Unless your going to college for atleast 2 years or are planning on starting a business you should be mandated to serve the US Army for two years with a side benefit for finishing
I feel like this would make society better. Most people who don't go to UNI or become entrepreneurs are usually Undisciplined,lazy, raised in bad family's, and more likely to be criminals. So by forcing them to go to the army they would learn useful skills, disciplined and be better citizens for society. Which is way better then dropping out of barley passing college and just becoming a leeche of society or worse a criminal.
Serving the army for 2 years after graduating HS should be required in the USA!
Barely passing HS*
Also there would exceptions besides college or starting business like maybe religious reasons or etc
The military is already disorganized and dumb as fuck as it is now. Forcing people who don't want to join, to join the military, will further decrease the quality of the already shit quality and shit leadership in the military.
Incredibly dumb idea.
No. Fuck you.
I don't want to be a welfare queen
where's the female
You are not going far enough. Americans should be taught military civil defense from a young age and be fully indoctrinated patriots.
We can go even further beyond, we must selectively breed the best of the best and teach them the art of war from birth. Also a clones army of super-soldiers would be good too.
>nu-males serving in the military
seriously, I'd rather not have a lot of SJWs and shitty people in the military who don't want to be in the military.
It's like you think the military industrial complex doesn't have enough shit to fuck with. This may be ok in countries with militaries that never do anything but not ours.
Besides, I don't want the smart people wasting their time in the military. They should be busy in college.
I'd assume the idea is break them from being nu-males when they are still in their formative young adult years, before being completely indoctrinated by the liberal college agenda.
America is about personal freedoms. We are free to walk, run, or sit out if we choose and thats one of the things that makes this country unique.
In fact, make it a requirement to vote while we're at it.
Just waiting for the artificial womb to be perfected to abolish abortion.
One of the things that makes this country pussified these days. That shit was not tolerated in my day (almost 40).
so what happens to people with birth defects like club feet who normally wouldn't be allowed to join? are they put in a special disabled solders division?
Isn't it just expensive to house so many teenagers for so long?
A lot of us just aren't military material. I can do some EMT stuff, but I really wouldn't be Medic material.
Besides, isn't it better to have people who want to be in the military apply for it? Just the step to sign up filters a lot of bad recruits.
>slavery for 2 years after graduating HS should be required in the USA
how bout no, cunt.
This is true
Drone simulators. Even the weak must fight.
So you want to raise taxes to pay all these new enlistees?
>dem programs
I firmly believe in conscription. The army should be a people's army, not a separate class. Everyone who is able should serve, get some kind of training in a military capacity.
Some people aren't cut out for it, OP.
Like most of the faggots screaming "welfare" or "jew puppet".
Morons shouldn't touch a rifle.
They are not cut out for it because they are not raised right. Giving children choices. Lazy ass parents create lazy ass people. If people do not want to give to society why should society give shit to them?
No one cares, Gramps
>forcing the citizenry to join the military
yeah no. there is a reason people arent clamoring to join the military now so they can die in some fucking desert on the other side of the planet
Because those who take the oath swear to protect the retards, lazy, and those who can't protect themselves.
You can't ask the average person to do that.
Have fun when we get 20 million cooks and 1 million at most active duty
>waiting until the child is a fully fledged moron and then giving them combat training
children should be forced to join community centers where they can learn to be functioning adults, if anything
I've got to agree. It's hard enough to lead some of the people who have volunteered to be there, I can't possibly imagine what a conscription based force would look like for as diverse as a country we are, just from the NCO or Officer level. NJP's everywhere. Conscription service works in countries that are largely culturally homogenous, but that is not the case with ours. I imagine if you were wishing to instill a autocratic system, there could be alternatives such as civil service programs.
I agree but all people who go into mandatory service should be within their own "bubble" of the military where they cannot be stationed outside of their state, they cannot be sent to war unless in times of a draft, they cannot be put into a job that has life-threatening situations, and they cannot receive military benefits after retiring unless they choose to continue their service after their two years are up.
If you're disabled or unfit for basic training, they'll put you through whatever training you can do and you'll be put on battery-counting duty.
>calling it uni
Opinion discarded
While yes, I agree with you to a certain extent, I think that some people will never be cut out for it, and could be far more useful somewhere else, such as in a research lab. New forms of civil service could be an alternative
There should be 2 years after high school forced participation in either the military or some sort of government jobs/construction program.
