Which dogs are Sup Forums approved?

Which dogs are Sup Forums approved?

All of them except pitbulls and american stanfirds and other nigger dogs

Pitbulls. They tend to be the most calm-tempered.

>two aussies
>never had a problem

German shelheard

All of them you fucken faggot.

100% this. Pol is /doggo/. Only slimes and chinks hate dogs.

No small dogs.

No dogs destroyed by retarded breeding programs (see showline GSD, modern Collie, etc).

t. Tyrone Lajavius Malone


Hungarian ones.

Are pugs approved? Sure they can yap and get annoying but seeing my dog playing with my 3 years old nephew warm my heart.

I fucking hate small dogs. The only thing they are good for is eating.

Large dogs are good loyal companions though.

I have a St Bernard he probably weighs more than most of you virgins.

Any doggo shall work. Except...

Muts and only muts. Let people like McMuffin Romney pay the vet bills for their Frankenstein mutants with autoimmune diseases.

Great Danes and Alaskan Malamutes, white man's best friend.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are truly the aryan mans dog

I got my dog from the pound for $8 and she is a half breed. But she's the best dog in the entire world. Patient to a fault with children, protective, intuitive, affectionate.

Literally any. They all make Mudshits angry


You can't deny that Corgis are the masterrace of doggos
>Very active
>Can live anywhere
>Pretty healthy
>Good with kids
>Big enough to play with but small enough to take on trips

You can't deny this Sup Forums

Caucasian Shepherd

What's wrong with dalmatians? I thought pit bulls were the worst.



All dogs are great.

dalmatians are kind of aggressive but actually fucking retarded because of (im guessing) inbreading

is your name Jose by chance?


That looks retarded

She a nigger? Is the pussy good?

I like chow chows.

Is that a fucking carpet pelt?

Newfoundlands are good. German Shepherds work, too.

fuck pitbulls


Oh, not I love Dalmatians. I was waiting for someone to reply 'bulldog'.

St. Bernards are based.

If you lay down in front of one, they'll run over and start to lick and "revive" you, even the puppies.

I think it's instinct.

If you want a dogger you can fucking ride on, I recommend the Caucasian Mountain Dog

Does anyone actually own a Shibe?

Anything that will mauly a Somali.

Newfies are fucking awesome, just gotta have a fucking bath towel at all times.

Hey Angel.

tibetan mountain dog

does your block get shot up a lot by gangs?



>Oh, don't mind me. Just taking my giant mop for a walk.


Redpilled as fuck doggos.

Dobermans are nigger-tier, stop the shitposting REEEEEE!!!

Cocker Spaniels.

My friend has a Shibe shelter pup. I got to play with it.

It was the best night of my life

The true dog of the white man.

That's cultural appropriation.

The true dog of faggot white couples.*


They are loveable, but my god are they oafs.

I believe Dalmatians are well balanced dogs. Athletic, medium size, short hair, and loyal.

I've never heard or seen a gun outside of the gun range.

Golden retrievers obvs

>where da white meat at?


I know this mexi guy who has vacationed in the Summer back to Guanajuato (or however the fuck you say it). He has a fuckton of dobbies

Pls no bite

That's the dog version of a wigger with dreadlocks n' sheit

Pretty much this. Once they got popular they got expensive as fuck and every family I see that has one looks extremely liberal and the dad always looks like a cuck.

Is my doggo Sup Forums approved? Pls respond.

Border collies - the smartest breed confirmed and big as well as friendly.

>smart af
>great hunting dogs
>loyal af

What kind of personality do collies have?

I had a German Shorthaired Pointer for 16 years. She was fiercely loyal to my family and absolutely hated niggers. The UPS guy use to drop the packages near our mailbox because he was terrified of her.

Best dog I ever had.

He's gods chosen doggo


They look retarded desu




Collies are good. They are just hard as fuck to groom if you go outdoors with them alot.

My Rottweiler died last month of old age. She was the sweetest dog I ever had and was my best friend.

RIP Sophie, the best fucking dog I ever had.

That's a cute doggo. Yes, approved.

My friend, good for hunting, protective, and loyal to a fault. Theyre smart enough to easily be commanded, but dumb enough to listen to you
Newfies and labs also apply
keep hating monkey


Terrible for home defense but great for everything else.

A golden retriever and a pistol in your bed stand is all a man needs


they die pretty quick m80. Our dog just one day suddenly dropped stone dead spilling shit and piss all over the floor.
good mannered dog, but I wouldn't get another for that reason.

Learned "af" from this shithole. Never been to le reddit

sorry for your lots.

Jesus those dogs are terrifying. I remember first seeing them on that documentary about the Russian prison Black Dolphin.

Which one is better Sup Forums
Husky or German Shepard

I love when they go into crouching stealth mode, only dog that can do that I think.

Also Dachshunds top tier small dogs, little fuckers are fearless.

>nig hating on the whitest dog that exists

Eat a dick subhuman

double /thread

My cousin has one, she actually brought it over from Tibet whenever she was studying there. It is the fucking worst dog ever. Incredibly aggressive, they have to take you and the dog outside of their house, and then walk you in together. Otherwise, the dog will bite your face off. They're also just general mountain roaming dogs, so they never really adopted a strong connection with humans. So you can come home from work, and the dog won't even acknowledge you. It is basically just having a large, scary, hyper aggressive roommate.

Also, they are terrible on a leash and you are in constant fear that is going to murder any passers by.

I have a Golden Retard who is the coolest dog ever.

Whats all the pitbull hate about?

Which dog is best for oral sex/fucking?

Yeah, mine is a big old idiot.

Husky if you live in a cool weather area. Don't torture that dog with heat.

wtf, this looks exactly like my dog

Huskies have wanderlust and will always run away. If you want an escape artist dog, get a Husky. If you want a normal loyal intelligent dog, get a Shepherd.