Am I ugly Sup Forumstothers? At high school, I'm a junior...

Am I ugly Sup Forumstothers? At high school, I'm a junior, my self esteem goes to a low and I want to get the opinions of you guys! This is the best picture of me I have.



Why are you eating pizza with ching chong sticks?

Have you got the retard gene in you?

C'mon man, don't be like that. I just wanted an opinion!

use hair gel, get that shit out of your face, get contacts/new glasses frame

Who is the 10/10 lil' Asian in the red hoodie? Got his twitter handle?

smile. highschool is all a joke, treat it like one. if youre not having fun everyday youre doing it wrong


did you take this picture last night

I dunno...

My mom did, yeah.

>gets solid advice

do you smoke weed yet?

kek are you phoneposting on your moms phone

No. It's a gateway drug.

No, I use my own phone.

You dress like a fucking geek

youve got the sense of humor to talk to girls, why dont you do it in real life

You're holding your chopsticks way too low and look like a weeb noob. Choke up on that shit.


this. read the rules you child

nah you look good b :)