I found this in my girlfriend’s drawer. What the fuck is it? Like I know it’s weed, but it looks strange

I found this in my girlfriend’s drawer. What the fuck is it? Like I know it’s weed, but it looks strange.
Does anyone know what it is?

Roach weed maybe? smell it

Dried nigger sperm.

duff from a vape

Just ask her faggot.

yep it's burnt up weed out of a vape.

really really moldy weed, like the worst mids I have ever seen

Ashes of her ex, he was asking too many questions

black tar heroin, dump that junkie bitch

looks like coal to me
your girlfriend has been a naughty girl


> Duhhhh

Smoke it and find out. Simple

Santa doesn't skip leg day. I'm impressed.


Nerve gas?

I can smell it. It’s weed. So maybe resin?

looks like heroin to me.

Smell it

If this. Bitch needs to grind her shit first. Such ax pity.

Oh shit dude it's Salvia, don't daré to smoke it

shes a girl probably doesnt ash her bowls and saves for hard times, you really "found it"? like you're dating and she didn't bring it up?

weed from a vaporizer with the temperature setting up way too high

nah I know my snus and that's not snus

Wouldn't smell easy if it was well vaped in anyway. Is half burned in very oldschool L pipe

How can I have a seat if I am already sitting??

> Oh and how did it taste, and happy fapping to you.

>well vaped
That's what he's saying it's not well vaped. The temp was too high thus combustion took place. That's why it looks black.

it looks like burnt weed, i sometimes save half burnt bowls in an altoids tin because why the fuck not

The vaporizer wouldnt be working if the setting was that high. Not trying to call you young but very common collection item of people who smoke out of those cheap aluminum pipes and when they get weed they jam a bud in. There's never much airflow and they collect what all becomes impossible to burn.

These people are incredibly fun to give a clean pipe with a loud pack and watch them hack.

why not just put your pipe up and finish it later?

She doesn’t have a vape. It’s a pipe

when i was smoking weed a lot, i would sometimes dig through my ashtray looking for nugs that didn't get fully roasted. they looked exactly like that. you are definitely looking at mostly roasted weed, either from a vape set too high, or maybe from a bong/pipe where the smoker didn't roast the bowls to dust

>heroin with stems


It's not really a common thing, I usually cake bowls in one hit these days, but if I dont I dont like the taste of already burnt weed, and it also smells like ammonia so I just clear it out and pack a fresh one.

Looks like shitty oven hash
I used to pay $5 a gram for the stuff of a first nations guy then sell it at school for $10 a gram
Looking back I could have sold it just as easy at $15 or $20 a gram
It wasn't too bad just looked and tasted a bit burnt

Pic related
A few different qualities of oven hash

i found a pack of asian mints in my buddy's dads old army footlocker that had to be from like the 70's and the mints dried up and looked exactly like that.


She is going to meet a crossroads demon

>worst weed I've ever seen
Nigger if it's the worst you've ever seen don't call it mids

I think a smell test for either one of these could be determined.

whats it smell like

Dried cloves. Bitch be making apple cider when you not around.

Did you try one?

It’s half smoked weed from pipe. She didn’t want to smoke it to the end since she probably had a glass pipe w/our screen. She save to smoke later when desperate


It's fucking dried tea. Holy fuck you uncultured faggots.

It's not fucking heroine shit heads
Anybody who has smoked hash would recognize it as hash in an instant


Nigger, that aint hash. If you think that's hash, you've got some of the shittiest hash ever.




Your girlfriend packs a bowl of weed and smokes 75% of it. She doesn't like the taste of the last 25% of it, so she dumps that bit of the bowl into this tin. When she is out of weed, she has that repository of all of those last few hits and, collectively, she is able to scrounge together a few bowls of "free weed" that she would've otherwise thrown out. That's what you found.

The real question is, why are you looking through her drawer?

If I had something that fancy I think I'd keep it in the bag. Don't need my tea tasting like tin.

that's just already been smoked weed, not even from an herb vape it's just like the one bud that didn't burn in a whole bowl and you don't feel like getting a bunch of resin fumes off of your dirty pipe so you just pack new bowl but you feel bad about the wasted weed and shove it into an altoid's container

this is kinda like a dad finding a box of lucky charms with all the lucky charms missing


Great job retard.

Check em

I like to smell her panties when she is out. Why?

I'd be fuckin pissed if someone ate all the marshmallows out of my lucky charms

The rest wouldn't be worth eating anymore even

You can't do that when she's home?

How is your relationship with your mother haha

Smartening up pills.

For real. Who the hell would even do something like that, it's just fucked up yo. Like takin just the super frosted mini-wheats outta the bag.

bone hurting juice

Yeah but everyone does that cause the rest are sorta frosted. Taking out the marshmallows is taking out the reason I eat the stuff. The rest is sugar coated cat food.

Fucking hell. The fact that you idiots named off like 20 different things it could be makes what it is exactly not THAT obvious. What is obvious is the picture sucks, and so does the OP for not just asking his girl.

>The real question is, why are you looking through her drawer?
was me. Forget I asked, I suck dick.

Black truffles?

That would be opium OP

Could be moon rocks, they are buds covered in oil and rolled in Kief, I have some that look exactly like that same size

I wonder if you visit the factory if they'd let you buy a box of just marshmallows. Then you could buy a regular box and weild the power to mallow to taste every morning.

I've always heard this called caviar

nigger nuggets

an it doesn't look like this garbage

I am 100% positive it is space /moon rocks. Great high, break it up smokes like hash. I just hit one now

Looks like some old nasty dried up shrooms possibly?

Mix it with peanutbutter and make a sandwich. Wicked body high.

Yes caviar also, you in jersey? Cause this is brand new, usually green.

or use weed from one of those vaping things even though it is a bit too burnt for that.

cloves, for smell. Its molding a little.

Not jersey. In my experience its green and basically looks like white widow on steroids covered in pottery glaze. Amazing.

its tea get over it

I was gonna post this. I agree with this man they are moon rocks. Dumbasses, vape at high settiungs burn weed like normal you stupids.

If you tried to make tea out of this you'd wreck your kettle

it's vaped bud. she's probably stashing it for butter or tintures.

Moon rock and og gas

I already said "shitty" oven hash

OP put some on a spoon and heat the spoon like you would for heroine
If it smells like weed it is
If it doesn't then it's not
Simple enough?

No one has a vape or fancy weed variants and carries black poop backup in a mint tin.

You're a moon rock.

Cum nuggets

I think you should settle your tea kettle

Neat. I'd never smoke something that color of black. To each their own.

I just took that from my phone, sorry if not clear.

It's not partially finished weed idiots
It's hash
Shitty hash with hair in it

Yupp. It’s most likely what it is. This shop I used to go to would sell it, called brainchild. It’s basically nugs of weed dipped in some type of oil and hash. If it smells like weed, is hard and a bit sticky then that’s what it is.

Nigger seeds, don't let them sprout!

>half burned res weed has all the exact same qualities but its opium for sure OP

Gonna smoke it OP?

It is mostly burnt up weed, I used to do the same shit.
These guys have it right. The real problem I am seeing is your girl smokes way too much stems in her weed. Tell her she needs to be more thorough in removing the weed form the stem before burning, as the stems have no THC in them and are only adding to the carcinogen count.

It's hash
Not burnt up weed
These faggots have never smoked weed so they don't know what burnt weed even looks like
Pitty them for they have no friends

No it is not hash, you can see the stems and leaves. Just half burned nugs with alot of stems mixed in. Stop trying to sound like weed makes you a social dynamo and you are an expert. It is not hard to pack fucking bowls and smoke everyday for years.