I was an elite in what.cd and now i'm without music torrent sites...

I was an elite in what.cd and now i'm without music torrent sites, what are the best music torrent sites now and if anyone could give me an invite it would be great, my email is [email protected]

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apollo is take whatcd new spot
post btc wallet for invite sir


Everyone report the email to R/A/NW staff and someone bait him into joining for a permanent ban across all sites for public invite begging.

>I'm too mentally challenged to visit /ptg/ or /r/trackers
You'd have to pass the interview for Red and I doubt you'll make it being this retarded. Just stick to Spotify and Shitseek, friendo.

>implying soulseek's infinite freeleech doesn't compensate for the lack of quality control
just use spek, nigga
I use RED, too, but I'd never dream of getting rid of SS

I'm not a bufferlet, so I don't have to dabble in feces to get the pearls.

RED is way better.

How do they compare to what was what.cd? I've been out of the scene for a while and just use waffles from time-to-time.

RED has over 1 mil torrents

the tracker is almost a year old and it already has over a million torrents (half a mil unique releases/perfect flacs).
it took what a few years to reach 1 million torrents

Thanks, fellas. I might still have some old friends that can get me an invite.

still crack up about this everyday

What is the IRC channel? The one listed in the site doesn't exist.

Still though, better safe than sorry. I was a member myself and I appreciated that they decided to end it before people went to jail.

We also have some better music trackers coming to light so it's all good.

Just do this OP


I tap out on private trackers. What being shut down was painful, and made me relive the pain of losing Oink. I don't want to ever get that comfortable with a private tracker again because I know I'm just have my heart broken again.

I'm in the same boat user

Do you seriously do this? Why not just use soulseek or torrent albums using a public tracker like rutracker?

what's a special case because it had absolutely zero competition and everyone relied on it; having a few competitors in the ecosystem is good the same way redundant saves and backups are

it's not like anyone had trouble getting drake albums even in the dead space between what's downfall and the forming of RED/apollo/notwhat; it's the rarer and low-seed shit that will take longest to rebuild and re-establish

just buy records or rob a record store plebs

On the topic of music torrent sites, can anyone tell me why dime stopped working for me?
I stopped using it when it stopped letting me log in. When I tried to, and I know it was the right info, it would add my username to the list of online users but wouldn't actually log me in.

Sent :)


Thank you pal now finally i'm a member of RED