Oke Sup Forums question and answer time !

oke Sup Forums question and answer time !

I'm a crossdressing crackhead. Ask me anything

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Do you sell your ass for rocks? Can you explain what a crack high feels like? Is it comparable to amphetamine?

Why would you do both I mean either one of them is pretty bad but both of them XD ur pretty fucked mate good luck :p

Stupid crackhead probably forgot he posted

What size of wrench do i need to take off the bolts on the inspection plate for the torque converter on a 2000 jeep Cherokee sport?

I had a female friend who was a prostitute... we did sex shows together and people (usually old retired farts) gave us crack and or money for that. That was years ago and I'm not doing that anymore..

A crack high feel like snorting 10 lines of coke all at once.. You feel like god.. Though it lasts very short. 10 minutes max..

answer meh

Timestamp in girl clothes

why cross dress. why not just be gay and chill with that

do you like weed?

3/4 inch not OP

Wrong. It's 13mm

not a question, but best advice is for you to start eating healthy and keep doing whatever you are doing for money until you are able to get a decent job. buy a juicer and drink it. you will feel like a god but get health benefits instead of bad consquences

How many times have you tried to quit?

but I have a job for 5 years now.. I work from home 90 % of the time. i'm a programmer and our boss allows us to work from home..

So even if I look totally fucked up from a crack binge it doesn't matter as I'm working from home...

Would you suck me off for some crack?

no weed makes me totally paranoid and fucked up in the head... while crack doesn't do that to my brain for some weird reason.

When did you realize you where gay

No as I always have enough money (I work full time from home as mentioned earlier) I never had any debts, nor did I had to do desperate things for dope...

If I would suck dick it would be out of free will and not because I need money or dope.

I'm the same way except with smoking meth. Weed makes me paranoid, meth just chills me out weirdly. Meth stays in your piss way shorter too.

I don't smoke every day now (I used to years ago though) I smoke like twice a month.

I got bored of smoking every day and I like to save some money these days also.... (got about 10K in the bank. All self earned.)

What I do nowadays is staying at female friends place (she is prostitute) I walk around in stockings and such there..

She is cool with that... meanwhile she fucks clients there and people walk in and out to smoke at that place.

my friend looks like the girl in the middle (she also shoots heroin) I don't do heroin.