We have the largest military in the world and its all volunteers. You're retarded OP
The military doesn't change your personality of being a tool. If you're a tool, you're a fucking tool.
The military just establish and train you to follow orders and shoot a rifle and what ever your specialty job is. It isn't as much of a "Crucible of manhood." Literally anyone can pass basic if they just shut off their brain and follow directions and ignore people fucking up.
>People should not have freedom of choice with their lives and undergo a systematic slaughter house!
If I don't want to fight for my country. I will work for my country.
Fuck off with this shit. Get real with yourself.
This, we already have people that hate it enough and they signed up on their own accord.
How about 6 months of basic training?
fuck that nigger bullshit everyone join the army.
no jody
I was born in Romania while it was behind the Soviet Union's iron curtain, and we used to have to do a minimum of a year's service in the military after college. I trained with rifles, formations and tactics, and enjoyed the camaraderie and bonding that came with it. Had to endure freezing temperatures while out on guard duty in the mountain bases during winters and endured some pretty gruelling training courses.
Overall it was a very important experience and taught me discipline and personal strength. I now work as a software engineer for a bank and make over 100K.
I wholeheartedly agree. Military service builds strong character and if there's one thing that's missing in today's society, it's character building. Think of it like a badass summer camp or boy scouts.
Interesting, although I disagree.
The U.S. military should make their entrance standards so hard that only the truly dedicated would pass muster.
The force would be smarter and smaller, and able to spend more per capita on research and advanced training.
All that other shit, (weapons training, survival, basic life skills, discipline, tactical thought) should be taught in public school.
No. 2 years straight out. Then college or business or ride fucking unicorns, i dont fucking care. You fuckn punks these days coukd use some toughening up, which would also mean you get online access 45 minutes a day, monitored, for the duration
THIS IS EXACLY WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! If you aren't going to contribute to society after HS or go to college or work at some gov related job weither or be a blue collar or white collar job then you should be mandated to do X amount of years in the army. Which would set many nu males, young kids from rough neighborhoods who have resorted to criminal activity to become better citizens I have seen many cases where my buds lazy ex gang affiliated son into a strong now respected army strong MAN.
THIS IS EXACLY WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! If you aren't going to contribute to society after HS or go to college or work at some gov related job weither or be a blue collar or white collar job then you should be mandated to do X amount of years in the army. Which would set many nu males, young kids from rough neighborhoods who have resorted to criminal activity to become better citizens I have seen many cases where my buds lazy ex gang affiliated son into a strong now respected army strong MAN.
Now in days too many kids are either criminals in the coming walking around your local 7/11 or have part times at McDonald's and then go home to play Xbox all night living under there parents
This. South Korean military is so fucking retarded. They cucked themselves so hard.
Military should be for people who actually want to do it and only the best of the best. "Let everyone in" is a formula for disaster.
Oh yes, lets show spics and niggers how to properly use military techniques.
>not training your population to be a meat shield
it's like you're not even bourgeoisie
military is not for everybody
people choose to serve so others dont have to
this is america
Sounds like you are just creating people who are resentful of the government and now have skills which they can use to fight back.
I do agree with making it a requirement to vote, however.
Could Try the scouts after elementary, bootcamp after junior, then army after highschool. It would keep the young'nes in shape.
This is why the greatest generation will remain the greatest. America is irreversibly cucked and just waiting for the Chinese overlords..
Wrong, two years of gender studies and gender centric community service should be required of everyone.
It's a good idea, we do this here
Don't y'all already have a draft or something?
That's what the National Guard should be for: to teach citizens basic soldiering skills (e.g. Drill & discipline, Firewatch / Sentry Duty, Logistics)
The highly motivated can be exempt from the 2-year mandatory national service by enlisting or becoming an officer in the Regular Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Air Force. Then again, the USMC don't need flaky-minded conscripts.
How about we get women signing up for selective service. Then we can start on your thing.
>spics, niggers, and mudslimes required to serve
>become more efficient killers
>white genocide
Not a bad idea....
I just graduated and am looking to go into the Army as a commissioned officer via OCS.
Pansy ass European countries do mandatory military service and they are still in the depths of being pansies.
Service guarantees citizenship.
>Pathetic manchild detected.
Kill yourself.
6-12 month conscription is all you need to train a soldier. But what the hell are you going to do with 100 million american soldiers when you got drones and shit?
No it shouldn't, you fucking faggot.
Conscription is a thing with the American left to make the costs of war felt in all levels of society. Volunteer warriors go against this end.