Why don't any tribal whites exist?

Why don't any tribal whites exist?

Every race except white still has tribal populations.

Africans, Asians, and South Americans all still have tribes.

I don't count middle eastern state since technically they're mixed Caucasians.

Other urls found in this thread:


Tribal Asians

Tribal Native Americans

Probably because all other races are savages

Because tribal whites were Europeans, they progressed so far that they pretty much stopped living in primitive huts and conquered the world

Look up Sami people

Tribal White?

this, fucking slavs are savages


That's because white people are demons sent from the devil to destroy all the other rich cultures in this world.

Are tribes were castles and chariots and shit.

You forcefully ruined them/genocided them that's why

Sami are still here (only because the genocide failed)

I think those Finno-Ugric people in arctic Scandinavia and Russia are tribal

I don't see any mud huts or tribal leadership.

Slavs were first into space, how could they be tribal?


You could argue that Hutterites and Amish and shit are "tribal" I guess.

The real reason though is that we dragged all of our tribal people out of the gutter with us or killed them like the savages they were. It was either modernize with your neighbours or die

the sami


hell even Scotts (clan system)

Nice try. Those oare tribal Bolivians.

In their natural habitat.

Sami are Asian/white hybrids. I would hardly say they count

Look to their history.
HRE history is pretty good.

>I don't count middle eastern state since technically they're mixed Caucasians.
Mixed... Are you dumb?


spics are asians, you dumb ameri-cunt newfag.
pro tip: their ancestors crossed from Siberia into the USA.


They're Mongolians


Christianity hit white countries first. Whites were closest to urban centers. Tribes evolved into street gangs of the underworld.

There are some Slav pagans in Russia and East Europe. Not neo pagan fags, but villagers who live by old superstitions. Some rural parts were barely touched by Christianity at all and even survived the commies.

Yeah no, they live in cities.

Yeah no, they live in cities. Look at where they are.

Nice try Muhammad

Lots of white homeless in the bigger cities.

What about Celts, Normans, Franks, Visigoths, ect? The entire Europe was a bunch of tribes for fuck-knows how long.
Did you think about your post before hitting submit?

White man is obsessed with civilisation and has burning sensation to civilise the uncivil.

Aside from outlaw tribes like mafias and biker gangs, we have clans and festivals. Also churche congregations serve a similar function to tribes.

>gr8 b8 1008

Our tribes our so advanced they don't look like tribes.

Do you they still live in fucking huts?

No? Then they aren't fucking tribal. I was clearly talking about the present.

Civilized whites with ancient traditions does not equal tribals you fucking mong. Please try to accurately answer the question.

I don't know mate you've got Geordies

you must be forgetting about *the* tribe

>Why don't any tribal whites exist?

They're called butthurt belt nowadays, between the baltic and black sea.
They behave exactly the same.

>Why don't any tribal whites exist?

urban dwellers =/= non-tribal, even if cities erode tribal and other ethnic and cultural affiliations with time

Where do you think Canadians originated from?

But that isn't tribal, that's nationism.

Tribal is living outside of civilization except for your small settlement.


All of our countries are tribes. Brits, Germans, French, Afrikaners, Irish, etc. are all tribes.

Slavs are not white


>present only!
Oh, well then there aren't any because leaving whites alone long enough in one place results in stone buildings and agriculture. No white tribes exist because they all formed civilizations that frown on hunting/gathering and hut-dwelling.
How were you not already aware of that? Or were you asking rhetorically so you could shitpost? Not even accusing, it's just gotten impossible to tell these days.

Geordies aren't white

Jesus Christ, can you not read?

I'm asking why don't any white tribes exist in the PRESENT. Those are nationalities .

Yes we are faggot

Berbers(North Africans) and Arabs are both part Caucasian, check pic related. research before you post please


White civilization evolved from tribes working together. In an urban environment, people still join groups with a tribal style hierarchy and sense of oneness. Criminal gangs, churches, frats, clubs, cults, etc.

Germanics and Celts lived as tribes but they were killed off by Romans until the worked together. Whites said if you can't beat civilization, join it or make your own.

Tribes have always been associated with savagery and primitive culture.

Those are actual tribes though. They are genetically related and share a culture. The difference is that they are not brain dead retards that put disks in their mouths.

Niggers aren't white dumb ass

>I missed the entire point of the thread
Bravo, that's exactly what OP was implying.

