God tier albums pt 2

god tier albums pt 2

previous thread hit the image limit

i feel like im gonna get lash back for pic related


>posts mac demarco for first album


Please tell me there's another nww fan here


haven't really given him a chance besides the collab with sunn and chance meeting

I'm convinced no one actually likes Mac DeMarco. It just somehow became cool to like him so now everybody does, but not really cause his music is garbage.


Give sugar fish drink a try. It's pretty good.

will do. thanks user

You dont know shit you retard. Mah hero. Seeing him live for the 5th time coming thursday

he' a canadian gaywad



dude, really?

i mean, i dont hate mac or anything, but if you consider him god tier you deserve to be hated

I found them obnoxiously hard to get into, and simply not worth the payoff. granted I only listrned to a couple of their dozens of albums




i fucking love this album.





idk man i just fucking love this album. im not gonna lie he does the same shit over and over every album, but theres just something about my kind of woman that i can relate to on a personal level, sounds gay, i know, but its true.






best album slash ever done. Too sad it was a down period for rock and slash himself. You dont find the tecnical and feel level on no other album he worked

just found out about this band and im loving it



Srs. Velvet Revolver and 98% of GNR don't come close to this one


Truly god tier classics




This guy gets it


Hard to choose a favorite ATDI album but this one usually does it for me

what do you consider god tier user?

or jumping the shark



Just got into this type of music and I love this shit.


i agree with you on a band and criativity level, but if you take only slash guitar playing, i still think "ain't life grand' was hes best job



said "god tier" not shit tier




Lazer Guided Melodies by Spiritualized





the only good album posted


i love you



This legitimately fucks me up

nice crazy mofo




My mom hates jt

Cthulus and stuff

Hahaha same






It dont get more gothic than this


Try ross williams


Is This It gets all the praise because it was such an incredible debut, but to me Room On Fire is god-tier



My favourite album in my collection


If you like experimental music that is genuinely great try this. Their later stuff was great but this is absolutely genuinely a masterpiece of music. Nobody can say they will ever forget it once they hear it



>mac demarco: 2

my nigga


Great choices anons






Is this better than tago mago
