Ask a sociopath anything

Ask a sociopath anything.

(Not an edgy teen with self diagnosis, I've seen multiple professional's to confirm my form of ASPD)

just here to jack it to alison

when did you first self diagnose

tits or ass?

Cant wait for the day to come where you guys are screened for and lynched.

I didn't really realize for a while. It took multiple girls to tell me I was a sociopath, before I started researching and realized I was different.

Like I generally couldnt understand the concept of empathy. Why would I care about how I make someone feel? I'm not feeling that feeling, so why should it concern me.
So I didn't even really know what a sociopath was, until I checked out the criteria and realized I fulfill every part of the criteria.

This was about 4 years ago.
Then I went and saw a few professionals to make sure.


How do you manage it?

Why's that?
Sociopaths aren't all bad people.

What do you mean by manage?
Like how do I make sure nobody finds out?

I just act "normal". I just lie. I fake a lot of emotions.

I've always been able to cry with real tears on cue ever since I was around five years age. So I use that a lot to cry over stupid shit.
Most people think I'm really emotional.
Girls think it's really cute and caring when I cry.
So I just do that a lot.

Im not saying you are but do you feel any empathy or emotion when animals or people get abused or how you make people feel? I know that's what a sociopath is im just wondering if you feel anything at all

why do you care if people find out? I thought you were a sociopath

probably feels jealousy, anger, and other BAD emotions lol. sucks to be socio

I mean, I don't feel bad.

I'm not gonna go out and abuse animals though. I don't any good feelings from seeing people abused.
And I can still on some level, know that something is morally wrong.

Two reasons.

1. If people know I'm a sociopath, then they wont want to be around me. And I like girls too much. Like I love having girls in my life, I always have lovers. And I'd prefer to keep them.

2. I want to be a politician. I'm currently studying law and counter terrorism, so that I can become one.

so that you can become a terrorist? :O plz no. but politically, a positive sociopath may not a be bad political candidate. not saying you specifically because idk you but that personality would fit.

and about what you said about knowing something is morally wrong. That's the key to 'blending' in, just resisting those times where you benefit yourself by doing something unmoral

You are clearly just after attention, what with that nude photo there.

If I study counterterrorism, that's a useful trait to have to get accepted by a political party. And to be promoted to a good ministerial position.
Expecially in the contemporary climate.

Well, I feel in a personal sense I do a lot of morally wrong things. But I try not to let anyone find out.

For instance, i've cheated on my current girlfriend with around 20 other women. One of the girls told my girlfriend, so I proposed to my girlfriend instantly to try and cover the tracks.
I don't wanna lose control over her.
And I know it's morally wrong to control someone and to cheat on them.
And to do things to have power over them.

But as long as nobody finds out, it's okay.
I can justify it as classical utilitarianism. If nobody finds out i'm hurting them, then overall the utility in the world is higher.

So that's kind of my moral code, that I kind of live my life by. Classical utlilitarianism but preferencing myself.
Because despite the fact that I don't feel anything when I hurt people, it doesn't mean that I want to hurt people. Because hurting people as social repercussions.

Is that you OP?? More would be nice

ugh life

What makes it easier to talk to people

Because you don't care about rejection.
I don't really get feelings of shame.

And because I know that people are fairly easy to manipulate, all they want is dopamines.

Nah man, it's Allison Brie.

Number 1 is the real truth.
When people just have a suspicion they just let it go and mark it off as oh hes just odd, but when people really know youre socio, or aspd, they lose their shit.
It's like you've suddenly got plague, and they're just too busy to hang, unless they want to harass with infinite questions.

This guys got it right man just fly under the radar, get a sub wife who won't realise, have a kid, perfect cover, and if your wife is sub enough, fuck whoever you want.

Making somebody feel something can cause you to feel that same something.

I can empathise in some way.
For instance if I make someone really happy, I can feel a sense of pride.

Like if I give a homeless dude a bunch of money, I feel good about myself.

If I make a girl orgasm, then I feel good?

Like in that sense, I can "empathise"

They are trying to diagnosing me with either aspd or avpd. I have big problems approaching girls. I can talk to anybody else with ease but it seems like relationships are impossible for me. Also have a diagnosis of s.a.d.

you might just be g.a.y.