It takes a certain IQ to progress beyond a stone age level of technology, around 70 if I recall correctly. Societies that are stuck at the pre-agrarian stage are most successful in a small tribal structure. Too many people and they kill each other off or consume all the resources, and with too few members they are unable to feed themselves or sustain the population. You can't exactly live in a town if you are genetically unable to read, write, work, obey abstract laws, or provide any value whatsoever.

fuck jews

This is the most autistic graph I have ever seen. You do realize all the peoples considered white are Germanic and Anglos are Germanic English. Celts don't like being associated with Anglos.

>Green eyes
>Thin straight light brown hair

Both my grandparents came to America from Italy together and my dad married another woman from Italy and had me.

When will this meme die? These shit skins are not true Italians we are a race of white people originally.

There's Amish in America but they do it by choice and are stuck around 1800 AD and not 40,000 BC

Do you have a cousin names Vinny?

The truth is that whites aren't savages and never were. They were always the most sophisticated race, which is why everyone else tries so hard to be and look like us.

Liberals will never admit this because they're cucks, but it's true.

Names Randall.

The Kalash of Pakistan.

>>Why don't any tribal whites exist?
I gave an answer to the presented question, if OP was implying the answer already then why did he bother asking in the first place?

FOLLOW THE LINES, the niggers are part of the African category, Arabs and Berbers are with the Europeans and the Iranians together in the Caucasoid group

So the architecture changed. The principle is still the same. Gang warfare over turf is not much different from tribal warfare.

OP you do realize that a lot of small villages can be considered tribal. Just because they are not your usual stick and cloth shack doesn't make them not tribal.

See rural Russia

White nations are too urbanized, no real reason for mud huts because of all the wealth.

That being said, there's still things like pikey caravans which are basically tribal lifestyles with modern tech.

>thais more closely related to australoids than chinese


Sand niggers are a sub species of nigger dumb cunt

>tfw mix of new world anglo (almost all my British ancestors came over four or five generations ago minimum), Germanic, and Scandinavian

Racism, obviously

>what is east europe?

are you retarded

>mediterranian are muslims
>rome was muslim

Holy shit, I was just thinking about this the other day.

You're either being deliberately obtuse or are just a moron. The OP asked why there arne't any savage whites living in small tribes devoid of any technological advances, like those seen in Africa and Asia. See: Bushmen in the Kalahari, Sambias in Papua New Guinea

You fucking retard

Tribal refers to social relations, not urbanization level

Sami exists stupid burger. Only natives in Europe.

It makes sense stupid there brown bears and black bears but they're both bears
So there's sand niggers and true niggers and they're both part of the nigger family


>Why don't any tribal whites exist?

Have you seen what happens when whitey comes in contact with tribal cultures?


Why do the slavs use the squat?

uhhh you might wanna look into that.

i dont argue with guys who show points about Muslims and Arabs and errors in thier ways since they bring up valid points but you cant disprove my argument here, its genetics you cant fake this


this desu

>Why don't any tribal whites exist?
what do you think religion and political alignment are?

Do you fucking idiots even understand what a tribe is? The Gulf states are composed of tribes and they live in cities and drive Ferraris just like any other douche.

i cant even begin to explain how stupid this post is

Arabs are Caucasian not because of mixture with Europeans, but because they have similar origins as Europeans. There is a big difference there. Differences in evolution mainly factor in to different races such as evolving in a hot climate or a region that is closed of by water or on an island and also the type of food that people consume e.g. Europeans developed blond/red hair and coloured eyes because of sexual selection (it was much harder to find a mate so they developed more interesting features different from black hair and eyes) or Africans and Indians evolving darker skin (more melanin in skin) for more skin protection from the harsh sun.
Caucasian Europeans evolved in a small closed off region where as Persians, Arabs and Sumerians evolved right next to Asia, Africa and partly in eastern Europe, so of course their genes and appearances are mixed from different reproduction, but they still have their own traits that are uniquely theirs both by appearance and physiology.


Nice try Anglo blood

>Finnish people are a mix of Slavs and Scandinavians
fuck this autist bullshit

> slavs are criminals and addicted to vices
> anglos (British Islanders and their descendants) are not

> Edward Teach/Thatch
> Henry Morgan
> Anne Bonny
> Irish mob
> biker gangs with Celtic crosses
> Bill the Butcher (the real one)
> Cowboys
> Bonny and Clyde
> Appalachian pot growers and meth cookers