Are preppers crazy?

are preppers crazy?

yup. mentally ill.

I'd say it depends, if it interferes with their daily life (E.g. can't go to the movies, the apocalypse may hit while I'm there) then I guess it is. Other than that, they just have a mostly useless hobby they spend a lot of money on.

people who post on Sup Forums are in no position to criticize others about mostly useless hobbies...

Just stated facts, there wasn't even an opinion

Idk man are seatbelts crazy

Let me get uhh


who you talking to sir



yes. the doom they think they’re preparing for is not doom, its minor material inconvenience. there is no preparing for the actual gentic extinction-level doom that awaits the species later on this century.

They're just prepping for walmart to close temporarily.

The idea is smart

The reasoning is insane


>The reasoning is insane
Like a major storm or a problem with the electrical grid? Or do you just think preppers are stockpiling to overthrow the government or a zombie apocalypse?

Some are, but if you don't prep your either stupid or poor.

The difference between having food, water and a radio in the event of a storm or blackout, and quitting your job to spend every waking moment waiting for 'a solar flare that will knock out all electronics and lead to Mad Max - Fury Road type scenario' and moving to the mountains to dig a cave.

Yeah. Hence the "some" in my post

Forty keks


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if doomsday hits they are going to live like hell for about a year TOPS and then die of starvation. id rather just not go through it and die early

I lol’d

I would say some of them are. e.g. those that are waiting for a zombie apocalypse or an invasion on the earth from an alien race. But, I'd say that a lot of them are rather smart. If a disaster strikes, they're going to survive. However, my family and I will die. As will many other people. Though, I do think they're hoarders.

No. It's going to happen. Especially if someone like Hillary gets elected. It will happen if sanders is elected.

glad someone created my though lol

Be sure to add guns to your stockpile list because the hungry masses will be coming for your horde. Some of them too will have guns of their own.

Yeah. I've thought it for a while, made fun of those who did it, but now it's kind of becoming a sad part of my reality.

My dad's becoming a prepper, called me up last week to let me know he's selling everything he has and moving my stepmother and younger siblings to the Ozarks. He's been going on about how further living on the east coast is dangerous with rising tides, and any other place is dangerous due to faultlines, how the magnetic poles are going to shift soon.. and how aliens have been helping mold civilization over time.

The alien ones really made me a bit sad. Hearing my dad, a college educated guy who's lectured at colleges and a published historian has began to accept paranoid conspiracy theories. Obsessing about stuff now that he used to make fun of 15 years ago.

I guess this is something that can happen when you watch your parents age.


Maybe he has schizophrenia? Or perhaps he's correct, who knows?

No just dumb.

>they'll be the first ones to get raided when shit hits the fan cause they got all the stuffs.

Not a bad idea really. Saw a show about a former POW that always had 1,000 lbs of food under his house. I guess it only takes starving one time and you start hedging your bets.

so good

dude, stop liking your own shit. we all saw it already


Including guns and death traps on their land. Good luck trying to capture those crazy fucks.

Have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

its a habit that doesn't harm anyone.

there are worse habits to have. preppers don't damage society. more power to them.

That's what happens when you vote in politicians who hate his race, his sex and his home country and want to take his rights away one by one as they guide said country into a managed decline.



Fuck that commie bastard

I’m glad they exist. If shit actually goes south, they’ll have loads of shit for some clan to take. Like their family can defend all that food and supplies by themselves. Lol

God damn it kek