What are the chances of the internet keeping net neutrality?

What are the chances of the internet keeping net neutrality?

Sorry Soros, zero . But by all means keep spending money lmao


Slim and none, burgers. Sad.

Not really a problem because ISPs are shit and would've figured out a way around it anyway.

"Net Neutrality" is a SJW snowflake term for "federal regulation of the Internet". We're better off with out it.


damn you guys are probably right

Too bad there wasn't regulations about the GOP selling the electorate down the fucking river, kek.

No net neutrality means no Sup Forums

I'm just testing meme creator app

You're a fucking idiot and faggot lil bitch

Why don't you sign up for TrumpFaggotOnline and leave the Internet to the rest of us real folk

Zero. I knew the Internet was dead more than a decade ago when they started rolling out IPv6. All previous iterations had treated a packet as a packet; backbones could still shape traffic, but it was difficult to do with encrypted data and any speed gained was lost to the overhead necessary for analysis. With IPv6, each packet could now be given a priority rating, meaning they had put exclusive lanes on the superhighway, and people would be able to buy access to faster lanes.

You morons really are that stupid arent you....

I hope American Industry rape and pillage each and every one of you fuckers like they want to do, and even then you'll probably bend over again and ask for more. Unbelievable.

Only when the internet is destroyed will people go outside and see how bad shit really is.

Hmmm there is that.

But then the revolution will have to take place by telegram.....again.....fuck

Do you worry about other rich people like the Koch's or Mercers, or just this guy?

Pro Tip: We already had Net Neutrality, since the beginning of the internet. That's kinda why it's so awesome. When it goes, all the cool shit you and I like, it's going bye-bye too.

I like how the only factual, intelligent answer gets completely ignored by the teenybopper subnormals.

It's gonna be fun watching the net turn to shit by the country that came up with it from the outside.

Watching the rest of the US decay has been amusing so far, so this should be too.

Sup Forums will become extremely slow if not conpletely unusable after net neutrality is gone.

OP, if you read the repeal bill, they are keeping net neutrality rules, as well as allowing the FCC to step in should ISP violate consumer protection laws. (Throttling, etc) Page 82 I believe of the bill.

This isn't your Papa's Anonymous.
Welcome to the bottom.

>net turn to shit

Yeah, NOW it's turning to shit. Also fuck off from whatever mudslime country you live in, at least murkans don't need a VPN to see websites that don't support sharia law in Europe.

Hardly. It's mostly text. Born in an era of low bandwidth, it will survive throttled bandwidth.

It will be a shortlived pleasure, I assure you, regardless the place of the observer

>muh country is the best!


Nice counter, enjoy raising Mohammeds sons while getting ran over by the hourly terrorist truck attack.

Listen here Mr. Calle.....there are better things for you to be doing. Aren't there?


as opposed to the hourly shootings by good white christians?


Speak for yourself. Not everyone lives in some decaying Rust Belt shithole. I live in a smallish mountain town in Colorado with virtually no crime and amazing scenery.

...and a government run by an incompetent tangerine narcissist who promotes actual fascism to a populace whose education has been so badly sabotaged that they cheerfully vote to give billionaires more money by taking away their own health care.

Why is bandwidth being throttled?

What the actual fuck, Americans!? You voted for a stupid man who does not care for your interests. What do you think was going to happen?

The Trump administration has had virtually no effect on me. I look out the window and everything's the same as it was when Obama was president. No net neutrality would be the first thing to directly impact me, and honestly I won't give that much of shit cause I need a good excuse to get off the internet anyway.


what are the chance of Antflopa cucks like you finding some other talking points

Why would you want to repeal net neutrality? Are you a Comcast executive? Or is this just hurrr durrr librul teers xd

Wtf is Antflopa? Sorry i cant keep up with all the alt-right terms. I just found out what a soy boy was like last week


Republicans votes to allow ISP's to sell your browsing history. The chances of retaining net neutrality are slim.

Have fun paying extra to post about Soros being in charge
Fucking moron

Even if it passes it'll almost certainly be challenged in the courts.

Ain't no way ISPs would want to be associated with Sup Forums and even if they didn't care asian moot wouldn't pay for the better bandwidth after they enact "fast lane" policies. Btw, isps don't give a fuck about improving infrastructure so by "fast lane" they mean everyone will get slower unless they pay even more than they do now to use the same cables.