Nah definitely not. Just a social subordinate

Why do you have problems approaching girls?
Also are you young? When I was younger I had problems approaching girls too.

But then I just started mass sending facebook messages to girls, and trying hundreds and hundreds of different things to say, and gauging how what I say influences their reaction.

Then after I figured out what things to say to women, and how to act flattering and charming. I went out and started talking to girls.
I get rejected a lot sure, but I hook up with a lot of cuties too.

If you figure out how to be charming, you will make a lot of girls obsessed with you (particularly teenaged girls).
You just gotta be nicer than other dudes. (But still treat em mean, keep em keen)

Why do you have a problem with girls? What is it that throws you off? Is it them? Worried about yourself? Can't think of things to day?

All fixable friend.

Why would you go and see multiple professionals to confirm your status? It's like that dude who pretended to be a psychopath and got locked up indefinitely, and couldn't convince anyone that he wasn't really a psychopath, because "that's clearly what a psychopath would try to do".

You need to live a few more lives before you will get over these petty things.

are we the same person OP?

and im guessing youve also tried the straight up, first question asked, "you wanna hook up?"
cause I have

I'm not gonna get locked up. I don't break any serious laws.
I'm not some violent maniac.

Yeah I tried those approaches when I was like 15. Then I realized you gotta be smooth af, and act like you dont even want sex.

I don't really know. I'm 20, don't look all that bad and working to make it better through working out. I've talked to about a hundred from Facebook and several daring sites trying different things each time. Inside I have absolutely no value to myself but I can play at confidence and even my closest friends couldn't tell if they didn't know me.

lollll we'd be friends. Are you also able to spot other socios almost immediately? also tried that around 14-15, 23 and suave now

You're a selfish bastard, kys

wahmbulance inbound for user

Yeah I have troubles walking up and talking to girls. I just feel like I'm not worth their time or they'll just laugh at me. I just feel inferior

1.fuck some ugly chicks first, dont call them back
2. repeat until confident
3. ????
4 profit

Man, I don't know what to say.
Just lie to girls and tell them the right things.

Other than that, maybe you're just ugly. And if you're ugly then it's gonna just be hard not matter how charming you are.

I've only ever figured that one other person was a sociopath. But at the same time, they could have just been a narcissist.

Yeah, I am selfish. But I still try to do good things and help people.

Thought about Trying something like this. Been without for too long and feel unwanted now because of it. Both girls I've been with haven't been good looking.

also do you have a therapist that you ACTUALLY talk to? I had to talk to one once for requirements and I just charmed them :/ I would always think when I wasn't talking to them that I would actually go in and talk about the real things bothering me (socio or not) rather id end up just wanting to impress them

just do it.. lol
whats the worse that happens?
inb4 aids and dies

get a tinder and fuck some ugly broads

this was directed at OP

I have one that I go to weekly. My 13th in 10 years. I talk to her about the lack of intimacy but she doesn't even really know what's wrong about me. I could talk about my problems more but it'd be the same thing every time as it has been for the last 8 years or so.

why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Nah I don't speak to a therapist.

I don't really speak to anyone about my problems. I don't want to be perceived as weak. (Unless I am trying to make someone think that I'm a really deep, mysterious caring person)
I;e crying on the phone to a girl about how I was mollested as a child, or some other bs that didnt happen.

Why would I?
I'm going to have a legacy, with an amazing wikipedia page. And people will remember who I am, long after we're dead.

Really it's just a matter of getting back out and trying man.
Life's always got shitty stuff that's going to happen, but you've got to enjoy it no matter what.
Try this:
Get yourself looking good, like the best you can.
Get yourself pumped up and in a good mood, be ready to get out and fuck shit up.
Go to a bar or club, whatever is nearby and just enjoy the sights, sounds, and drinks.
Find a girl/guy you want walk up and be straight forward/blunt about it.

You're going to get shot down sometimes, it just happens but move forward and keep at it.

I'm rooting for you Sup Forumsro.
Rise to a high seat in Congress, take the nation down in flames

Australian House of Representatives, but thank you.

And I'm not gonna take the nation down in flames. I'm gonna make the Australian people love me, and the other politicians hate me.

Expecially when I give a speech in the House of Reps, calling for a 25 percent pay cut to all the polis, while calling out how corrupt both sides of parliament are, and then leaving the Liberal party to start my own political party.

