do better than your parents will see it.

Finding a job is a job it self, follow up on as many "help wanted"s as you can, and take what ever you can get. Once you have a job, you can always be looking for a better one.

Consider a trade... like wood working, welding, carpentry, driving, ect... College is not the only way to get into a stable and well paying career.

You are never going anywhere until you yourself decide to. So call this the bottom, and don't stop until you can't even recognize yourself... In away, it's almost a form of killing your self.

Thats why you don't withdraw, BROOO.


Just saying, you had a sure gig, at least until spring. A room, and a new place to walk around. Meet people, even if its other fat crying nerds. As for the grades, you'd phone it in and skate with C's, its Frosh year, not that hard. I'd rather eat ramen and fuck around in (anything) than move home. At that rate, you had six months to flake around, while looking for employment. But no, you pull the ripcord too early. You could've used that money to drive to Idaho, or whatever your dream spot is.