>but muh es-jay-double-yous r deh problm, but dady trump gonna drain swamp

Nah because they are on the side of the average joe

There is a lot of hate for the idea, user, but people need to call their reps. If enough people in a red state called in and demanded we keep NN, their reps would freak. They'd have to do their constituents' bidding if they wanted to get re-elected.

>complains about how shitty the internet is with nn
>on the internet

LOL Yea they're great guys just looking out for the little people. hahaha

inb4 durr see >xxx


I refuse to believe anyone is really this stupid.



>What are the chances of the internet keeping net neutrality?

Bhahaha, zero, for Americans. We Canadians will be laughing our balls off at you.

The same reps that ignored them on the ACA and are ignoring them now on their giant tax giveaway?

That was an awesome comment.

all those mass shootings the US has by white christians

I wasn't sure if joking or not either. But this is /b so they really could be that dumb.

Do you see anything close to the level of outrage we're seeing now, though?
This shit has a chance of being defeated.

Not just Canadians, the rest of the world.

None. stop whining you pathetic fucks and realize government regulation is the road to hell.

>all you fucks that want more government are the same as ol' yolg here.

So what does this mean for Sup Forums?

We've got the best seats though.

Yea I did, with the last big ACA push, and they were ignored, NN doesn't have half that push behind it right now.

its a great place to shitpost if your employed by the kremlin ?

Everyone knows the mega rich know how to lead! Trump? The Koch Brothers? Mercers? How do you think they got to where they are today? They pulled themselves up by their boot straps and worked hard, thats how!
Now Donald is making the country better for the white man, the way its meant to be!

I bet you trumptards must be really sick of winning

Nobody was calling their reps to extinguish Health Care, user, get real. They're probably going to get voted out because of it.

This is an ideological position that has no basis in empirical reality. It's kind of the same reason the American health care system is so inferior on almost every dimension in comparison with other civilized countries' health care systems.

hey guys OP here
you all sound right to be honest

you might have to switch isps. or in the worst (best) case scenario you get off your ass and start your own.

Who's the most right?

Yea all regulations are bad, I want to go back to when LA was under a permanent smog cloud and my snickers bar had more rat turds than peanuts in it, yay free market!

bootstrappy faggot

True, hopefully they don't pull us down with them.

Yea, they did that by pushing down everyone in their way and destroying careers. Caring about no one but themselves. This has to be bait theres so way you're this retarded.


Net neutrality is handing over control of the Internet to the government. I'm sure that will never backfire, right guys?

mootwo has been threatening to give it the axe for years now


I live in australia so im all good. I feel sorry for you amerifags tho. But we already have shit enough internet. And nbn is a disaster. Shits fucked.

yeah cause americans are lazy fucks that don't spend the time or energy to look into who they give there money to (well nobody anymore really does this except people over 40).

you all just want your shit and if you get it and it works you don't really ask questions or care.

walmart never would have gotten anywhere if people weren't willing sell out their locals for dat sweet low cost crap.

Fedex charges more for express mail, so obviously no one who isn't rich can send a package, ever

It's clearly sarcastic but unfortunately moronic newfags will agree with what was said.

You misunderstand, people were calling in droves saying they wanted to keep it, and the republicans still tried their best to kill it. They have no fucks to give about their constituents unless it's voting time, and voters have short memories.

rat faeces was the key ingredient to a good snickers and you know it

i thought was the most right

Yup this is bait.

Good argument

Yes, and express mail gets there overnight, while regular post takes two weeks or more. Do you get it yet? People with more money will get faster speeds, while you and I get whatever crumbs are left over.

Some things must be regulated. No regulations at all will lead to chaos.

Zero as of November 8th 2016. Good job, Trumptards.

switch ISP's?

switch to what? there's only one game in town

lol, so stop using all those fossil fuels and stop buying snickers. and if you really actually want better shit DO IT OR MAKE IT YOUR FUCKING SELF.

>wahhhhhh im worthless and pathetic and someone ELSE needs to do something about it.

buuuuttt Obeezy din du nuffin!!

>durr hurr duh gubbamint bad

I still have hope... but thank you for the knowledge, oldfriend

It will be the other way around, without the fearmongering propogandists people will see it's not as bad as it's painted online.

sounds like you just found a niche that needs filling. congratulations the world is now your oyster.
