>Trump God Emperor sent me the Nazi iconography of the shiftless, hooknosed Jew.
>I was served an image of the gates of Auschwitz, the famous words “Arbeit Macht Frei” replaced without irony with “Machen Amerika Great.”
>“Thanks to @jonathanweisman for redpilling at least 1.5k normies today by retweeting premium content. Epitome of useful idiot,” responded one tormentor whose Twitter handle is too vulgar to repeat
Ethan Richardson
Fuck you I was going to post about this article
but anyway this kike's attempt to grasp racist memes and the "can't stump the trump" gag is absolutely funny 14/88 laugh the entire time
Aiden Richardson
wait so what exactly happened? yes, i am retarded
William Ramirez
> a kike from the jewyork times gets spammed with Sup Forums memes and explains it in a hilarious fashion
read it, its funny
Matthew Brooks
>whites man being universally hated are now in a virtual ghetto and their sewage of hate is spilling out on the rest of society
Let everything burn.
Anthony Brooks
You have to learn hitler was very evil
James White
Nothing. Just funny to see shitposts taken seriously by a national newspaper. .
Jacob Campbell
Pastebin or something like that, please. I'm not exactly a Sup Forums tier freetard, but I've enabled everything but metrics and shit is still telling me to log in.
Bentley Baker
Brayden Martinez
Thanks bro
Just realized >DBZ kai
Juan Davis
I honestly felt bad for the guy for a moment.
He received a full dose all at once, that's a hard thing for anyone to take.
Then he says shit like...
>And still, we have heard nothing from Mr. Trump, no denunciation, no broad renouncing of racist, anti-Semitic support, no expressions of sympathy for its victims.
and I light my oven
Kevin Bailey
I wonder if the jews are terrified of paying for their actions. Or do they have no conscience whatsoever and sleep soundly ?
I mean, all those fanfics about harrassment and persecution, the latest being the holocaust, can't mean they don't have some deep-seated self-loathing going on. After all, the reason they wreck the west is that they breed with europeans to blend in, and since behaviour is genetic they must have inherited some of europeans' empathy.
No wonder so many jews are mentally insane, half of their blood demands the backstabbing of everyone, while the other demands the helping of everyone.
Jonathan Myers
There should be an AIDS test before entering the country
Xavier Nguyen
Look at all the jewish articles on Sup Forums that have just come out at the same time. It's collusion, a day of action by people who all know each other.
They lie through their teeth but it's obvious to anyone with good instincts that it's an actual conspiracy among jews no matter how much they feign they are just doing their job or just asking questions.
Owen Cox
>oyyy veeeey mr.trump must apologize for his anti-semitic shitposters
>it's like anuddah shoah goyim!
I love seeing kikes butthurt.
Gabriel Hall
Writing an article about you guys was the worst thing he could possibly have done. All it does is encourage you.
Leo Roberts
Hey I'm studying Orthodox Judaism, those leftists Jews are not real Jews, they are "reform" Jews or "conservative Jews" what's the difference? Orthodox Jews are conservative, conservative Jews are liberal, reform Jews are Marxists. The one true Judaism lies with the orthodox, orthodox Jewry denounces both spinoff. Movements, just so you know!
Brody Lewis
>twitter is so great >twitter is 99% trolls twitter doesnt seem so great... although it does let SJWs cry daily
Brody Ramirez
>>Trump God Emperor sent me the Nazi iconography of the shiftless, hooknosed Jew. Have some mercy for god's sake, that must have been 5 shoahs all over again.
Adrian Martin
>the pseudonymous shitposts you make while sitting in your bedroom might make it into the fucking New York Times meme magic is seriously real, in case there was any doubt we actually affect political discourse to this extent
Wyatt Gonzalez
>Beyond journalism, stories of Muslims assaulted by Trump supporters are piling up They are?
Xavier Morris
They are secular jews that are trying to ape Hitler out of an obsession with the holocaust. They have hatred towards all white Europeans for not immediately sending in blackhawks to free the camps after getting the satellite footage of the six trillion being gassed
Elijah Wood
It was real in his mind.
Adrian Hughes
lol nope. Can't find a single verifiable instance of that happening anywhere, but of course there are flailing retards who will believe that's happening constantly because the lugenpresse says it's true.
Charles Clark
>that .webm It's a mix of turning me on with her legs, and disgusting me by making me think she's shooting gore out of her vagina.
Also, that watermelon had to be precut or something. I refuse to believe she did that purely with her legs.