(You can screenshot this, it will happen in 2026)

inb4 you just ruined your future political career if you actually do that with all the screen caps of this thread

Sociopaths are unable to self diagnosed you edgelord faggot.

>Source; actual psychiatrist who is sick and tired of you fucks.

I wish you all the luck my friend.
If I were Australian I'd vote for you.

What is reading comprehension?

Id actually love to date a sociopathic girl to be honest. I too am a sociopath myself and i get tired of people always being in their emotions. Id prefer someone who acts on logic not emotion. That said im not a full sociopath as i can occasionally be pushed to feel some stronger emotions (anger/love). I too aim to be a politician in the future/ I feel that if i remained middle class that i would be failing my family line if i did not add more value being that i know i can if i choose too.

Yeah, I would be down to dating a sociopath girl.
Or at least a girl who lies to my face, and acts super charming and in love and will do anything. But then acts fucking horrible and is a hoe behind my back.

Because then at least I never find out, but I still get a really nice fun loving gf.

Also what country are you from

I mean if they're both doing it. What's the harm?

Knowing what y'all are like I have to ask. As you know what you are, do you try to do what society considers good because you know certain things are wrong even though you feel no responsibility either way? Do you often feel cold and lonely? Are you a heavy drinker?

Overall efficiency is increased. But at what cost?

Cheating on your girlfriend provides (whatever it provides for you), but there is a chance that she will find out. If you have slept with 20 other women and one of them have told you then ostensibly the chances are 1 in 20. This is before you become a potential public figure at that point the risk is likely to spike higher as people begin to figure out who you are.

What are the consiquences of being caught? This person you are hurting (I assume) knows some pretty detailed things about you that would hurt your potential political futures. Let alone the people that you sleep with.

These things I am sure you have considered (and more) but can you say with real honesty that you aren't telling people because you want to be a politician? It seems to me you are either an idiot or you are addicted to something (be it sex, controll or even nearly getting caught). That should be your first task if you really want to be a politician.

Don't believe the lies, the most succesful politicians aren't the ones who don't get caught. They are the ones who do nothing wrong (inside the rules).

Yes i do. The social consequences of not "doing the right thing" are enough to keep me in line not because i care about how people feel but because i need to have a strong network of people to lift me up to where i need to go. some people use others as a ladder or stairs. while im not too much different in that regard i reward people for their efforts in order to encourage future help.


I try to be a decent enough person. In my personal relationships, I will do horrible things behind someones back. But I will always avoid doing it to their face, because I want to make them remember me as a loving, kind person.

And I try to do nice things to people, because making people happy, makes me feel kinda good about myself.

Do I feel lonely or sad? Sometimes, but it's most often just me worrying that I'm losing control over people, or that I won't achieve my dreams.

I'm not really a heavy drinker. But when I do party, I like to party hard. I'll go on a bender, with as much drugs, alcohol, and parties/girls, as I can have.

Yeah but I don't care if when I'm a politician, women from my past bring up "Oh he was a slut, who used to cheat, and he fucked a lot of people and did a lot of fun drugs".
That's not the kind of thing that will affect me negatively in Australian culture.

And the press will certainly bring it up, and I've always practiced what my response will be if asked.
And it pretty much comes down to, my personal life and relationships have nothing to do with my professional career, and the things i can do for the Australian people.
Don't shame people for being sexually active, theyre human.

USA eh? What state?

im from GA but living and working in WA. specifically bremerton and its infested with meth here.

Yeah I've heard the North west had been having that issue. We have a fucking opiate epidemic on the east coast. Fucking pills and heroin everywhere.

>So you piss the bed and enjoy hurting animals too?

it was crack in atlanta. never seen heroin but pills are full force out here with the ravers. i wouldd try but i dont like not having full control of my body.

kek. Theres no such thing as a "sociopath". Theres only different people. You can just put a label on someone for not feeling faggy emotions. What the fuck even is empathy? hurr durr put yourself in their shoes. Yeah something fucking sucks, big deal.
Idk why people make a big deal out of other people. Personally, I think its a way for them to try and feel better/more smug about themselves.

Why would I piss the bed, piss stinks and feels gross?

