Albums that didn't click

>Albums that didn't click


I listened to this album several times until one time I was zooted out of my mind on speed and weed. incredible

ultimate 3am still partying but also dead album

Slint - Spiderland
Yes - Close to the Edge
Death Grips - NLDW
Converge - Jane Doe
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly
The Rolling Stones . Let it Bleed




Genesis hasn't clicked

I've tried so fucking hard. Its not even that I don't like it, Hippie Powers, Not What I Needed, Drunk Drivers and Fill in the Blank are all great. I just can't get myself into it as a whole.

>more like albums that clicked on first listen but then eventually got worse with each listen. Pic related

Listen to more post punk and danny
Start with XXX and then go to old.
Also listen to joy division - unknown pleasures
Danny was inspired by joy division

i loove all the other albums but not this

I can't be the only one

I can understand why AE wouldn't click. I personally love it but it's pretty niche.

give it four months then listen to it again

it just sucks dude

I've listened to it multiple times over several months

still sounds like generic 80s pop to me

they're just albums that Sup Forumstants have projected themselves onto, in and of themselves they're not much

dont listen to
the production is gr8 and really varied. although it does sound very "80s" so if you just dont like the sound of the pop of that era you probably wont be able to get into it.

this. it just feels like rehashes of what they've done before except for the first track and eh

I've listened to it twice. I kinda like but don't get the hype at all.

Shame, it's my fave of theirs. Finally mixed Ride's annoying-ass voice beneath the music

God i fucking love this album
can see why it wouldn't click though
if you don't like the more poppy tracks like really doe and rolling stone the album probably isn't for you

for me, once "Ain't it funny" clicked, the whole thing clicked

I wish this album wasn't so boring. It has some good songs, but halfway through it was just putting me to sleep.

that's because the second half is better

It's just a poorly constructed XXX

Same, it just feels like a lazy attempt of shoving post-punk into hip-hop for the sake of being "experimental" and "weird" (which the album is neither). Also the drug narratives get really old really quickly.