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Wtf that's bullshit Australia is censored to all fuck

As for "free" am I free to go to america and yell "Watch these niggers kill me over sticks and stones"???

I will post a comment tomorrow. Unfortunately, Senator Al Franken wont be available for comment. Hes a lil busy.

we're not censored, cunt.

Define: "Free"

First Amendment, youre free to say anything nigga pls

No, you just have trash internet so you might as well be.

Also tell me this isn't 100% pure propaganda.

I will say though, Australia has the best gun laws.

4576 has questionable photos

are you a refugee 4576?


haha. yes. "laws".

i know im a dick, kinda funny though

better odds than living in chicago...

were kinda mean..

It's pure cancer lmao

so? shit was gay anyway.

ill be out till tomorroe

same Sup Forums later