And why would I enjoy hurting animals?

woah dude you're so cool we all wish we were as cool as you

suck out, edgy 12 year old. nobody thinks you're cool.

well putting youself in someones shoes is a great way to get a read on their mindset. once youve figured that out, further manipulation is trivial work. i can get someone who completely hates me to quit their job or break up with someone or most recently work for me for a few days. and thats barely trying tbh. psychology and the human mind are fascinating. So is bending the will and desires of others. You can quite easily become a voice in the back of their heads if you allocate enough time to studying them.

If I only feel empathy by imagining myself as that person, is that how it normally works?

Fentanyl in pills here in Vancouver.

This is a deep crisis.

Tell me more. I'd like to find more.

These are th fucking best tits ever

no. its not about empathy, its placing yourself mentally in their situation, seeing their worldview and compiling the data accordingly. well more but its nearly 2am and im half ded

No, I'm saying is that how emotions work?


How do emotions work? When something bad happens to a person you imagine yourself as them and think "damn that would hurt if that was me" then try to avoid it or mitigate it because of a superstitious belief that if you don't it will happen to you?

god bri has such excusite bobs.

op ur a solipsist. u dont empathize cause other people arent real.

You do sound like you are doing well at coping

there are people out there, constantly looking to spot hidden sociopaths like you. You may fool the person who you are talking to but it is the 3rd person that is watching your behaviour who will spot you.

You know nothing about Austrailian politics if you think a passive aggressive statement like that will save you from a hit piece during you early career. Hell even late career you will still come of badly speaking like that. You would be better off either flat out denying it or claiming the "Thats no longer who I am" defence. Niether of those would work early on.

You don't sound like you score high on dr Hare's psychopath test... what is your score 25?

Low-functioning socipath here. Can confirm on life sucks for being a sociopath. Almost every bad feeling is on overdrive.

>tfw sociopath with sadism
Good thing I'm also paranoid as hell so I don't do much of anything.

I dream of a day when all politicians have to be confirmed not to be sociopaths. Until then we are fucked.

Credit CArd details. You know, cos you don't care.

Yeah, that's really annoying.
You are so often forced to lie just to be left alone or give someone the feeling you care and then there is that snitch - possibly a worse sociopath than yourself - preying on every weakness you show.

You sound like a fucking vampire talking about the kine.

I wonder if you can train yourself to be a sociopath.

>love have grills in his life
You are nothing
get cancer stupid teen

I often wish I was a sociopath...

I think sociopaths aren't human behinds. They lack the key qualities, and spotting them warning people about them, is just defending the herd from predators.

Personally I would like all the sociopaths being marked identfied in society, so people know who they are dealing with. At the same time I would like sociopaths being put to good use, they have their advantages and can contribute to society if they are placed in the right place.

Lets sociopaths loose is a mistake, they hurt people, fuck things up, takes risks. Also often their potential is wasted, they become alienated and are a total waste for society... low functioning sociopaths.

Train to be a sociopath? Or becoming one?
Sociopath are made. You can only train to cope with it. I'm a boring example because I'm not out to hurt people but I surely passivly drain them in many ways. I want to feel normal but there is no real joy in anything I do. I watch other people and emulate their behavior. It got me into longer relationships until the lack of passion let people get distant and they left me. I'm pretty low-functional for a sociopath.

Did you ever play with your butthole?

You can't feel happiness?

What keeps you from killing yourself?

Personally I feel happiness often but don't really feel sad when bad things happen to others.

> then I saw a few professionals to make sure

No you didn't.

So why are you on this board right now taking questions? What's in it for you?

what a stupid question

I can laugh at jokes and do so much to make others laugh. But this is all very superficial.
Maybe I'm just here to keep worse people than me away from my people. Sounds strange, but I feel responsible and obligated. Suicide would just be running away from responsibility.

No you idiot. You as a person have your own moral standarts. If you are not an idiot, they are built on objective ethics.
If you do something that doesnt go according to your own morals you feel you did something "wrong" and regret it. So if you are not fucked in the head you'd use the tumbrule "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.". According to this, when you for example rape someone you'd feel bad if it wasnt acceptable for yourself to be raped, because you broke your own rule of "penetrating people against their will is bad" that you yourself put up before, because you imagined it feeling bad getting raped and you are not a fucking nigger from the bush without decent morals.

How do they get those big ships into those little bottles?