Hates hair metal

>hates hair metal
>was a hair metal band

What did GnR mean by this?

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I don't know, Apetite For Destruction is kinda far from this

this is nothing like hair metal

Hair metal is really overproduced and cheesy

GnR is much more raw and 70s sounding

GnR is closer to Iggy and the Stooges than Poison

>hair metal
Holy fucking pleb batman

Is there a debut that can even come close in terms of popularity? Maybe The Cars' debut, but Appetite For Destruction just seems to have a shitload of famous hard rock songs.

Zep 1
Boston maybe
Pear Jam Ten

The Doors
Rage Against the Machine
Blue Album
Never Mind The Bollocks
Hybrid Theory

WASP is the only good glam metal band.

Blue Album, as in Weezer?

I mean yeah, I guess, but it's practically another genre compared to GnR

He's asking about debut albums. Genre has nothing to do with it.

GNR weren't a hair metal band.


Could you count Pinkerton there? It's better than Blue, but not necessarily song-by-song wise.

Idk but all hair metal, especially gnr is garbage.

>all hair metal, especially gnr is garbage.
Do you mean GnR is worse than most other hair metal?

Hair "metal" is literally hard rock with gay vocals.

GnR was hard rock with gay vocals.

>debut albums

It's power chord stadium rock with a touch of metal, straight drumbeats that have gated reverb, and Van Halen style guitar solos.
G'n'R were a blues based band akin to 70's Aerosmith and Rolling Stones.

Aerosmith was very influential for the gay vibe of glam.

How? They were wild drug addicts slamming pussy every which way.
You're thinking of Marc Bolan, Bowie, and NY Dolls

I'm just calling their sound gay it's a figure of speech.

G n R sounds nothing like Cinderella, or Poison.

Do you even know what "Hair Metal" is?

Jeez! You probably think Motorhead and AC/DC are heavy metal bands!

Motorhead is definitely metal. Not all of their material, but a huge chunk of it.

Nope. Motorhead were rock and roll. They had much more in common with ZZ Top than Judas Priest. (Although they did inspire and influence a lot of thrash metal and punk bands)

Their music is metal. They have clearly metal riffs and metal drumming. ZZ Top has nothing that sounds like Sacrifice.

My Michelle reminds me of being blueballed in Vegas. When I was 14, I got lost in the MGM Grand casino in Vegas while blueballed from sneaking into a strip club hours an hour earlier. Anyways I couldn't find the bathroom to jerk off and so instead of just running around with a stiffy I went behind some slots and just started jerking it, pants around my waste no fucks given. It must have been pretty obvious what I was doing because not a minute after some fat mexican bouncer fuck came over and picked me up by my shirt and proceeded to literally THROW half butt ass naked me out of the casino while yelling "GO HOME LITTLE BOI GO HOME LITTLE BOI" over and over again. My parents eventually found me and I of course didn't mention anything to them. It was on the way back to the airport that I began to listen to My Michelle. I never nutted. Not a great childhood memory.

aerosmith were more influential to glam metal and hair bands than true glam rock of the 70s was

Hell no! Bowie alone has more influenced outside of Rock. Tyler definitely get the Heavy Metal/Hard Rock crowd but Bowie, Eno, Ferry, Bolan, Alex Harvey are an influencial bunch.

I hate how this album's getting too much attention now

Van Halen

It's been consistently one of the best selling and famous albums ever.
It's always been a 10. P4k are just now realizing it because they're so out of touch.